#default_exp export
#default_cls_lvl 3
from nbdev.showdoc import show_doc
from nbdev.imports import *
from fastcore.script import *
from fastcore.foundation import *
from keyword import iskeyword
import nbformat
show_doc(Config, title_level=3)
create_config("github", "nbdev", user='fastai', path='..', tst_flags='tst', cfg_name='test_settings.ini', recursive='False')
cfg = get_config(cfg_name='test_settings.ini')
test_eq(cfg.lib_name, 'nbdev')
test_eq(cfg.git_url, "https://github.com/fastai/nbdev/tree/master/")
test_eq(cfg.path("lib_path"), Path.cwd().parent/'nbdev')
test_eq(cfg.path("nbs_path"), Path.cwd())
test_eq(cfg.path("doc_path"), Path.cwd().parent/'docs')
test_eq(cfg.custom_sidebar, 'False')
test_eq(cfg.recursive, 'False')
def read_nb(fname):
"Read the notebook in `fname`."
with open(Path(fname),'r', encoding='utf8') as f: return nbformat.reads(f.read(), as_version=4)
test_nb = read_nb('00_export.ipynb')
def check_re(cell, pat, code_only=True):
"Check if `cell` contains a line with regex `pat`"
if code_only and cell['cell_type'] != 'code': return
if isinstance(pat, str): pat = re.compile(pat, re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE)
cell_source = cell['source'].replace('\r', '') # Eliminate \r\n
result = pat.search(cell_source)
return result
cell = test_nb['cells'][1].copy()
assert check_re(cell, '#export') is not None
assert check_re(cell, re.compile('#export')) is not None
assert check_re(cell, '# bla') is None
cell['cell_type'] = 'markdown'
assert check_re(cell, '#export') is None
assert check_re(cell, '#export', code_only=False) is not None
def check_re_multi(cell, pats, code_only=True):
"Check if `cell` contains a line matching any regex in `pats`, returning the first match found"
return L(pats).map_first(partial(check_re, cell, code_only=code_only))
cell = test_nb['cells'][0].copy()
cell['source'] = "a b c"
assert check_re(cell, 'a') is not None
assert check_re(cell, 'd') is None
# show that searching with patterns ['d','b','a'] will match 'b'
# i.e. 'd' is not found and we don't search for 'a'
assert check_re_multi(cell, ['d','b','a']).span() == (2,3)
def _mk_flag_re(body, n_params, comment):
"Compiles a regex for finding nbdev flags"
assert body!=True, 'magics no longer supported'
prefix = r"\s*\#\s*"
param_group = ""
if n_params == -1: param_group = r"[ \t]+(.+)"
if n_params == 1: param_group = r"[ \t]+(\S+)"
if n_params == (0,1): param_group = r"(?:[ \t]+(\S+))?"
return re.compile(rf"""
# {comment}:
^ # beginning of line (since re.MULTILINE is passed)
[ \t]* # any number of spaces and/or tabs
$ # end of line (since re.MULTILINE is passed)
re_blank_test = _mk_flag_re('export[si]?', 0, "test")
re_mod_test = _mk_flag_re('export[si]?', 1, "test")
re_opt_test = _mk_flag_re('export[si]?', (0,1), "test")
for f in ['export', 'exports', 'exporti']:
cell = nbformat.v4.new_code_cell(f'#{f} \n some code')
assert check_re(cell, re_blank_test) is not None
assert check_re(cell, re_mod_test) is None
assert check_re(cell, re_opt_test) is not None
test_eq(check_re(cell, re_opt_test).groups()[0], None)
cell.source = f'#{f} special.module \n some code'
assert check_re(cell, re_blank_test) is None
assert check_re(cell, re_mod_test) is not None
test_eq(check_re(cell, re_mod_test).groups()[0], 'special.module')
assert check_re(cell, re_opt_test) is not None
test_eq(check_re(cell, re_opt_test).groups()[0], 'special.module')
_re_blank_export = _mk_flag_re("export[si]?", 0,
"Matches any line with #export, #exports or #exporti without any module name")
