using Pkg Pkg.add(url="") using IMinuit using BenchmarkTools f(x) = x[1]^2 + (x[2]-1)^2 + (x[3]-2)^4 f1(x, y, z) = x^2 + (y-1)^2 + (z-2)^4 # using array parameters m = Minuit(f, [1, 1, 4], fix_x0 = true) migrad(m) # a new fit can continue from the previous fit m_new = Minuit(f, m, fix_x0 = false) migrad(m_new) # using array parameters, using `ForwardDiff: gradient` to compute the gradient gradf(x) = gradient(f, x) mgrad = Minuit(f, [1, 1, 4], grad = gradf) migrad(mgrad) # parameters are given individually m1 = Minuit(f1, x = 1, y = 1, z = 4) migrad(m1) @show iminuit.__version__ propertynames(m) # the doc strings are from `iminuit` @doc migrad using CSV using DataFrames using Plots pyplot(framestyle = :box, minorticks = 5) using LaTeXStrings data_df = DataFrame(CSV.File("./testdata.csv")) const data = Data(data_df) @plt_data data xlab=L"m_{\pi\pi}"*" [GeV]" ylab="Events" const M = 3.686; const mπ = 0.14; const mJ = 3.097; λ(x, y, z) = x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 2x*y - 2y*z - 2z*x # a simple function that will be used to fit the data: QCD multipole expansion model for ψ'→J/ψπ⁺π⁻ # The important ππ FSI effect is not taken into account # bg is just for introducing a third parameter function dist(w, N, c, bg) if (w ≤ 2mπ || w ≥ M-mJ) res = 0.0 else q1 = sqrt(λ(w^2, mπ^2, mπ^2))/(2w) q2 = sqrt(λ(M^2, w^2, mJ^2))/(2M) res = N * q1 * q2 * (w^2 - c*mπ^2)^2 + bg end return res * 1e6 end; dist(x, p) = dist(x, p...) # parameters given individually χsq1(N, c, bg) = chisq(dist, data, (N, c, bg)); # all parameters are vairables of χsq fit1 = Minuit(χsq1, N = 1, c = 2, bg = 0, error_N = 0.1, error_c = 0.1, error_bg = 0.1) fit1.strategy = 1; # parameters are collected into a tuple or an array, which is the only variable of χsq parname = [:N, :c, :bg] χsq(par) = chisq(dist, data, par) gradf(par) = gradient(χsq, par) fit = Minuit(χsq, [1, 2, 0], error = 0.1*ones(3), name = parname, grad = gradf) fit.strategy = 1; # or simply using model_fit or @model_fit fit2 = model_fit(dist, data, [1, 2, 0], error = 0.1*ones(3), name = parname, fix_bg = true) fit2.strategy = 1; migrad(fit2) # the privous fit status can be passed to a new fit fit2_new = model_fit(dist, data, fit2, name = parname, fix_bg = false) migrad(fit2_new) @btime migrad(fit) minos(fit) migrad(fit) @btime migrad(fit1) minos(fit1) migrad(fit1) minos(fit1) # the ordering of dist, fit and data does not matter @plt_best dist fit data # MIGRAD contour of two parameters with the other ones fixed # needs PyPlot or the pyplot backend of Plots draw_contour(fit1,:N, :c, bound=3, bins=100) # contour of parameter space from MINOS draw_mncontour(fit1,:N, :c, nsigma=3, numpoints=100) matrix(fit1, correlation = true) @show fit1.matrix matrix(fit1) # this gives parameter sets at the 1σ boundary @time contour_df(fit1, χsq1, npts = 5) # random sampling of parameters in given ranges, keeping those within 1σ @time parsam_df = contour_df_samples(fit1, χsq1, (:N, :c), ([2.5,2.8], [4.0,4.3]), nsamples = 3000) # get parameter ranges extrema(parsam_df.:N), extrema(parsam_df.:c) scatter(parsam_df.:N, parsam_df.:c, xlab = "N", ylab = "c") @time contour_df_samples(fit, χsq, (:x0, :x1, :x2), ([2.5,2.8], [4.0,4.3], (-3e-5,3e-5)), nsamples = 1000) @time contour_df_samples(fit, χsq, :x0, (2.5,2.8), nsamples = 20) using PyCall # import numpy from Python to generate the same data as in the example np = pyimport(:numpy) default_rng = pyimport("numpy.random").default_rng rng = default_rng(seed=1) const w, xe = np.histogram(rng.normal(0, 1, 10000), bins=1000) # define the model and the score function to minimize using SpecialFunctions function cdf(x, par) mu, sigma = par z = (x - mu) / sigma return 0.5 * (1 + erf(z / sqrt(2))) end function score(par) amp = par[1] rest = par[2:end] mu = amp * (cdf.(xe[2:end], Ref(rest)) - cdf.(xe[1:end-1], Ref(rest)) ) return 2 * sum(@. mu - w * log(mu + 1e-100)) end const start_values = [1.5 * sum(w), 1.0, 2.0] const limits = [(0, nothing), nothing, (0, nothing)]; # w/o grad m = Minuit(score, start_values, limit=limits) m.strategy = 0 # using grad grad_fd(pars) = gradient(score, pars) m_fd = Minuit(score, start_values, limit=limits, grad = grad_fd) m_fd.strategy = 0; @btime migrad(m) @btime migrad(m_fd)