#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # Contract details # ------------------- # In[1]: from ib_insync import * util.startLoop() import logging # util.logToConsole(logging.DEBUG) ib = IB() ib.connect('', 7497, clientId=11) # Suppose we want to find the contract details for AMD stock. # Let's create a stock object and request the details for it: # In[2]: amd = Stock('AMD') cds = ib.reqContractDetails(amd) len(cds) # We get a long list of contract details. Lets print the first one: # In[3]: cds[0] # The contract itself is in the 'contract' property of the contract details. Lets make a list of contracts and look at the first: # In[4]: contracts = [cd.contract for cd in cds] contracts[0] # To better spot the difference between all the contracts it's handy to convert to a DataFrame. There is a utility function to do that: # In[5]: util.df(contracts) # We can see from this that AMD trades in different currencies on different exchanges. # Suppose we want the one in USD on the SMART exchange. The AMD contract is adjusted to # reflect that and becomes unique: # In[6]: amd = Stock('AMD', 'SMART', 'USD') assert len(ib.reqContractDetails(amd)) == 1 # Lets try the same for Intel: # In[7]: intc = Stock('INTC', 'SMART', 'USD') assert len(ib.reqContractDetails(intc)) == 1 # Let's try a non-existing contract: # In[8]: xxx = Stock('XXX', 'SMART', 'USD') assert len(ib.reqContractDetails(xxx)) == 0 # or a Forex contract # In[9]: eurusd = Forex('EURUSD') assert len(ib.reqContractDetails(eurusd)) == 1 # With the ``qualifyContracts`` method the extra information that is send back # from the contract details request is used to fill in the original contracts. # # Lets do that with ``amd`` and compare before and aftwards: # In[10]: amd # In[11]: ib.qualifyContracts(amd) amd # **TIP:** When printing a contract, the output can be copy-pasted and it will be valid Python code. # # The ``conId`` that is returned can by itself be used to uniquely specify a contract: # In[12]: contract_4391 = Contract(conId=4391) ib.qualifyContracts(contract_4391) assert contract_4391 == amd # A whole bunch of contracts can be qualified at the same time. A list of all the successfull ones is returned: # In[13]: qualContracts = ib.qualifyContracts(amd, intc, xxx, eurusd) assert intc in qualContracts assert xxx not in qualContracts # There is also an API function to request stocks (only stocks) that match a pattern: # In[14]: matches = ib.reqMatchingSymbols('intc') matchContracts = [m.contract for m in matches] matches # In[15]: assert intc in matchContracts # In[16]: ib.disconnect()