_re_mod_export = _mk_flag_re("export[si]?", 1,
"Matches any line with #export, #exports or #exporti with a module name and catches it in group 1")
_re_internal_export = _mk_flag_re("exporti", (0,1),
"Matches any line with #exporti with or without a module name")
def _is_external_export(tst):
"Check if a cell is an external or internal export. `tst` is an re match"
return _re_internal_export.search(tst.string) is None
def is_export(cell, default):
"Check if `cell` is to be exported and returns the name of the module to export it if provided"
tst = check_re(cell, _re_blank_export)
if tst:
if default is None:
print(f"No export destination, ignored:\n{cell['source']}")
return default, _is_external_export(tst)
tst = check_re(cell, _re_mod_export)
if tst: return os.path.sep.join(tst.groups()[0].split('.')), _is_external_export(tst)
else: return None
cell = test_nb['cells'][1].copy()
test_eq(is_export(cell, 'export'), ('export', True))
cell['source'] = "# exports"
test_eq(is_export(cell, 'export'), ('export', True))
cell['source'] = "# exporti"
test_eq(is_export(cell, 'export'), ('export', False))
cell['source'] = "# export mod"
test_eq(is_export(cell, 'export'), ('mod', True))
cell['source'] = "# export mod.file"
test_eq(is_export(cell, 'export'), (f'mod{os.path.sep}file', True))
cell['source'] = "# exporti mod.file"
test_eq(is_export(cell, 'export'), (f'mod{os.path.sep}file', False))
cell['source'] = "# expt mod.file"
assert is_export(cell, 'export') is None
cell['source'] = "# exportmod.file"
assert is_export(cell, 'export') is None
cell['source'] = "# exportsmod.file"
assert is_export(cell, 'export') is None
cell['source'] = "# exporti mod file"
assert is_export(cell, 'export') is None
_re_default_exp = _mk_flag_re('default_exp', 1, "Matches any line with #default_exp with a module name")
def find_default_export(cells):
"Find in `cells` the default export module."
res = L(cells).map_first(check_re, pat=_re_default_exp)
return res.groups()[0] if res else None
test_eq(find_default_export(test_nb['cells']), 'export')
assert find_default_export(test_nb['cells'][2:]) is None
mods = [f'mod{i}' for i in range(3)]
cells = [{'cell_type': 'code', 'source': f'#default_exp {mod}'} for mod in mods]
for i, mod in enumerate(mods): test_eq(mod, find_default_export(cells[i:]))
_re_patch_func = re.compile(r"""
# Catches any function decorated with @patch, its name in group 1 and the patched class in group 2
@patch # At any place in the cell, something that begins with @patch
(?:\s*@.*)* # Any other decorator applied to the function
\s*def # Any number of whitespace (including a new line probably) followed by def
\s+ # One whitespace or more
([^\(\s]+) # Catch a group composed of anything but whitespace or an opening parenthesis (name of the function)
\s*\( # Any number of whitespace followed by an opening parenthesis
[^:]* # Any number of character different of : (the name of the first arg that is type-annotated)
:\s* # A column followed by any number of whitespace
(?: # Non-catching group with either
([^,\s\(\)]*) # a group composed of anything but a comma, a parenthesis or whitespace (name of the class)
| # or
(\([^\)]*\))) # a group composed of something between parenthesis (tuple of classes)
\s* # Any number of whitespace
(?:,|\)) # Non-catching group with either a comma or a closing parenthesis
""", re.VERBOSE)
tst = _re_patch_func.search("""
def func(obj:Class):""")
tst, tst.groups()
tst = _re_patch_func.search("""
def func(obj:Class):""")
