using PlotlyJS import StaticArrays:SVector, @SVector function distsq(A::SVector{2, T}, B::SVector{2, T}) where T <: Real return (A[1]-B[1])^2 + (A[2]-B[2])^2 end function grid_idxs(point:: SVector{2, T}, cellsize::T) where T <: Real """ Returns cell indices, (i,j)=(row, col) for `point` """ return ceil(Int, point[2] / cellsize) + 1, ceil(Int, point[1] / cellsize) + 1 end function ispoint_inrectangle(point::SVector{2, T}, rlims::Tuple{T, T}) where T <: Real """ Check whether a point is within the rectangle [0, rlims[1]] x [0, rlims[2]]; here rlims =(width, height) """ return (0 <= point[1] <= rlims[1]) && (0 <= point[2] <= rlims[2]) end function unif_sampling_annulus(center::SVector{2, T}, inner_rad::T, outer_rad::T; k=30) where T <: Real """ Samples uniformly k points from the annulus of center, `center`, and radii, inner_radius, outer_radius """ rad = sqrt.(inner_rad^2 .+ (outer_rad^2 - inner_rad^2)*rand(k)) angle = 2π * rand(k) x, y = center[1] .+ rad .* cos.(angle), center[2] .+ rad .*sin.(angle) return [@SVector([xi, yi]) for (xi, yi) in zip(x,y)] end function Poisson_disk_sampling(;width =1.0, height=1.0, radius=0.05, k=30) """ Bridson Algorithm to generate Poisson disk samples within a 2D rectangle, [0, width] x [0, height] Ref: R Bridson, Fast Poisson disk sampling in arbitrary dimensions, in SIGGRAPH '07: ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 sketches """ function is_accepted(point:: SVector{2, T}) where T <: Real """ Check whether the point, `point` can be added to the active_list """ i, j = grid_idxs(point, cellsize) m, n = maximum([i-2, 1]), maximum([j-2, 1]) p, q = minimum([i+2, grows]), minimum([j+2, gcols]) for k in n:q for l in m:p gpoint = grid[(k-1) * grows + l] if ismissing(gpoint) continue end if distsq(point, gpoint) <= r2 return false end end end return true end cellsize = radius/sqrt(2) gcols = ceil(Int, width / cellsize) + 1 grows = ceil(Int, height / cellsize) + 1 grid = Vector{Any}(missing, grows*gcols) r2 = radius*radius active_list = SVector{2, Float64}[] #generate a random point within the rectangle of interest # and insert it into the active_list and grid point = @SVector([width*rand(1)[1], height*rand(1)[1]]) push!(active_list, point) i, j = grid_idxs(point, cellsize) grid[(j-1)*grows+i] = point while length(active_list) > 0 i = rand(1:length(active_list), 1)[1] pt = active_list[i] active_list = active_list[1:end .!= i] #removes the point in pos i rpoints = unif_sampling_annulus(pt, radius, 2*radius; k=k) for rp in rpoints if !ispoint_inrectangle(rp, (width, height)) || !is_accepted(rp) continue end push!(active_list, rp) i, j = grid_idxs(rp, cellsize) grid[(j-1)*grows+i] = rp end end return filter(x->!ismissing(x), grid) end vector_of_samples = Poisson_disk_sampling(;width =5.0, height=3.0, radius=0.045, k=30) xcoords = [p[1] for p in vector_of_samples] ycoords = [p[2] for p in vector_of_samples] fig1 = Plot(scatter(x=xcoords, y=ycoords, mode="markers", marker_size=3), Layout(width=600, height=400, xaxis_showgrid=false, yaxis_showgrid=false)) display(fig1) vector_of_samples = Poisson_disk_sampling(;width=4.0, height=4.0, radius=0.05, k=30) #perform a translation of the default rectangle [0, width] x [0, height] to [3, 3+]x [-2, -2+height] xcoords = [p[1] for p in vector_of_samples] .+ 3.0 ycoords = [p[2] for p in vector_of_samples] .- 2.0 fig2 = Plot(scatter(x=xcoords, y=ycoords, mode="markers", marker_size=3), Layout(width=500, height=500, xaxis_showgrid=false, yaxis_showgrid=false, xaxis_zeroline=false, yaxis_zeroline=false )) display(fig2)