#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #

Table of Contents

# In[1]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') # ## Preliminaries # # Install dependencies for running on cloud notebook servers like [Google Collab](https://colab.research.google.com/). # # In[2]: try: import grizli except: with open('requirements.txt','w') as fp: fp.write(""" cython tqdm astropy==4.2.1 drizzlepac==3.2.1 photutils==1.0.2 grizli>=1.3""") get_ipython().system('pip install -r requirements.txt') # In[3]: import os import glob import grizli import grizli.utils # Make directories for sub in ['CONF','iref','jref','templates']: dir = os.path.join(grizli.GRIZLI_PATH, sub) if not os.path.exists(dir): print(f'mkdir {dir}') os.mkdir(dir) for sub in ['iref','jref']: if not os.getenv(sub): print(f'set {sub}') os.environ[sub] = os.path.join(grizli.GRIZLI_PATH, sub) if len(glob.glob(os.path.join(grizli.GRIZLI_PATH, 'CONF/*'))) == 0: print('Fetch') grizli.utils.fetch_default_calibs(ACS=False) # to iref/iref grizli.utils.fetch_config_files() # to $GRIZLI/CONF if len(glob.glob(os.path.join(grizli.GRIZLI_PATH, 'templates/*'))) == 0: print('link templates') grizli.utils.symlink_templates(force=False) # In[4]: # Pysynphot pysyn_cdbs = os.getenv('PYSYN_CDBS') if not pysyn_cdbs: pysyn_cdbs = os.path.join(grizli.GRIZLI_PATH, 'cdbs') if not os.path.exists(pysyn_cdbs): os.mkdir(pysyn_cdbs) os.environ['PYSYN_CDBS'] = pysyn_cdbs if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(pysyn_cdbs, 'comp')): pwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(pysyn_cdbs) os.system('wget http://ssb.stsci.edu/trds/tarfiles/synphot1.tar.gz') os.system('tar xzf synphot1.tar.gz') os.system('ln -s grp/redcat/trds/* .') os.system('rm synphot1.tar.gz') os.chdir(pwd) try: import pysynphot as S except: get_ipython().system(' pip install pysynphot') import pysynphot as S bp = S.ObsBandpass('wfc3,ir,f140w') # # Multimission Simulation # # This notebook demonstrates two analysis capabilities of the `grizli` software: # # 1. The capability of providing a reference image and SExtractor-like segmentation file created entirely independently from any given grism exposure. The reference image is typically much deeper than a single direct image taken accompanying a grism exposure. The code assumes that the grism file is astrometrically aligned to the reference image, but the reference image can have any pixel scale. # # 2. Simulation tools for comparison of slitless spectroscopy from a number of different space-based missions and instruments, notably *HST*/WFC3-IR, *JWST*/NIRISS, and the WFIRST wide-field instrument. # # Here we take as an example the extremely deep WFC3 F140W imaging from the *Hubble* Ultra-Deep Field and processed by the ["eXtreme Deep Field"](http://xdf.ucolick.org/) project. We use SExtractor (Bertin & Arnouts 1996) to detect objects in the deep image, creating a catlog and an accompanying segmentation image that defines which pixels are assigned to each object. # # The second half of the notebook demonstrates how to use the `grizli.fake_image` scripts to create WFC3, NIRISS, and WFIRST-sized cutouts extracted from the deep reference image. Those cutouts are then used as the reference to simulate slitless spectra from those instruments. # In[5]: import os from collections import OrderedDict import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.gridspec mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10.0, 6.0) mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 14 mpl.