test_eq(tst.groups(), ("func", "Class", None))
tst = _re_patch_func.search("""
def func (obj:Class, a)""")
test_eq(tst.groups(), ("func", "Class", None))
tst = _re_patch_func.search("""
def func (obj:(Class1, Class2), a)""")
test_eq(tst.groups(), ("func", None, "(Class1, Class2)"))
tst = _re_patch_func.search("""
def func (obj:(Class1, Class2), a:int)->int:""")
test_eq(tst.groups(), ("func", None, "(Class1, Class2)"))
tst = _re_patch_func.search("""
def func (obj:(Class1, Class2), a:int)->int:""")
test_eq(tst.groups(), ("func", None, "(Class1, Class2)"))
tst = _re_patch_func.search("""
def func (obj:Class, a:int)->int:""")
test_eq(tst.groups(), ("func", "Class", None))
_re_typedispatch_func = re.compile(r"""
# Catches any function decorated with @typedispatch
(@typedispatch # At any place in the cell, catch a group with something that begins with @typedispatch
\s*def # Any number of whitespace (including a new line probably) followed by def
\s+ # One whitespace or more
[^\(]+ # Anything but whitespace or an opening parenthesis (name of the function)
\s*\( # Any number of whitespace followed by an opening parenthesis
[^\)]* # Any number of character different of )
\)[\s\S]*:) # A closing parenthesis followed by any number of characters and whitespace (type annotation) and :
""", re.VERBOSE)
assert _re_typedispatch_func.search("@typedispatch\ndef func(a, b):").groups() == ('@typedispatch\ndef func(a, b):',)
assert (_re_typedispatch_func.search("@typedispatch\ndef func(a:str, b:bool)->int:").groups() ==
('@typedispatch\ndef func(a:str, b:bool)->int:',))
_re_class_func_def = re.compile(r"""
# Catches any 0-indented function or class definition with its name in group 1
^ # Beginning of a line (since re.MULTILINE is passed)
(?:async\sdef|def|class) # Non-catching group for def or class
\s+ # One whitespace or more
([^\(\s]+) # Catching group with any character except an opening parenthesis or a whitespace (name)
\s* # Any number of whitespace
(?:\(|:) # Non-catching group with either an opening parenthesis or a : (classes don't need ())
test_eq(_re_class_func_def.search("class Class:").groups(), ('Class',))
test_eq(_re_class_func_def.search("def func(a, b):").groups(), ('func',))
test_eq(_re_class_func_def.search("def func(a:str, b:bool)->int:").groups(), ('func',))
test_eq(_re_class_func_def.search("async def func(a, b):").groups(), ('func',))
_re_obj_def = re.compile(r"""
# Catches any 0-indented object definition (bla = thing) with its name in group 1
^ # Beginning of a line (since re.MULTILINE is passed)
([_a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]*) # Catch a group which is a valid python variable name
\s* # Any number of whitespace
(?::\s*\S.*|)= # Non-catching group of either a colon followed by a type annotation, or nothing; followed by an =
test_eq(_re_obj_def.search("a = 1").groups(), ('a',))
test_eq(_re_obj_def.search("a.b = 1").groups(), ('a.b',))
test_eq(_re_obj_def.search("_aA1=1").groups(), ('_aA1',))
test_eq(_re_obj_def.search("a : int =1").groups(), ('a',))
test_eq(_re_obj_def.search("a:f(':=')=1").groups(), ('a',))
assert _re_obj_def.search("@abc=2") is None
assert _re_obj_def.search("a a=2") is None
def _not_private(n):
for t in n.split('.'):
if (t.startswith('_') and not t.startswith('__')) or t.startswith('@'): return False
return '\\' not in t and '^' not in t and '[' not in t and t != 'else'
def export_names(code, func_only=False):
"Find the names of the objects, functions or classes defined in `code` that are exported."
