#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[ ]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') # # # Measuring Fairness of a Data Set # # # This example illustrates how to find unfair rows in a data set using the # :func:`fatf.fairness.data.measures.systemic_bias` function and how to check # whether each class is distributed equally between values of a selected feature, # i.e. measuring the Sample Size Disparity (with :func:`fatf.utils.data.tools.group_by_column` function). # #


Please note that this example uses a data set that is represented as a # structured numpy array, which supports mixed data types among columns with # the features (columns) being index by the feature name rather than by # consecutive integers.

# # In[ ]: # Author: Kacper Sokol # License: new BSD from pprint import pprint import numpy as np import fatf.utils.data.datasets as fatf_datasets import fatf.fairness.data.measures as fatf_dfm import fatf.utils.data.tools as fatf_data_tools print(__doc__) # Load data hr_data_dict = fatf_datasets.load_health_records() hr_X = hr_data_dict['data'] hr_y = hr_data_dict['target'] hr_feature_names = hr_data_dict['feature_names'] hr_class_names = hr_data_dict['target_names'] # Systemic Bias # ------------- # # Before we proceed, we need to select which feature are **protected**, i.e. # which ones are illegal to use when generating the prediction. # # We use them to see whether the data set contains rows that differ in some of # the protected features and the labels (ground truth) but not in the rest of # the features. # # The example presented below is rather naive as we do not have access to a # more complicated dataset within the FAT Forensics package. To demonstrate the # functionality of the we indicate all but one feature to be protected, hence # we are guaranteed to find quite a few unfair rows in the health records data # set. This means that "unfair" data rows are the ones that have the same value # of the *diagnosis* feature (with rest of the feature values being # unimportant) and differ in their target (ground truth) value. # # Systematic bias is expressed here as a square matrix (numpy array) of length # equal to the number of rows in the data array. Each element of this matrix # is a boolean indicating whether the rows in the data array with a particular # pair of indices (the row and column indices of the boolean matrix) violate # the aforementioned fairness criterion. # # # In[ ]: # Select which features should be treated as protected protected_features = [ 'name', 'email', 'age', 'weight', 'gender', 'zipcode', 'dob' ] # Compute the data fairness matrix data_fairness_matrix = fatf_dfm.systemic_bias(hr_X, hr_y, protected_features) # Check if the data set is unfair (at least one unfair pair of data points) is_data_unfair = fatf_dfm.systemic_bias_check(data_fairness_matrix) # Identify which pairs of indices cause the unfairness unfair_pairs_tuple = np.where(data_fairness_matrix) unfair_pairs = [] for i, j in zip(*unfair_pairs_tuple): pair_a, pair_b = (i, j), (j, i) if pair_a not in unfair_pairs and pair_b not in unfair_pairs: unfair_pairs.append(pair_a) # Print out whether the fairness condition is violated if is_data_unfair: unfair_n = len(unfair_pairs) unfair_fill = ('is', '') if unfair_n == 1 else ('are', 's') print('\nThere {} {} pair{} of data points that violates the fairness ' 'criterion.\n'.format(unfair_fill[0], unfair_n, unfair_fill[1])) else: print('The data set is fair.\n') # Show the first pair of violating rows pprint(hr_X[[unfair_pairs[0][0], unfair_pairs[0][1]]]) # Sample Size Disparity # --------------------- # # The measure of Sample Size Disparity can be achieved by calling the # :func:`fatf.utils.data.tools.group_by_column` grouping function and counting # the number of instances in each group. By doing that for the *target vector* # (ground truth) we can see whether the classes in our data set are balanced # for each sub-group defined by a specified set of values for that feature. # # In the example below we will check whether there are roughly the same number # of data points collected for *males* and *females*. Then we will see whether # the class distribution (*fail* and *success*) for these two sub-populations # is similar. # # # In[ ]: # Group the data based on the unique values of the 'gender' column grouping_column = 'gender' grouping_indices, grouping_names = fatf_data_tools.group_by_column( hr_X, grouping_column, treat_as_categorical=True) # Print out the data distribution for the grouping print('The grouping based on the *{}* feature has the ' 'following distribution:'.format(grouping_column)) for grouping_name, grouping_idx in zip(grouping_names, grouping_indices): print(' * "{}" grouping has {} instances.'.format( grouping_name, len(grouping_idx))) # Get the class distribution for each sub-grouping grouping_class_distribution = dict() for grouping_name, grouping_idx in zip(grouping_names, grouping_indices): sg_y = hr_y[grouping_idx] sg_classes, sg_counts = np.unique(sg_y, return_counts=True) grouping_class_distribution[grouping_name] = dict() for sg_class, sg_count in zip(sg_classes, sg_counts): sg_class_name = hr_class_names[sg_class] grouping_class_distribution[grouping_name][sg_class_name] = sg_count # Print out the class distribution per sub-group print('\nThe class distribution per sub-population:') for grouping_name, class_distribution in grouping_class_distribution.items(): print(' * For the "{}" grouping the classes are distributed as ' 'follows:'.format(grouping_name)) for class_name, class_count in class_distribution.items(): print(' - The class *{}* has {} data points.'.format( class_name, class_count))