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 72 import numpy as np import astropy.io.fits as pyfits import astropy.wcs as pywcs from astropy.table import Table import astropy.time import drizzlepac import photutils import grizli import grizli.model import grizli.fake_image print('\ngrizli version: %s' %(grizli.__version__)) print('Now: ', astropy.time.Time.now().iso) # In[6]: ## Fetch the UDF images from the HLSP pages workdir = '/Users/gbrammer/Research/Roman' if os.path.exists(workdir): os.chdir(workdir) if not os.path.exists('hlsp_xdf_hst_wfc3ir-60mas_hudf_f140w_v1_sci.fits'): print('Fetch XDF images') url = 'https://archive.stsci.edu/missions/hlsp/xdf/' os.system(f'wget {url}/hlsp_xdf_hst_wfc3ir-60mas_hudf_f140w_v1_sci.fits') os.system(f'wget {url}/hlsp_xdf_hst_wfc3ir-60mas_hudf_f140w_v1_wht.fits') ## SourceExtractor products if not os.path.exists('hlsp_xdf_hst_wfc3ir-60mas_hudf_f140w_v1_seg.fits'): print('Fetch demo XDF catalog files') os.system('wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/grizli-v1/Demo/xdf-demo-f140w.tar.gz') os.system('tar xzvf xdf-demo-f140w.tar.gz') ## Need a WFC3/IR FLT file later if not os.path.exists('ibhj34h6q_flt.fits'): print('Fetch grizli demo files') os.system('wget http://www.stsci.edu/~brammer/grism/grizli_demo_data.tar.gz') os.system('tar xzvf grizli_demo_data.tar.gz') # # WFC3 simulation and observed image # In[7]: ## Initialize the Grizli object, flt_file is the G141 exposure pad=120 # allow simulation of objects at the edges flt = grizli.model.GrismFLT(grism_file='ibhj34h8q_flt.fits', verbose=True, pad=pad, ref_file='hlsp_xdf_hst_wfc3ir-60mas_hudf_f140w_v1_sci.fits', seg_file='hlsp_xdf_hst_wfc3ir-60mas_hudf_f140w_v1_seg.fits') # The `pad` keyword above is used to extract a cutout from the reference image that is larger than the direct image itself so that objects can be accounted for and modeled that would otherwise "fall off" of the direct image but whose dispersed spectra fall on the grism images. The figure below compares the direct image itself to the "blotted" reference image that contains an extra border of pixels around the edges. # In[8]: ## Show the blotted reference direct image f140w = pyfits.open('ibhj34h6q_flt.fits') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(131) # FLT exposure ax.imshow(f140w['SCI'].data, interpolation='Nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-0.2, vmax=0.3, cmap='viridis') ax.set_title('F140W FLT') ax = fig.add_subplot(132) # Blotted reference image blotted = flt.direct.data['REF']/flt.direct.ref_photflam ax.imshow(blotted, interpolation='Nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-0.2, vmax=0.3, cmap='viridis') ax.set_title('"blotted" XDF reference') ax = fig.add_subplot(133) # Grism ax.imshow(f140w['SCI'].data - blotted[pad:-pad, pad:-pad], interpolation='Nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-0.2, vmax=0.3, cmap='viridis') ax.set_title('Difference') for ax in fig.axes[1:]: ax.set_yticklabels([]) for i, ax in enumerate(fig.axes): ax.grid() offset = (i != 1)*pad # First is (1014,1014), others are (1014+2*pad, 1014+2*pad) ax.set_xlim(60-offset,360-offset) ax.set_ylim(60-offset,360-offset) fig.tight_layout() # Since the grism configuration files are all defined in detector coordinates, the `blot_catalog` function is used to compute the detector positions of the objects detected in the rectified reference image. # In[9]: ## "blotted" SExtractor catalog, with catalog sky coordinates put into FLT frame ref_cat = Table.read(pyfits.open('hlsp_xdf_hst_wfc3ir-60mas_hudf_f140w_v1_sci.cat')[2]) flt_cat = flt.blot_catalog(ref_cat, sextractor=True) # also stored in flt.catalog # In[10]: ## Compute flat-spectrum model of bright sources mask = flt_cat['MAG_AUTO'] < 25 print('N=%d' %(mask.sum())) #flt.compute_full_model(compute_beams=['A','B','C','D','E','F'], mask=mask, verbose=False) flt.compute_full_model(ids=flt_cat['NUMBER'][mask], mags=flt_cat['MAG_AUTO'][mask], verbose=True) # In[11]: # Compare to the actual G141 exposure fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(131) ax.imshow(flt.grism.data['SCI'], interpolation='Nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-0.01, vmax=0.1, cmap='gray_r') ax.set_title('G141 exposure (1.1 ks)') ax = fig.add_subplot(132) ax.imshow(flt.model, interpolation='Nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-0.01, vmax=0.1, cmap='gray_r') ax.set_title(r'Flat $f_\lambda$ model') ax = fig.add_subplot(133) ax.imshow(flt.grism.data['SCI'] - flt.model, interpolation='Nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-0.01, vmax=0.1, cmap='gray_r') ax.set_title('Difference') for ax in fig.axes[1:]: ax.set_yticklabels([]) # show lower corner and how objects are modeled right to the edge for ax in fig.axes: ax.set_xlim(60,360) ax.set_ylim(60,360) fig.tight_layout() # The bright spectrum at lower left and the fainter spectrum at the top would not be modeled if just the single direct image were available. However, they are included in the "padded" reference image and even the simple flat-spectrum model offers a reasonable first guess at the grism exposure model. # # Slitless spectra from multi-missions *JWST*/NIRISS and *WFIRST* # # The examples below show how to first generate a "dummy" cutout image from the reference image, where the image itself is not cutout but rather the dummy images have appropriate WCS so that the `grizli.model.GrismFLT` will then be able to blot the reference and segmentation images. # # The image headers specify default values of the per-pixel sky backgrounds that are adopted with `make_fake_image(background='auto')`, that parameter can also be set to any desired float value. The `make_fake_image` generating script has parameters `exptime` and `nexp` that are the used to define a simple noise model for the resulting simulation. # # $\sigma^2 = \mathrm{sky}\cdot\mathrm{exptime} + N_\mathrm{exp}\cdot\mathrm{readnoise}$ # # The value of $\sigma$ is stored in the `ERR` extension and random Gaussian deviates are put into the `SCI` extension of the `output` FITS files that are useful later for adding noise to the noiseless simulated spectra. # # Again, these examples simulate grism exposures from the different missions/instruments with simple flat-spectrum SEDs with normalization set by the UDF F140W image (at 1.4 µm). However, it is straightforward to use *any* spectrum (i.e., stellar or galaxy templates) for any given object model. # In[12]: ### Fake images, cendered in the UDF/XDF ra, dec = 53.1592277508136, -27.782056346146 pa_aper = 128.589 # allow simulation of objects at the edges pad=0 # pixels mag_limit = 25 # faint limit for the simulation EXPTIME = 1.e4 # 10 ks ~ 4 HST orbits NEXP = 10 # divided between 10 exposures # ## WFC3/IR G141 # In[13]: ### WFC3/IR G141 h, wcs = grizli.fake_image.wfc3ir_header(filter='G141', ra=ra, dec=dec, pa_aper=pa_aper, flt='ibhj34h6q_flt.fits') grizli.fake_image.make_fake_image(h, output='wfc3ir.fits', exptime=EXPTIME, nexp=NEXP, seed=1) wfc3 = grizli.model.GrismFLT(grism_file='wfc3ir.fits', verbose=True, pad=pad, ref_file='hlsp_xdf_hst_wfc3ir-60mas_hudf_f140w_v1_sci.fits', seg_file='hlsp_xdf_hst_wfc3ir-60mas_hudf_f140w_v1_seg.fits') wfc3_cat = wfc3.blot_catalog(ref_cat, sextractor=True) # also stored in flt.catalog wfc3.catalog = wfc3_cat mask = wfc3_cat['MAG_AUTO'] < mag_limit print('N=%d' %(mask.sum())) #wfc3.compute_full_model(compute_beams=['A','B','C','D','E','F'], mask=mask, verbose=False) wfc3.compute_full_model(ids=wfc3_cat['NUMBER'][mask], mags=wfc3_cat['MAG_AUTO'][mask], verbose=True) # ## JWST NIRISS # # (Seems to be broken in 2021 as the header doesn't work with the `jwst` pipeline data model) # In[14]: try: import jwst h, wcs = grizli.fake_image.niriss_header(filter='F150W', ra=ra, dec=dec, pa_aper=pa_aper) grizli.fake_image.make_fake_image(h, output='niriss.fits', exptime=EXPTIME, nexp=NEXP) niriss = grizli.model.GrismFLT(grism_file='niriss.fits', verbose=True, pad=pad, ref_file='hlsp_xdf_hst_wfc3ir-60mas_hudf_f140w_v1_sci.fits', seg_file='hlsp_xdf_hst_wfc3ir-60mas_hudf_f140w_v1_seg.fits') niriss_cat = niriss.blot_catalog(ref_cat, sextractor=True) # also stored in flt.catalog niriss.catalog = niriss_cat mask = niriss_cat['MAG_AUTO'] < mag_limit print('N=%d' %(mask.sum())) #niriss.compute_full_model(compute_beams=['A','B','C','D','E'], mask=mask, verbose=False) niriss.compute_full_model(ids=niriss_cat['NUMBER'][mask], mags=niriss_cat['MAG_AUTO'][mask]) except: print('Skip JWST') # ## Roman/G150 Grism # # *Note:* The default simulation here is significantly deeper than the baseline High Latitude Survey # # In[15]: # Generate crude configuration files from Pandeia outputs # Requires pandia.engine and the roman data files from grizli import GRIZLI_PATH conf_file = os.path.join(GRIZLI_PATH, 'CONF', 'Roman.G150.conf') if not os.path.exists(conf_file): try: import pandeia get_ipython().run_line_magic('env', 'pandeia_refdata=/Users/gbrammer/Research/Roman/pandeia_data-1.6_roman/') grizli.fake_image.make_roman_config(save_to_conf=True) except: for file in ['Roman.G150.conf','Roman.G150.v1.6.sens.fits']: conf = os.path.join(grizli.GRIZLI_PATH, 'CONF') if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(conf, file)): print(file) os.system(f'wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/grizli-v1/Demo/{file} -O {conf}/{file}') # In[16]: ### Roman/G150 grism. h, wcs = grizli.fake_image.roman_header(ra=ra, dec=dec, pa_aper=pa_aper, naxis=(1180,1180)) grizli.fake_image.make_fake_image(h, output='roman.fits', exptime=EXPTIME, nexp=NEXP) roman = grizli.model.GrismFLT(grism_file='roman.fits', verbose=True, pad=pad, ref_file='hlsp_xdf_hst_wfc3ir-60mas_hudf_f140w_v1_sci.fits', seg_file='hlsp_xdf_hst_wfc3ir-60mas_hudf_f140w_v1_seg.fits') roman_cat = roman.blot_catalog(ref_cat, sextractor=True) roman.catalog = roman_cat mask = roman_cat['MAG_AUTO'] < mag_limit print('N=%d' %(mask.sum())) #wfirst.compute_full_model(compute_beams=['A'], mask=mask, verbose=False) roman.compute_full_model(ids=roman_cat['NUMBER'][mask], mags=roman_cat['MAG_AUTO'][mask], verbose=True) # ### Roman HLS depth # In[17]: # HLS exposure times hdu, wcs = grizli.fake_image.roman_hls_image(ra=ra, dec=dec, pa_aper=pa_aper, naxis=(1180,1180), output='roman.fits') hls = grizli.model.GrismFLT(grism_file='roman.fits', verbose=True, pad=pad, ref_file='hlsp_xdf_hst_wfc3ir-60mas_hudf_f140w_v1_sci.fits', seg_file='hlsp_xdf_hst_wfc3ir-60mas_hudf_f140w_v1_seg.fits') hls_cat = hls.blot_catalog(ref_cat, sextractor=True) hls.catalog = hls_cat mask = hls_cat['MAG_AUTO'] < mag_limit print('N=%d' %(mask.sum())) #wfirst.compute_full_model(compute_beams=['A'], mask=mask, verbose=False) hls.compute_full_model(ids=hls_cat['NUMBER'][mask], mags=hls_cat['MAG_AUTO'][mask], verbose=True) # In[18]: ### Show them! # Compare to the actual G141 exposure fig = plt.figure(figsize=[10,10.*2/3]) for i, sim, key in zip([0,1,2], [wfc3, roman, hls], ['WFC3','WFI','HLS']): # Direct axt = fig.add_subplot(231+i) axt.imshow(sim.direct.data['REF']/sim.direct.ref_photflam, interpolation='Nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-0.1, vmax=0.2, cmap='viridis') axt.set_xticklabels([]) # Grism axb = fig.add_subplot(234+i) axb.imshow(sim.model + sim.grism.data['SCI'], interpolation='Nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-0.01, vmax=0.1, cmap='gray_r') axb.set_title('%s - %s' %(key, sim.grism.filter)) if i > 0: axt.set_yticklabels([]) axb.set_yticklabels([]) fig.tight_layout(pad=0.5) # The NIRISS spectra with the blocking filters take up much less detector real estate than the WFC3/G141 and (especially) the WFIRST spectra. # Pull out an object and simulate a spectrum with lines # ----------------------------------------------------- # # As in the other demonstration notebooks, we now show how to "extract" a single object spectrum and compute a more detailed spectral model for that object, in this case a young star-forming galaxy with strong emission lines. # In[19]: ## Find the object ID near coordinates (r0,d0), ## SExtractor IDs might not be constant across platforms r0, d0 = 53.159868, -27.785791 r0, d0 = 53.160473, -27.786294 # H~23, works well #r0, d0 = 53.155611, -27.779308 # bright dr = np.sqrt((ref_cat['X_WORLD']-r0)**2*np.cos(d0/180*np.pi)**2 + (ref_cat['Y_WORLD']-d0)**2)*3600 id = ref_cat['NUMBER'][np.argmin(dr)] obj_mag = ref_cat['MAG_AUTO'][np.argmin(dr)] print('ID:%d, mag=%.2f' %(id, obj_mag)) beams = OrderedDict() for i, sim, key in zip([0,1,2], [wfc3, roman, hls], ['WFC3','WFI','HLS']): ix = sim.catalog['id'] == id x0, y0 = sim.catalog['x_flt'][ix][0], sim.catalog['y_flt'][ix][0] print(f'{key} {sim.grism.filter} xy = ({x0:.1f}, {y0:.1f})') #dim = 18*0.135/sim.flt_wcs.pscale #beam = grizli.model.BeamCutout(id=id, x=x0, y=y0, # cutout_dimensions=np.cast[int]((dim, dim)), # conf=sim.conf, GrismFLT=sim) cutout = grizli.model.BeamCutout(sim, sim.object_dispersers[id][2]['A']) cutout.beam.compute_model() cutout.contam = cutout.beam.cutout_from_full_image(sim.model) if id in sim.object_dispersers: cutout.contam -= cutout.beam.model beams[key] = cutout # In[20]: ## Spectrum with lines & noise spectrum_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(grizli.__file__), 'data/templates/erb2010.dat') erb = np.loadtxt(spectrum_file, unpack=True) z = 2.0 # test redshift ## normalize spectrum to unity to use normalization defined in the direct image import pysynphot as S spec = S.ArraySpectrum(erb[0], erb[1], fluxunits='flam') spec = spec.redshift(z).renorm(1., 'flam', S.ObsBandpass('wfc3,ir,f140w')) spec.convert('flam') # bug in pysynphot, now units being converted automatically above? (11/10/16) fig = plt.figure() for i, key in