#Format monkey-patches with @patch
def _f(gps):
nm, cls, t = gps.groups()
if cls is not None: return f"def {cls}.{nm}():"
return '\n'.join([f"def {c}.{nm}():" for c in re.split(', *', t[1:-1])])
code = _re_typedispatch_func.sub('', code)
code = _re_patch_func.sub(_f, code)
names = _re_class_func_def.findall(code)
if not func_only: names += _re_obj_def.findall(code)
return [n for n in names if _not_private(n) and not iskeyword(n)]
test_eq(export_names("def my_func(x):\n pass\nclass MyClass():"), ["my_func", "MyClass"])
#Indented funcs are ignored (funcs inside a class)
test_eq(export_names(" def my_func(x):\n pass\nclass MyClass():"), ["MyClass"])
#Private funcs are ignored, dunder are not
test_eq(export_names("def _my_func():\n pass\nclass MyClass():"), ["MyClass"])
test_eq(export_names("__version__ = 1:\n pass\nclass MyClass():"), ["MyClass", "__version__"])
#trailing spaces
test_eq(export_names("def my_func ():\n pass\nclass MyClass():"), ["my_func", "MyClass"])
#class without parenthesis
test_eq(export_names("def my_func ():\n pass\nclass MyClass:"), ["my_func", "MyClass"])
#object and funcs
test_eq(export_names("def my_func ():\n pass\ndefault_bla=[]:"), ["my_func", "default_bla"])
test_eq(export_names("def my_func ():\n pass\ndefault_bla=[]:", func_only=True), ["my_func"])
#Private objects are ignored
test_eq(export_names("def my_func ():\n pass\n_default_bla = []:"), ["my_func"])
#Objects with dots are privates if one part is private
test_eq(export_names("def my_func ():\n pass\ndefault.bla = []:"), ["my_func", "default.bla"])
test_eq(export_names("def my_func ():\n pass\ndefault._bla = []:"), ["my_func"])
#Monkey-path with @patch are properly renamed
test_eq(export_names("@patch\ndef my_func(x:Class):\n pass"), ["Class.my_func"])
test_eq(export_names("@patch\ndef my_func(x:Class):\n pass", func_only=True), ["Class.my_func"])
test_eq(export_names("some code\n@patch\ndef my_func(x:Class, y):\n pass"), ["Class.my_func"])
test_eq(export_names("some code\n@patch\ndef my_func(x:(Class1,Class2), y):\n pass"), ["Class1.my_func", "Class2.my_func"])
#Check delegates
test_eq(export_names("@delegates(keep=True)\nclass someClass:\n pass"), ["someClass"])
#Typedispatch decorated functions shouldn't be added
test_eq(export_names("@patch\ndef my_func(x:Class):\n pass\n@typedispatch\ndef func(x: TensorImage): pass"), ["Class.my_func"])
#try, except and other keywords should not be picked up (these can look like object def with type annotation)
test_eq(export_names("try:\n a=1\nexcept:\n b=2"), [])
test_eq(export_names("try:\n this_might_work\nexcept:\n b=2"), [])
_re_all_def = re.compile(r"""
# Catches a cell with defines \_all\_ = [\*\*] and get that \*\* in group 1
^_all_ # Beginning of line (since re.MULTILINE is passed)
\s*=\s* # Any number of whitespace, =, any number of whitespace
\[ # Opening [
([^\n\]]*) # Catching group with anything except a ] or newline
\] # Closing ]
#Same with __all__
_re__all__def = re.compile(r'^__all__\s*=\s*\[([^\]]*)\]', re.MULTILINE)
def extra_add(flags, code):
"Catch adds to `__all__` required by a cell with `_all_=`"
m = check_re({'source': code}, _re_all_def, False)
if m:
code = m.re.sub('#nbdev_' + 'comment \g<0>', code)
code = re.sub(r'([^\n]|^)\n*$', r'\1', code)
if not m: return [], code
def clean_quotes(s):
"Return `s` enclosed in single quotes, removing double quotes if needed"
if s.startswith("'") and s.endswith("'"): return s
if s.startswith('"') and s.endswith('"'): s = s[1:-1]
return f"'{s}'"
return [clean_quotes(s) for s in parse_line(m.group(1))], code
for code, expected in [
['_all_ = ["func", "func1", "func2"]',
(["'func'", "'func1'", "'func2'"],'#nbdev_comment _all_ = ["func", "func1", "func2"]')],
['_all_=[func, func1, func2]',
(["'func'", "'func1'", "'func2'"],'#nbdev_comment _all_=[func, func1, func2]')],
["_all_ = ['func', 'func1', 'func2']",
(["'func'", "'func1'", "'func2'"],"#nbdev_comment _all_ = ['func', 'func1', 'func2']")],
['_all_ = ["func", "func1" , "func2"]',
(["'func'", "'func1'", "'func2'"],'#nbdev_comment _all_ = ["func", "func1" , "func2"]')],
["_all_ = ['func','func1', 'func2']\n",
(["'func'", "'func1'", "'func2'"],"#nbdev_comment _all_ = ['func','func1', 'func2']")],
