#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #
# # # #
# # Components # # In this section a brieve overview will be done on each component in the framework. # All components will follow the same structure so they will all be able to use the same [Javascript](../11_javascript_framework.ipynb) and [CSS features](../01_CSS_Framework.ipynb). # # # # **Most of the documentation in the framework is extracted from [w3schools](https://www.w3schools.com/). Various links of this website is added to the documentation to ensure you can follow up quickly on more advanced topics and also that you can get the full documentation !** # # This framework is leverage as much as possible on the avialable documentation from all the different underlying modules and official ressources. In most of the cases the link used is added in the section related pages in the Python docstrings. # ## Basic Components # # Some of the component might not renderer correctly in the NBViewer, do not hesitate to create a dedicated notebook in Jupter or JupyterLab to test it. You can also download the core examples from [GitHub](https://github.com/epykure/epyk-templates) # # - [Buttons](01_button_basic.ipynb), tag to define a clickable button. # - [Title](titles.ipynb), tag to define report titles # - [text](02_text_basic.ipynb) # - [Input](03_input_basic.ipynb), HTML input types # - [Dates](04_input_basic.ipynb) # - [Field](05_field_basic.ipynb), predefined text fields # - [Icon](06_icon_basic.ipynb), tag to define HTML icons # - [Links](07_link_basic.ipynb), HTML hypertext links # - [select](08_select_basic.ipynb) # - [radio](09_radio_basic.ipynb) # - [list](10_list_basic.ipynb) # - [Trees](trees.ipynb) # # # ## Layout Components # # Some of the component might not renderer correctly in the NBViewer, do not hesitate to create a dedicated notebook in Jupter or JupyterLab to test it. You can also download the core examples from [GitHub](https://github.com/epykure/epyk-templates) # # - [grid](11_grid.ipynb) # - [panel](12_panel.ipynb) # - [Drawer](13_drawer.ipynb), bespoke drawers objects # - [banner](banner.ipynb) # - [popup](15_popup.ipynb) # - [container](16_container.ipynb) # - [table](../tables/table.ipynb) # # # ## Other Components # # Some of the component might not renderer correctly in the NBViewer, do not hesitate to create a dedicated notebook in Jupter or JupyterLab to test it. You can also download the core examples from [GitHub](https://github.com/epykure/epyk-templates) # # - [postit](16_postit.ipynb) # - [media](17_media.ipynb) # - [Stepper](18_stepper.ipynb), a HTML steps component # - [Chip](19_chip.ipynb), a filter component # - [Canvas](../charts/canvas.ipynb) # - [SVG](../charts/svg.ipynb), a container for SVG graphics. # - [image](22_image.ipynb) # - [vignet](23_vignet.ipynb) # # # ## Package specifics # # Some of the component might not renderer correctly in the NBViewer, do not hesitate to create a dedicated notebook in Jupter or JupyterLab to test it. You can also download the core examples from [GitHub](https://github.com/epykure/epyk-templates) # # ### Tables # # - [Tabulator](../tables/tabulator.ipynb) # - [Datatable](25_table_Datatable.ipynb) # - [Plotly](../tables/plotly.ipynb), Front-end for ML and data science models # - [D3](../tables/d3_table.ipynb), HTML Tables from D3 # - [Ag-Grid](29_table_aggrid.ipynb) # - [PivotTable](pivottable.ipynb), an open-source Javascript Pivot Table # # # ### Charts # # - [Plotly](../charts/plotly.ipynb) # - [ChartJs](../charts/ChartJs.ipynb): JS charting for designers & developers # - [Billboard](../charts/billboard.ipynb): Easy interface JS chart library # - [C3](../charts/c3.ipynb): Reusable chart library # - [DC CrossFilter](../charts/dc.ipynb): Dimensional Charting JS Library # - [NVD3](../charts/nvd3.ipynb): Re-usable charts for d3.js # - [D3](36_chart_D3.ipynb): Data-Driven Documents # - [Vis](../charts/vis.ipynb): A dynamic, browser based visualization library. # # # ### Geo location # # - [Plotly](../geo/plotly.ipynb) # - [DC CrossFilter](38_geo_CrossFilter.ipynb) # - [ChartJs](39_geo_ChartJs.ipynb) # # # ### Json # # - [Pretty Json](../packages/json.ipynb) # # ### Pyks # # - [Import/Export your objects using Pyks](../pyks/pyk_handling.ipynb) # # Running examples are also available on the [Epyk-template repository](https://github.com/epykure/epyk-templates). # # Go back to the Home page #
# Do not forget that this is a collaborative framework so do not hesitate to give feedbacks and like the different repository to get more visbility. # # Also any help is more than welcome !