#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ## Deep learning workshop # "There's a lot more opportunity for ML than there is ML expertise in the world" (\*) - [Jeff Dean TF Summit 2018][jeff-quote] # # # # # # (\*) In the context of automating model creation and replacing ML expertise with more computations! # # [jeff-quote]:https://youtu.be/kSa3UObNS6o?t=23m30s # **Goals for today** # # * Experiment with deep learning in a visual way # * Learn more about basic building blocks # * Understand steps to build a network in PyTorch # **What we will build today** # # * Network that recognizes handwritten digits and drawings # * Create a deep model for your own task (webcam/other set of images) # **High-level questions** # # Start with # # * How do neural networks learn - building blocks # * How can they solve such complex tasks - main ideas # * How to build and train one in PyTorch - technical aspects # # Later today # # * How can they work with images - convnets # * Can we reuse what's been learned on other tasks - transfer learning # * What can go wrong - overfitting, interpretability # **Workshop material** # # Interactive notebooks to experiment with the material / write notes