["_all_ = ['func']\n_all_ = ['func1', 'func2']\n",
(["'func'"],"#nbdev_comment _all_ = ['func']\n#nbdev_comment _all_ = ['func1', 'func2']")],
['code\n\n_all_ = ["func", "func1", "func2"]',
(["'func'", "'func1'", "'func2'"],'code\n\n#nbdev_comment _all_ = ["func", "func1", "func2"]')],
['code\n\n_all_ = [func]\nmore code',
(["'func'"],'code\n\n#nbdev_comment _all_ = [func]\nmore code')]]:
test_eq(extra_add('', code), expected)
# line breaks within the list of names means _all_ is ignored
test_eq(extra_add('', "_all_ = ['func',\n'func1', 'func2']\n"), ([],"_all_ = ['func',\n'func1', 'func2']\n"))
_re_from_future_import = re.compile(r"^from[ \t]+__future__[ \t]+import.*$", re.MULTILINE)
def _from_future_import(fname, flags, code, to_dict=None):
"Write `__future__` imports to `fname` and return `code` with `__future__` imports commented out"
from_future_imports = _re_from_future_import.findall(code)
if from_future_imports: code = _re_from_future_import.sub('#nbdev' + '_comment \g<0>', code)
else: from_future_imports = _re_from_future_import.findall(flags)
if not from_future_imports or to_dict is not None: return code
with open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: text = f.read()
start = _re__all__def.search(text).start()
with open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
f.write('\n'.join([text[:start], *from_future_imports, '\n', text[start:]]))
return code
txt = """
# AUTOHEADER ... File to edit: mod.ipynb (unless otherwise specified).
__all__ = [my_file, MyClas]
# Cell
def valid_code(): pass"""
expected_txt = """
# AUTOHEADER ... File to edit: mod.ipynb (unless otherwise specified).
from __future__ import annotations
from __future__ import generator_stop
__all__ = [my_file, MyClas]
# Cell
def valid_code(): pass"""
flags="# export"
code = """
# comment
from __future__ import annotations
valid_code = False # but _from_future_import will work anyway
from __future__ import generator_stop
from __future__ import not_zero_indented
valid_code = True
expected_code = """
# comment
#nbdev_comment from __future__ import annotations
valid_code = False # but _from_future_import will work anyway
#nbdev_comment from __future__ import generator_stop
from __future__ import not_zero_indented
valid_code = True
def _run_from_future_import_test():
fname = 'test_from_future_import.txt'
with open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write(txt)
actual_code=_from_future_import(fname, flags, code, {})
test_eq(expected_code, actual_code)
with open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: test_eq(f.read(), txt)
actual_code=_from_future_import(fname, flags, code)
test_eq(expected_code, actual_code)
with open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: test_eq(f.read(), expected_txt)
flags="""from __future__ import annotations
from __future__ import generator_stop
code = ""
expected_code = ""
fname = 'test_from_future_import.txt'
def _add2all(fname, names, line_width=120):
if len(names) == 0: return
with open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: text = f.read()
tw = TextWrapper(width=120, initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=' '*11, break_long_words=False)
re_all = _re__all__def.search(text)
start,end = re_all.start(),re_all.end()
text_all = tw.wrap(f"{text[start:end-1]}{'' if text[end-2]=='[' else ', '}{', '.join(names)}]")
with open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write(text[:start] + '\n'.join(text_all) + text[end:])
fname = 'test_add.txt'
with open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write("Bla\n__all__ = [my_file, MyClas]\nBli")
_add2all(fname, ['new_function'])
with open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f:
test_eq(f.read(), "Bla\n__all__ = [my_file, MyClas, new_function]\nBli")
_add2all(fname, [f'new_function{i}' for i in range(10)])
with open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f:
test_eq(f.read(), """Bla
__all__ = [my_file, MyClas, new_function, new_function0, new_function1, new_function2, new_function3, new_function4,
new_function5, new_function6, new_function7, new_function8, new_function9]
def relative_import(name, fname):
"Convert a module `name` to a name relative to `fname`"
mods = name.split('.')
