library(millefy) # Path to bigWig files bwfiles = Sys.glob(file.path(system.file("extdata", package="millefy"), "*.bw")) bamfiles = Sys.glob(file.path(system.file("extdata/bam", package="millefy"), "*.bam")) # FROM CODE at : bam_files = Sys.glob(file.path(system.file("extdata/bam", package="millefy"), "*.bam")) print(bwfiles) print(bamfiles) # Group labels for bam files (same length as bamfiles) groups = c("00h", "00h", "00h", "00h", "00h", "72h", "72h", "72h", "72h", "72h") # Color labels for bigWig files (A named vector with the same length as the number of kinds of \\code{groups}) color_labels <- colorRampPalette(c("yellow", "red"))(length(unique(groups))+1)[1:length(unique(groups))] names(color_labels) <- unique(groups) print(color_labels) # Load gene models (It takes a little time) path_gtf = system.file("extdata", "example.gtf", package="millefy") dt_gtf_exon <- gtfToDtExon(path_gtf) # Set tracks ## Single-cell track max_value = 500 scTrackBw <- list(path_bam_files = bamfiles, groups = groups, group_colors = color_labels, max_value = max_value, isBw=FALSE, normFactors = calcBamNormFactors(bamfiles)) ## Gene annotation track geneTrack1 <- list(path_gtf = path_gtf, dt_gtf = dt_gtf_exon, label = "GENCODE") # Prepare arguments for millefyPlot() ## List of tracks tdlist <- list(scTrackBw, geneTrack1) ## List of track types tt <- c("sc", "gene") ## List of track hights heights = c(12, 2) # Location to visualize chr = "chr19" # character start = 5824708 # integer end = 5845478 # integer text_main = "mESC 00h, 72h (FROM Bam files!!!)" l <- millefyPlot(track_data=tdlist, track_type=tt, heights=heights, sc_type = "heatmap", chr = chr, start = start, end = end, sc_avg = TRUE, sc_avg_height = 1, title = text_main) system("pip install deeptools") system("deeptools > verify_installed.txt") cat(paste0(readLines("verify_installed.txt"), collapse="\n")) # based on [R - how can I dump contents of file to console output? `cat` equivalent in R]( getwd() system("cp -r /srv/conda/envs/notebook/lib/R/library/millefy/extdata/bam .") system("mv bam bam2bw_extdata") # based on # and under [Converting BAM to BigWig files using deepTools]( # and size of mouse chromsome 19 (learned it was mouse in Millefy publication) as `effectiveGenomeSize` because bamCoverage documentation says 'The effective genome size is the portion of the genome that is mappable' # Note because stdout isn't displayed in R kernel in Jupyter, command worked out over in terminal in the same session system("bamCoverage --bam bam2bw_extdata/RamDA_00h_A04.uniq.q40.chr19.bam -o bam2bw_extdata/RamDA_00h_A04.uniq.q40.chr19.binsize200.cbw --binSize 200 --normalizeUsing RPGC --effectiveGenomeSize 61420004") system("curl -OL") system("tar xzf ZeroAnd72h_big_wigs.tar.gz") system("mv *.bw bam2bw_extdata") # Group labels for bam files (same length as bamfiles) groups = c("00h", "00h", "00h", "00h", "00h", "72h", "72h", "72h", "72h", "72h") converted_bamfiles = Sys.glob(file.path("bam2bw_extdata/", "*.bw")) # Color labels for bigWig files (A named vector with the same length as the number of kinds of \\code{groups}) color_labels <- colorRampPalette(c("yellow", "red"))(length(unique(groups))+1)[1:length(unique(groups))] names(color_labels) <- unique(groups) print(color_labels) # Load gene models (It takes a little time) path_gtf = system.file("extdata", "example.gtf", package="millefy") dt_gtf_exon <- gtfToDtExon(path_gtf) # Set tracks ## Single-cell track max_value = 500 # NEEDS TO BE LOWER FOR THE CONVERTED BAM FILES scTrackBw <- list(path_bam_files = converted_bamfiles, groups = groups, group_colors = color_labels, max_value = max_value, isBw=TRUE) ## Gene annotation track geneTrack1 <- list(path_gtf = path_gtf, dt_gtf = dt_gtf_exon, label = "GENCODE") # Prepare arguments for millefyPlot() ## List of tracks tdlist <- list(scTrackBw, geneTrack1) ## List of track types tt <- c("sc", "gene") ## List of track hights heights = c(12, 2) # Location to visualize chr = "chr19" # character start = 5824708 # integer end = 5845478 # integer text_main = "mESC 00h, 72h (FROM Bam files!!!)" converted_bamfiles l <- millefyPlot(track_data=tdlist, track_type=tt, heights=heights, sc_type = "heatmap", chr = chr, start = start, end = end, sc_avg = TRUE, sc_avg_height = 1, title = text_main)