import plotly.plotly as py import as tls from plotly.graph_objs import * trace1 = Scatter( x = ['07/11-07:59:40', '07/11-07:59:42', '07/11-07:59:50', '07/11-08:00:00'], y = ['10','20','5','15'] ) trace2 = Scatter( x = ['07/11-07:59:40', '07/11-07:59:43', '07/11-07:59:51', '07/11-08:00:00'], y = ['1','10','5','10'] ) data = Data([trace1, trace2]) fig = Figure(data= data) py.iplot(fig, filename='netflix_datetimes1') from datetime import datetime def convert_to_datetime(times): return [datetime.strptime(time+' 2014', '%m/%d-%X %Y') for time in times] # Note that we must the year to each datetime in order to fully define them trace1 = Scatter( x = convert_to_datetime(['07/11-07:59:40', '07/11-07:59:42', '07/11-07:59:50', '07/11-08:00:00']), y = ['10','20','5','15'] ) trace2 = Scatter( x = convert_to_datetime(['07/11-07:59:40', '07/11-07:59:43', '07/11-07:59:51', '07/11-08:00:00']), y = ['1','10','5','10'] ) data = Data([trace1, trace2]) fig = Figure(data= data) py.iplot(fig, filename='netflix_datetimes2') trace1 = Scatter( x = ['2014-07-11 07:59:40', '2014-07-11 07:59:42', '2014-07-11 07:59:50', '2014-07/11 08:00:00'], y = ['10','20','5','15'] ) trace2 = Scatter( x = ['2014-07-11 07:59:40', '2014-07-11 07:59:43', '2014-07-11 07:59:51', '2014-07-11 08:00:00'], y = ['1','10','5','10'] ) data = Data([trace1, trace2]) fig = Figure(data= data) py.iplot(fig, filename='netflix_datetimes3') from IPython.display import display, HTML import urllib2 url = '' display(HTML(urllib2.urlopen(url).read()))