splits = str(fname).split(os.path.sep)
if mods[0] not in splits: return name
while i>0 and splits[i] != mods[0]: i-=1
splits = splits[i:]
while len(mods)>0 and splits[0] == mods[0]: splits,mods = splits[1:],mods[1:]
return '.' * (len(splits)) + '.'.join(mods)
test_eq(relative_import('nbdev.core', Path.cwd()/'nbdev'/'data.py'), '.core')
test_eq(relative_import('nbdev.core', Path('nbdev')/'vision'/'data.py'), '..core')
test_eq(relative_import('nbdev.vision.transform', Path('nbdev')/'vision'/'data.py'), '.transform')
test_eq(relative_import('nbdev.notebook.core', Path('nbdev')/'data'/'external.py'), '..notebook.core')
test_eq(relative_import('nbdev.vision', Path('nbdev')/'vision'/'learner.py'), '.')
_re_import = ReLibName(r'^(\s*)from (LIB_NAME\.\S*) import (.*)$')
def _deal_import(code_lines, fname):
def _replace(m):
sp,mod,obj = m.groups()
return f"{sp}from {relative_import(mod, fname)} import {obj}"
return [_re_import.re.sub(_replace,line) for line in code_lines]
lines = ["from nbdev.core import *",
"nothing to see",
" from nbdev.vision import bla1, bla2",
"from nbdev.vision import models",
"import nbdev.vision"]
test_eq(_deal_import(lines, Path.cwd()/'nbdev'/'data.py'), [
"from .core import *",
"nothing to see",
" from .vision import bla1, bla2",
"from .vision import models",
"import nbdev.vision"
_re_index_custom = re.compile(r'def custom_doc_links\(name\):(.*)$', re.DOTALL)
def reset_nbdev_module():
"Create a skeleton for _nbdev
fname = get_config().path("lib_path")/'_nbdev.py'
fname.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
sep = '\n'* (int(get_config().get('cell_spacing', '1'))+1)
if fname.is_file():
with open(fname, 'r') as f: search = _re_index_custom.search(f.read())
else: search = None
prev_code = search.groups()[0] if search is not None else ' return None\n'
with open(fname, 'w') as f:
f.write('\n\n__all__ = ["index", "modules", "custom_doc_links", "git_url"]')
f.write('\n\nindex = {}')
f.write('\n\nmodules = []')
f.write(f'\n\ndoc_url = "{get_config().doc_host}{get_config().doc_baseurl}"')
f.write(f'\n\ngit_url = "{get_config().git_url}"')
f.write(f'{sep}def custom_doc_links(name):{prev_code}')
class _EmptyModule():
def __init__(self):
self.index,self.modules = {},[]
self.doc_url,self.git_url = f"{get_config().doc_host}{get_config().doc_baseurl}",get_config().git_url
def custom_doc_links(self, name): return None
def get_nbdev_module():
"Reads _nbdev
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(f"{get_config().lib_name}._nbdev", get_config().path("lib_path")/'_nbdev.py')
mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
return mod
except: return _EmptyModule()
_re_index_idx = re.compile(r'index\s*=\s*{[^}]*}')
_re_index_mod = re.compile(r'modules\s*=\s*\[[^\]]*\]')
def save_nbdev_module(mod):
"Save `mod` inside _nbdev
fname = get_config().path("lib_path")/'_nbdev.py'
with open(fname, 'r') as f: code = f.read()
t = r',\n '.join([f'"{k}": "{v}"' for k,v in mod.index.items()])
code = _re_index_idx.sub("index = {"+ t +"}", code)
t = r',\n '.join(['"' + f.replace('\\','/') + '"' for f in mod.modules])
code = _re_index_mod.sub(f"modules = [{t}]", code)
with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(code)
ind,ind_bak = get_config().path("lib_path")/'_nbdev.py',get_config().path("lib_path")/'_nbdev.bak'
if ind.exists(): shutil.move(ind, ind_bak)
mod = get_nbdev_module()
test_eq(mod.index, {})
test_eq(mod.modules, [])
mod.index = {'foo':'bar'}
mod = get_nbdev_module()
test_eq(mod.index, {'foo':'bar'})
test_eq(mod.modules, ['lala.bla'])
if ind_bak.exists(): shutil.move(ind_bak, ind)
def split_flags_and_code(cell, return_type=list):
"Splits the `source` of a cell into 2 parts and returns (flags, code)"
source_str = cell['source'].replace('\r', '')
code_lines = source_str.split('\n')
split_pos = 0 if code_lines[0].strip().startswith('#') else -1
for i, line in enumerate(code_lines):
if not line.startswith('#') and line.strip() and not _re_from_future_import.match(line): break
res = code_lines[:split_pos], code_lines[split_pos:]
if return_type is list: return res
return tuple('\n'.join(r) for r in res)
def _test_split_flags_and_code(expected_flags, expected_code):
cell = nbformat.v4.new_code_cell('\n'.join(expected_flags + expected_code))
test_eq((expected_flags, expected_code), split_flags_and_code(cell))
expected=('\n'.join(expected_flags), '\n'.join(expected_code))
test_eq(expected, split_flags_and_code(cell, str))
['# TODO: write this function',
'def func(x): pass'])
def create_mod_file(fname, nb_path, bare=False):
"Create a module file for `fname`."
