using NPZ, PlotlyJS function displayArray3(arr:: Array{UInt8, 3}) Plot(image(z=permutedims(arr, (1, 3, 2)), colormodel= size(arr, 1) == 3 ? "rgb" : size(arr, 1) ==4 ? "rgba" : error("the array should be of size (d, rows, cols), d=3, 4"))) end arr3c = npzread("images/arr3channels.npy") println("the type of array is $(typeof(arr3c))"*" and size: $(size(arr3c))") pl=displayArray3(arr3c) arr4c = npzread("images/arr4channels.npy") println("the type of array is $(typeof(arr4c))"*" and size: $(size(arr4c))") pl=displayArray3(arr4c) relayout!(pl, xaxis_visible=false, yaxis_visible=false) display(pl) using Images img1=load("images/sun-flower.jpg") img2 =load("images/circular-image.png") img = load("images/camera.png");# typeof(img), size(img) pl = Plot(heatmap(z=reinterpret(UInt8, img), colorscale=colors.grays1, showscale=false), Layout(width=500, height=500, yaxis_autorange="reversed"))