%pylab inline from __future__ import division import numpy as np from IPython.core.display import HTML from deltasigma import * plotsize = (20, 4) #The plot size in inches. Reduce for low res/small screens # An in-browser HTML5 audio player # Notice there is an audio player in the dev branch of iPython, # it is unlikely that as of today Jan 1st, 2014 many people have access to it # for that reason, the following function is used instead. # It is originally from the notebook 'the sound of Hydrogen' by 'filmor', with small modifications. # http://nbviewer.ipython.org/url/gist.github.com/filmor/c7ae1a867fc9058ffcd4/raw/91ce69c1400540ed39f68bd92234abfb1dc2ae70/tone-generator.ipynb from io import BytesIO import base64, struct def wavPlayer(data, rate, scale=False, autoplay=False): """This method will display html 5 player for compatible browser with embedded base64-encoded WAV audio data. Parameters : ------------ data : 1d np.ndarray containing the audio data to be played rate : the data rate in Hz scale : if set to True, the audio signal is amplified to cover the full scale. """ if np.max(abs(data)) > 1 or scale: data = data/np.max(abs(data)) data = (2**13*data).astype(np.int16) buffer = BytesIO() buffer.write(b'RIFF') buffer.write(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00') buffer.write(b'WAVE') buffer.write(b'fmt ') if data.ndim == 1: noc = 1 else: noc = data.shape[1] bits = data.dtype.itemsize * 8 sbytes = rate*(bits // 8)*noc ba = noc * (bits // 8) buffer.write(struct.pack('' or (data.dtype.byteorder == '=' and sys.byteorder == 'big'): data = data.byteswap() buffer.write(data.astype(np.int16).tostring()) # Determine file size and place it in correct position at start of the file. size = buffer.tell() buffer.seek(4) buffer.write(struct.pack(' Your browser does not support the audio element. """.format(base64=base64.b64encode(val).decode("ascii"), autoplay=autoplay) display(HTML(src)) SourceType = 0 # change the SourceType SineAmp = .4 SineFreq = .5e3 mod_order = 2 if not mod_order in (1, 2): raise ValueError('Please choose an order equal to either 1 or 2') ABCD_mod1 = np.array([[1., 1., -1.], [1., 0., 0.]]) ABCD_mod2 = np.array([[1., 0., 1., -1.], [1., 1., 1., -2.], [0., 1., 0., 0.]]) ABCD = ABCD_mod1 if mod_order == 1 else ABCD_mod2 print "Delta sigma modulator ABCD matrix:" print ABCD SincOrder = 2 # SincOrder DecFact = 32 # 32 DecFact T = 2 # Input signal duration in seconds. FsOut = 8192 # set to ensure compatibility. Fs = FsOut*DecFact #Fs N = int(np.round(T*Fs)) if SourceType == 0: SineAmp = max(min(SineAmp, 1), 0) # 0 <= SineAmp <= 1 if SineFreq >= FsOut/2: raise ValueError('Anything above FsOut/2 (%g) will be inaudible.' % FsOut/2) print "Generating a sine wave:" print " * at freq. %g Hz, " % SineFreq print " * with norm. amplitude %g," % SineAmp print " * sampled at %g Hz," % Fs print " * total length %g s (%d #samples)." % (T, N) u = SineAmp*np.sin(2*np.pi*SineFreq/Fs*np.arange(N))*ds_hann(N) u0 = u[::DecFact] elif SourceType == 1: u = np.linspace(-0.7, 0.7, N) u0 = u[::DecFact] print "Generating a ramp:" print " * from -.7 to +.7, " print " * sampled at %g Hz," % Fs print " * total length %g s (%d #samples)." % (T, N) elif SourceType == 2: from scipy.interpolate import interp1d as interp filename = 'sax.wav' T = 9 try: from scipy.io import wavfile except ImportError: print "Error: Reading audio files requires scipy > v 0.12.0" try: fpin = open(filename + '.b64', 'r') b64data = fpin.read() fpin.close() fpout = open(filename, 'wb') fpout.write(base64.b64decode(b64data)) fpout.close() sr, filedata = wavfile.read(filename) except IOError: print "Wav file %s not found." % filename if len(filedata.shape) == 2: filedata = np.average(filedata, axis=1) T = min(T, filedata.shape[0]/sr) N = int(np.round(T*Fs)) filedata = filedata[:int(np.round(T*sr)+1)] if max(abs(filedata)) > 1: filedata = filedata/max(abs(filedata)) filets = np.arange(filedata.shape[0])/sr ts = (np.arange(N)/Fs) u0 = interp(filets, filedata)(ts[::DecFact]) u = interp(filets, filedata)(ts) print "Decoded the file %s.b64 and loaded its data." % filename print "Input data available:" print " * sampled at %g Hz," % Fs print " * total length %g s (%d #samples)." % (T, N) print " * normalized (only if amp > 1)" plot(np.arange(N)[::DecFact]/Fs, u0) figureMagic(size=(20,4)) ylabel('$u(t)$'); if SourceType == 0 or SourceType == 2: N = max(u0.shape) if SourceType == 0: U = np.fft.fft(u0)/(N/4) else: U = np.fft.fft(u0 * ds_hann(N))/(N/4) f = np.linspace(0, FsOut, N + 1) f = f[:N/2 + 1] semilogx(f, dbv(U[:N/2 + 1])) xlabel('f [Hz]') ylabel('U(f) [dB]') figureMagic(xRange=[1, max(f)], size=plotsize, name='Spectrum') # Show a Html 5 audio player wavPlayer(data=u0, rate=FsOut) v, junk1, junk2, y = simulateDSM(u, ABCD) del junk1, junk2 q = v - y # quantization error N = max(v.shape) nPlot = 400 if N > nPlot: n = np.arange(int(np.floor(N/2 - nPlot/2)), int(np.floor(N/2 + nPlot/2))) else: n = np.arange(N) n = n.astype(np.int32) hold(True) t = np.arange(max(n.shape)) step(t, u[n], 'r') bar(t, v[n], color='b', linewidth=0) ylabel('$u(t), v(t)$') xlabel('Sample #') axis([0, max(n)-min(n), -1.1, 1.1]) figureMagic(size=(20, 4), name='Modulator Input & Output') N = max(v.shape) Nfft = min(N, 16*8192) n = np.arange((N - Nfft)/2, (N + Nfft)/2).astype(np.int32) V = np.fft.fft(v[n] * ds_hann(Nfft)) / (Nfft / 4) if SourceType == 1: inBin = np.round(SineFreq/Fs*Nfft) else: inBin = np.ceil(Nfft/1000) hold(True) ylabel('V(f) [dB]') xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') semilogx(np.arange(max(V.shape))/max(V.shape)*Fs, dbv(V)) f, Vp = logsmooth(V, inBin) semilogx(f*Fs, Vp, 'm', linewidth=2.5) xlim([f[0]*Fs, Fs/2]) msg = 'NBW = %.1f Hz ' % (Fs*1.5/Nfft) text(Fs/2, -90, msg, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center') figureMagic(size=plotsize, name='Spectrum') w = sinc_decimate(v, SincOrder, DecFact) filtered_q = sinc_decimate(q, SincOrder, DecFact) N = max(w.shape) t = np.arange(N)/FsOut subplot(211) plot(t, w) ylabel('$w$') figureMagic(size=(20, 4)) subplot(212) plot(t, u0[:-1] - w, 'g') ylabel('$u-w$') xlabel('t [s]') figureMagic(size=(20, 4)) suptitle('Output and conversion error'); wavPlayer(data=w, rate=FsOut) wavPlayer(data=filtered_q, rate=FsOut, scale=True) wavPlayer(data=u0[:-1]-w, rate=FsOut, scale=True) N = max(filtered_q.shape) Nfft = min(N, 16*8192) n = np.arange((N - Nfft)/2, (N + Nfft)/2).astype(np.int32) E = np.fft.fft(filtered_q[n] * ds_hann(Nfft)) / (Nfft / 4) W = np.fft.fft(w[n] * ds_hann(Nfft)) / (Nfft / 4) U0 = np.fft.fft(u0[n] * ds_hann(Nfft)) / (Nfft / 4) if SourceType == 0: inBin = np.round(SineFreq*Nfft)/FsOut else: inBin = np.ceil(Nfft/1000) hold(True) ylabel('dB') semilogx(np.arange(Nfft)/Nfft*FsOut, dbv(U0), label='Input signal') semilogx(np.arange(Nfft)/Nfft*FsOut, dbv(W), label='Output signal') semilogx(np.arange(Nfft)/Nfft*FsOut, dbv(E), label='Filtered quant. error') f, U0p = logsmooth(U0, inBin) semilogx(f*FsOut, U0p, '#1E90FF', linewidth=2.5) f, Wp = logsmooth(W, inBin) semilogx(f*FsOut, Wp, '#556B2F', linewidth=2.5) f, Ep = logsmooth(E, inBin) semilogx(f*FsOut, Ep, '#8B0000', linewidth=2.5) xlim([10, FsOut/2]) msg = 'NBW = %.1f Hz ' % (Fs*1.5/Nfft) text(FsOut/2, -6, msg, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top') figureMagic(size=plotsize, name='Spectrum') legend(loc=3); #%install_ext http://raw.github.com/jrjohansson/version_information/master/version_information.py %load_ext version_information %reload_ext version_information %version_information numpy, scipy, matplotlib, deltasigma