#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Expo site characterization using EM-31 # # # ## Import Necessary Packages # In[ ]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') from gpgLabs.EM.FEMpipe import * # # Pipe Widget # # In the following app, we consider a loop-loop system with a pipe taget. Here, we simulate two surveys, one where the boom is oriented East-West (EW) and one where the boom is oriented North-South (NS). # # # # The variables are: # # - alpha: # $$\alpha = \frac{\omega L}{R} = \frac{2\pi f L}{R}$$ # - pipedepth: Depth of the pipe center # # We plot the percentage of Hp/Hs ratio in the Widget. # In[ ]: pipe = interact_femPipe() pipe # In[ ]: