#hide #default_exp test from nbdev.showdoc import show_doc #export from nbdev.imports import * from nbdev.sync import * from nbdev.export import * from nbdev.export import _mk_flag_re from nbdev.export2html import _re_notebook2script from fastcore.script import * from nbconvert.preprocessors import ExecutePreprocessor import nbformat #export class _ReTstFlags(): "Test flag matching regular expressions" def __init__(self, all_flag): "match flags applied to all cells?" self.all_flag = all_flag def _deferred_init(self): "Compile at first use but not before since patterns need `Config().tst_flags`" if hasattr(self, '_re'): return tst_flags = Config().get('tst_flags', '') tst_flags += f'|skip' if tst_flags else 'skip' _re_all = 'all_' if self.all_flag else '' self._re = _mk_flag_re(f"{_re_all}({tst_flags})", 0, "Any line with a test flag") def findall(self, source): self._deferred_init() return self._re.findall(source) def search(self, source): self._deferred_init() return self._re.search(source) #export _re_all_flag = _ReTstFlags(True) #export def get_all_flags(cells): "Check for all test flags in `cells`" result = [] for cell in cells: if cell['cell_type'] == 'code': result.extend(_re_all_flag.findall(cell['source'])) return set(result) nb = read_nb("04_test.ipynb") assert get_all_flags(nb['cells']) == set() #hide tst_flags_bck=Config().get('tst_flags') try: Config()['tst_flags'] = 'fastai|vslow' if hasattr(_re_all_flag, '_re'): del _re_all_flag._re cells = [{'cell_type': cell_type, 'source': source} for cell_type, source in [ ('code', '# export\nfrom local.core import *'), ('markdown', '# title of some kind'), ('code', '# all_vslow \n# all_fastai'), ('code', '#all_vslow\n# all_fastai'), ('code', '#all_vslow\n#all_skip'), ('code', '# all_fastai'), ('code', '#all_fastai\n')]] for i in range(3): test_eq(set(['vslow','fastai','skip']), get_all_flags(cells)) cells.pop(2) for i in range(2): test_eq(set(['fastai']), get_all_flags(cells)) cells.pop(2) test_eq(set(), get_all_flags(cells)) finally: Config()['tst_flags'] = tst_flags_bck del _re_all_flag._re #export _re_flags = _ReTstFlags(False) #export def get_cell_flags(cell): "Check for any special test flag in `cell`" if cell['cell_type'] != 'code' or len(Config().get('tst_flags',''))==0: return [] return _re_flags.findall(cell['source']) test_eq(get_cell_flags({'cell_type': 'code', 'source': "#hide\n"}), []) #hide from nbformat.v4 import new_code_cell for expected, flag in [(['fastai'], 'fastai'), ([], 'vslow')]: test_eq(expected, get_cell_flags(new_code_cell(f"#hide\n# {flag}\n"))) test_eq(expected, get_cell_flags(new_code_cell(f"# {flag}\n#hide\n"))) test_eq(expected, get_cell_flags(new_code_cell(f"#{flag}\n#hide\n"))) test_eq([], get_cell_flags(new_code_cell("#hide\n"))) test_eq([], get_cell_flags(new_code_cell(f"# all_{flag}"))) test_eq([], get_cell_flags(new_code_cell(f"#all_{flag}"))) tst_flags_bck=Config().get('tst_flags') try: Config()['tst_flags'] = 'fastai|vslow' del _re_flags._re test_eq(['vslow'], get_cell_flags(new_code_cell(f"#hide\n# vslow\n"))) test_eq(['vslow'], get_cell_flags(new_code_cell(f"#hide\n#vslow\n"))) test_eq(['vslow', 'fastai'], get_cell_flags(new_code_cell(f"#hide\n# vslow\n# fastai"))) test_eq(['fastai', 'vslow'], get_cell_flags(new_code_cell(f"#fastai\n#vslow"))) finally: Config()['tst_flags'] = tst_flags_bck del _re_flags._re #export class NoExportPreprocessor(ExecutePreprocessor): "An `ExecutePreprocessor` that executes cells that don't have a flag in `flags`" def __init__(self, flags, **kwargs): self.flags = flags super().__init__(**kwargs) def preprocess_cell(self, cell, resources, index): if 'source' not in cell or cell['cell_type'] != "code": return cell, resources for f in get_cell_flags(cell): if f not in self.flags: return cell, resources if check_re(cell, _re_notebook2script): return cell, resources return super().preprocess_cell(cell, resources, index) #export def test_nb(fn, flags=None): "Execute tests in notebook in `fn` with `flags`" os.environ["IN_TEST"] = '1' if flags is None: flags = [] try: nb = read_nb(fn) for f in get_all_flags(nb['cells']): if f not in flags: return ep = NoExportPreprocessor(flags, timeout=600, kernel_name='python3') pnb = nbformat.from_dict(nb) ep.preprocess(pnb) finally: os.environ.pop("IN_TEST") test_nb('index.ipynb') #export def _test_one(fname, flags=None, verbose=True): print(f"testing {fname}") start = time.time() try: test_nb(fname, flags=flags) return True,time.time()-start except Exception as e: if "ZMQError" in str(e): _test_one(item, flags=flags, verbose=verbose) if verbose: print(f'Error in {fname}:\n{e}') return False,time.time()-start #export @call_parse def nbdev_test_nbs(fname:Param("A notebook name or glob to convert", str)=None, flags:Param("Space separated list of flags", str)=None, n_workers:Param("Number of workers to use", int)=None, verbose:Param("Print errors along the way", bool)=True, timing:Param("Timing each notebook to see the ones are slow", bool)=False, pause:Param("Pause time (in secs) between notebooks to avoid race conditions", float)=0.5): "Test in parallel the notebooks matching `fname`, passing along `flags`" if flags is not None: flags = flags.split(' ') files = nbglob(fname) files = [Path(f).absolute() for f in sorted(files)] if n_workers is None: n_workers = 0 if len(files)==1 else min(num_cpus(), 8) # make sure we are inside the notebook folder of the project os.chdir(Config().path("nbs_path")) results = parallel(_test_one, files, flags=flags, verbose=verbose, n_workers=n_workers, pause=pause) passed,times = [r[0] for r in results],[r[1] for r in results] if all(passed): print("All tests are passing!") else: msg = "The following notebooks failed:\n" raise Exception(msg + '\n'.join([f.name for p,f in zip(passed,files) if not p])) if timing: for i,t in sorted(enumerate(times), key=lambda o:o[1], reverse=True): print(f"Notebook {files[i].name} took {int(t)} seconds") #export @call_parse def nbdev_read_nbs(fname:Param("A notebook name or glob to convert", str)=None): "Check all notebooks matching `fname` can be opened" files = Config().path("nbs_path").glob('**/*.ipynb') if fname is None else glob.glob(fname) for nb in files: try: _ = read_nb(nb) except Exception as e: print(f"{nb} is corrupted and can't be opened.") raise e #hide from nbdev.export import * notebook2script()