bare = str(get_config().get('bare', bare)) == 'True'
fname.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
file_path = os.path.relpath(nb_path, get_config().config_file.parent).replace('\\', '/')
with open(fname, 'w') as f:
if not bare: f.write(f"# AUTOGENERATED! DO NOT EDIT! File to edit: {file_path} (unless otherwise specified).")
f.write('\n\n__all__ = []')
def create_mod_files(files, to_dict=False, bare=False):
"Create mod files for default exports found in `files`"
modules = []
for f in sorted(files):
fname = Path(f)
nb = read_nb(fname)
default = find_default_export(nb['cells'])
if default is not None:
default = os.path.sep.join(default.split('.'))
if not to_dict:
create_mod_file(get_config().path("lib_path")/f'{default}.py', get_config().path("nbs_path")/f'{fname}', bare=bare)
return modules
def _notebook2script(fname, modules, silent=False, to_dict=None, bare=False):
"Finds cells starting with `#export` and puts them into a module created by `create_mod_files`"
bare = str(get_config().get('bare', bare)) == 'True'
if os.environ.get('IN_TEST',0): return # don't export if running tests
sep = '\n'* (int(get_config().get('cell_spacing', '1'))+1)
fname = Path(fname)
nb = read_nb(fname)
default = find_default_export(nb['cells'])
if default is not None:
default = os.path.sep.join(default.split('.'))
mod = get_nbdev_module()
exports = [is_export(c, default) for c in nb['cells']]
cells = [(i,c,e) for i,(c,e) in enumerate(zip(nb['cells'],exports)) if e is not None]
for i,c,(e,a) in cells:
if e not in modules: print(f'Warning: Exporting to "{e}.py" but this module is not part of this build')
fname_out = get_config().path("lib_path")/f'{e}.py'
if bare: orig = "\n"
else: orig = (f'# {"" if a else "Internal "}C' if e==default else f'# Comes from {fname.name}, c') + 'ell\n'
flag_lines,code_lines = split_flags_and_code(c)
code_lines = _deal_import(code_lines, fname_out)
code = sep + orig + '\n'.join(code_lines)
names = export_names(code)
flags = '\n'.join(flag_lines)
extra,code = extra_add(flags, code)
code = _from_future_import(fname_out, flags, code, to_dict)
if a:
if to_dict is None: _add2all(fname_out, [f"'{f}'" for f in names if '.' not in f and len(f) > 0] + extra)
mod.index.update({f: fname.name for f in names})
code = re.sub(r' +$', '', code, flags=re.MULTILINE)
if code != sep + orig[:-1]:
if to_dict is not None: to_dict[e].append((i, fname, code))
with open(fname_out, 'a', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write(code)
if f'{e}.py' not in mod.modules: mod.modules.append(f'{e}.py')
if not silent: print(f"Converted {fname.name}.")
