require 'image'; itorch.image({image.lena(), image.lena(), image.lena()}) require 'nn' m=nn.SpatialConvolution(3,32,25,25) itorch.image(m.weight)'volkswagen.mp3')'small.mp4') itorch.html('

Hi there! this is arbitrary HTML

'); x1 = torch.randn(40):mul(100) y1 = torch.randn(40):mul(100) x2 = torch.randn(40):mul(100) y2 = torch.randn(40):mul(100) x3 = torch.randn(40):mul(200) y3 = torch.randn(40):mul(200) Plot = require 'itorch.Plot' ?torch.cmul plot = Plot():circle(x1, y1, 'red', 'hi'):circle(x2, y2, 'blue', 'bye'):draw() plot:circle(x3,y3,'green', 'yolo'):redraw() plot:title('Scatter Plot Demo'):redraw() plot:xaxis('length'):yaxis('width'):redraw() plot:legend(true) plot:redraw() -- line plots plot = Plot():line(x1, y1,'red','example'):legend(true):title('Line Plot Demo'):draw() -- segment plots plot = Plot():segment(x1, y1, x1+10,y1+10, 'red','demo'):title('Segment Plot Demo'):draw() -- quiver plots xx = torch.linspace(-3,3,10) yy = torch.linspace(-3,3,10) local function meshgrid(x,y) local xx = torch.repeatTensor(x, y:size(1),1) local yy = torch.repeatTensor(y:view(-1,1), 1, x:size(1)) return xx, yy end Y, X = meshgrid(xx, yy) U = -torch.pow(X,2) + Y -1 V = X - torch.pow(Y,2) +1 plot = Plot():quiver(U,V,'red','',10):title('Quiver Plot Demo'):draw() -- quads/rectangles x1=torch.randn(10) y1=torch.randn(10) plot = Plot():quad(x1,y1,x1+1,y1+1,'red',''):draw() -- histogram x = torch.rand(10000) lx = torch.log(x):add(1) plot = Plot():histogram(x):histogram(lx):title('Histogram of a gaussian draw'):draw() -- group scatter x = torch.randn(200); y = torch.randn(200); x:narrow(1, 1, 100):add(2); labels = torch.LongTensor(200):zero(); labels:add(1); labels:narrow(1, 1, 100):add(1) itorch.Plot():gscatter(x, y):title('Scatter plot without labels'):draw() itorch.Plot():gscatter(x, y, labels):title('Scatter plot with labels and legend #1'):legend(true):draw() itorch.Plot():gscatter(x, y, labels, true):title('Scatter plot with labels and legend #2'):draw() itorch.Plot():gscatter(x, y, labels, false):title('Scatter plot with labels and no legend'):draw() -- Text method to plot local t = torch.Tensor local y = t(10) local x = t(y:size()):zero() local labels = {} for i = 1, 10 do y[i] = i labels[i] = tostring(i) end itorch.Plot():gscatter(x, y) :text(x, y, labels, y, 'black') :triangle(x, y, 'blue') :draw() -- hover tool local t = torch.Tensor local y = t(10) local x = t(y:size()):zero() local labels = {} for i = 1, 10 do y[i] = i labels[i] = tostring(i) end itorch.Plot() :circle(x, y, 'red', nil, {foo=labels}) :hover_tool({{'xy', '@x @y'}, {'foo', '@foo'}}) :draw()