enumerate(beams.keys()): # beams[key].compute_model(beams[key].thumb, id=beams[key].id, # xspec=spec.wave, yspec=spec.flux) beams[key].beam.compute_model(spectrum_1d=[spec.wave, spec.flux], is_cgs=False) axl = fig.add_subplot(321+i*2) axl.imshow(beams[key].model + beams[key].grism.data['SCI']*1, interpolation='Nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-0.006, vmax=0.16, cmap='gray_r', aspect='auto') axr = fig.add_subplot(321+i*2+1) axr.imshow(beams[key].contam + beams[key].grism.data['SCI'] + beams[key].model, interpolation='Nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-0.006, vmax=0.16, cmap='gray_r', aspect='auto') axl.set_ylabel('%s - %s' %(key, beams[key].grism.filter)) if 1: for ax in [axl, axr]: ax.set_yticklabels([]) beams[key].beam.twod_axis_labels(wscale=1.e4, mpl_axis=ax) beams[key].beam.twod_xlim(1.3,1.75, wscale=1.e4, mpl_axis=ax) if i < 2: ax.set_xticklabels([]) else: ax.set_xlabel(r'$\lambda$') fig.tight_layout(pad=0.5) # In[21]: ### Plot 1D spectra for i, key in enumerate(['WFC3','WFI']): if i == 1: scl = 1. else: scl = 1. print(key, scl) w, f, e = beams[key].beam.optimal_extract(beams[key].model+beams[key].grism.data['SCI'], bin=0) plt.step(w/1.e4, f*scl, label='%s - %s' %(key, beams[key].grism.filter), alpha=0.6) plt.legend(fontsize=14) plt.xlim(0.9, 2.05) plt.xlabel(r'$\lambda$') # The differences between the properties of the slitless spectra from the various instruments/telescopes are dramatic. With the large telescope aperture, the NIRISS spectrum is clearly the highest S/N in both the line and continuum, though at quite low spectral resolution. In practice the effective NIRISS spectral resolution may be a bit better than this simulation would suggest, where the object morphology is barely, if at all, resolved at *HST* resolution. # # (**05.2021: NIRISS not shown while the simulation is broken**) # # The G141 and WFIRST spectra show similar count rates in the line, but at high spectral resolution the WFIRST continuum is essentially lost (at native resolution). Though with the huge spectra the WFIRST contamination can be problematic, the [OIII] and H$\beta$ lines are nicely resolved and poke out above the smooth continuum. # # Compare Grizli and Pandeia simulations for Roman # In[22]: import os import grizli import glob try: import pandeia except: get_ipython().system('pip install pandeia.engine==1.6') pandeia_refdata = os.getenv('pandeia_refdata') if not pandeia_refdata: pwd = os.getcwd() pandeia_refdata = os.path.join(grizli.GRIZLI_PATH, 'pandeia_data-1.6_roman') if not os.path.exists(pandeia_refdata): os.mkdir(pandeia_refdata) os.chdir(grizli.GRIZLI_PATH) if len(glob.glob(pandeia_refdata+'/*')) == 0: os.system('wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/grizli-v1/Demo/pandeia_data-1.6_roman.tar.gz') os.system('tar xzf pandeia_data-1.6_roman.tar.gz') os.remove('pandeia_data-1.6_roman.tar.gz') os.chdir(pwd) os.environ['pandeia_refdata'] = pandeia_refdata if os.path.exists('/Users/gbrammer'): get_ipython().run_line_magic('env', 'pandeia_refdata=/Users/gbrammer/Research/Roman/pandeia_data-1.6_roman/') else: print(f'pandeia_refdata = {pandeia_refdata}') # In[23]: from astropy.table import Table import astropy.time import pandeia.engine from pandeia.engine.perform_calculation import perform_calculation from pandeia.engine.calc_utils import (get_telescope_config, get_instrument_config, build_default_calc, build_default_source) from pandeia.engine.io_utils import read_json, write_json calc = build_default_calc('roman','wfi','spectroscopy') # HLS simulation calc['configuration']['instrument']['filter'] = None calc['configuration']['instrument']['aperture'] = "any" calc['configuration']['instrument']['disperser'] = "g150" calc['configuration']['detector']['ngroup'] = 13 # groups per integration calc['configuration']['detector']['nint'] = 1 # integrations per exposure calc['configuration']['detector']['nexp'] = 1 # exposures calc['configuration']['detector']['readmode'] = "medium8" calc['configuration']['detector']['subarray'] = "1024x1024" calc['scene'][0]['spectrum']['normalization']['norm_fluxunit'] = 'flam' input_flux = 1.e-19 calc['scene'][0]['spectrum']['normalization']['norm_flux'] = input_flux calc['scene'][0]['spectrum']['sed']['unit'] = 'flam' # x,y location to extract, in arcsec calc['strategy']['target_xy'] = [0.0,0.0] # radius of extraction aperture, in arcsec calc['strategy']['aperture_size'] = 0.6 # inner and outer radii of background subtraction annulus, in arcsec calc['strategy']['sky_annulus'] = [1.2,1.8] # In[24]: ### Simulated spectrum in Pandeia import astropy.units as u spec = S.ArraySpectrum(erb[0], erb[1], fluxunits='flam') spec = spec.redshift(z).renorm(beams['WFC3'].beam.total_flux, 'flam', S.ObsBandpass('wfc3,ir,f140w')) #spec = S.FlatSpectrum(1.e-16, waveunits='angstrom', fluxunits='flam') spec.convert('mjy') # bug in pysynphot, now units being converted automatically above? (11/10/16) calc['scene'][0]['spectrum']['normalization']['type'] = 'none' calc['scene'][0]['spectrum']['sed']['sed_type'] = 'input' calc['scene'][0]['spectrum']['sed']['spectrum'] = (spec.wave/1.e4, spec.flux) # Run calculation results = perform_calculation(calc) # In[25]: results['1d'].keys() # In[26]: beam = beams['HLS'] spec.convert('flam') beam.beam.compute_model(spectrum_1d=[spec.wave, spec.flux], is_cgs=True) total_var = 1/beam.ivar*beam.grism.exptime**2 + beam.model * beam.grism.exptime total_ivar = beam.grism.exptime**2 / total_var total_ivar[beam.ivar == 0] = 0 w, f, e = beam.beam.optimal_extract(beam.model, bin=1, ivar=total_ivar) w, fa, ea = beam.beam.trace_extract(beam.model, r=int(0.6/0.11), bin=1, ivar=total_ivar) # In[27]: fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(12,6), sharex=True) pspec = results['1d']['extracted_flux'] axes[0].plot(*pspec, label=f'Pandeia {pandeia.engine.__version__}') axes[0].plot(w/1.e4, f, label='HLS grizli simulation (optimal)') axes[0].set_ylim(0.005, 0.8) axes[0].set_ylabel('Flux on the detector [e-/s]') # Uncertainties pspec = results['1d']['extracted_noise'] axes[1].plot(*pspec, label=f'Pandeia uncertainty') pandeia_rms = np.std(results['2d']['detector']) aper_rms = np.sqrt(pandeia_rms**2*2*calc['strategy']['aperture_size']/0.11) axes[1].plot(w/1.e4, e, label='Grizli unc. (optimal)') axes[1].plot(w/1.e4, ea, label='Grizli unc. (trace aper)') axes[1].hlines(aper_rms, *axes[1].get_xlim(), color='r', label='Expected R={0}" aper rms'.format(calc['strategy']['aperture_size'])) axes[1].set_ylim(0.005, 0.8) for ax in axes: ax.grid() ax.semilogy() ax.legend() ax.set_xlim(1.4, 1.6) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\lambda\,[\mu\mathrm{m}]$') # In[28]: # Not clear why Pandeia 1D uncertainties significantly higher since 2D variance is matched by design print(' Pandeia 2D rms: {0:.4f}'.format(pandeia_rms)) print(' Grizli 2D rms: {0:.4f}'.format(1/np.sqrt(np.median(total_ivar)))) print('Expected 1D rms: {0:.4f}'.format(aper_rms))