return to_dict
if not os.environ.get('IN_TEST',0):
modules = create_mod_files(glob.glob('00_export.ipynb'))
_notebook2script('00_export.ipynb', modules)
with open(get_config().path("lib_path")/('export.py')) as f: l = f.readline()
test_eq(l, '# AUTOGENERATED! DO NOT EDIT! File to edit: nbs/00_export.ipynb (unless otherwise specified).\n')
def add_init(path):
"Add `__init__.py` in all subdirs of `path` containing python files if it's not there already"
for p,d,f in os.walk(path):
for f_ in f:
if f_.endswith('.py'):
if not (Path(p)/'__init__.py').exists(): (Path(p)/'__init__.py').touch()
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as d:
os.makedirs(Path(d)/'a', exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(Path(d)/'a/b', exist_ok=True)
assert not (Path(d)/'__init__.py').exists()
for e in [Path(d)/'a', Path(d)/'a/b']:
assert (e/'__init__.py').exists()
_re_version = re.compile('^__version__\s*=.*$', re.MULTILINE)
def update_version():
"Add or update `__version__` in the main `__init__.py` of the library"
fname = get_config().path("lib_path")/'__init__.py'
if not fname.exists(): fname.touch()
version = f'__version__ = "{get_config().version}"'
with open(fname, 'r') as f: code = f.read()
if _re_version.search(code) is None: code = version + "\n" + code
else: code = _re_version.sub(version, code)
with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(code)
_re_baseurl = re.compile('^baseurl\s*:.*$', re.MULTILINE)
def update_baseurl():
"Add or update `baseurl` in `_config.yml` for the docs"
fname = get_config().path("doc_path")/'_config.yml'
if not fname.exists(): return
with open(fname, 'r') as f: code = f.read()
if _re_baseurl.search(code) is None: code = code + f"\nbaseurl: {get_config().doc_baseurl}"
else: code = _re_baseurl.sub(f"baseurl: {get_config().doc_baseurl}", code)
with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(code)
def nbglob(fname=None, recursive=None, extension='.ipynb', config_key='nbs_path') -> L:
"Find all files in a directory matching an extension given a `config_key`."
if recursive == None: recursive=get_config().get('recursive', 'False').lower() == 'true'
fname = Path(fname or get_config().path(config_key))
if fname.is_file(): return [fname]
if fname.is_dir(): pat = f'**/*{extension}' if recursive else f'*{extension}'
else: fname,_,pat = str(fname).rpartition(os.path.sep)
if str(fname).endswith('**'): fname,pat = fname[:-2],'**/'+pat
fls = L(Path(fname).glob(pat)).map(Path)
return fls.filter(lambda x: x.name[0]!='_' and '/.' not in str(x))
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as d:
os.makedirs(Path(d)/'a', exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(Path(d)/'a/b', exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(Path(d)/'a/b/c', exist_ok=True)
if sys.platform != "win32":
assert len(nbglob(f'{d}/**/foo*', recursive=True)) == 1
assert len(nbglob(f'{d}/a/**/[f-g]*.*')) == 4
assert len(nbglob(d, recursive=True)) == 5
assert len(nbglob(d, recursive=False)) == 0
assert len(nbglob(f'{d}/a', recursive=False)) == 2
if sys.platform != "win32":
assert len(nbglob('*')) > 1
assert len(nbglob('*')) > len(nbglob('0*'))
assert not nbglob().filter(lambda x: '.ipynb_checkpoints' in str(x))
fnames = nbglob()
test_eq(len(fnames) > 0, True)
fnames = nbglob(fnames[0])
test_eq(len(fnames), 1)
fnames = nbglob(extension='.py', config_key='lib_path')
test_eq(len(fnames) > 1, True)
def notebook2script(fname=None, silent=False, to_dict=False, bare=False):
"Convert notebooks matching `fname` to modules"
# initial checks
if os.environ.get('IN_TEST',0): return # don't export if running tests
if fname is None:
files = nbglob(fname=fname)
d = collections.defaultdict(list) if to_dict else None
modules = create_mod_files(files, to_dict, bare=bare)
for f in sorted(files): d = _notebook2script(f, modules, silent=silent, to_dict=d, bare=bare)
if to_dict: return d
else: add_init(get_config().path("lib_path"))
class DocsTestClass:
"for tests only"
def test(): pass
#for tests only
def update_lib_with_exporti_testfn(): pass