-- First of all, we can evaluate simple expressions. 3 + 5 "Hello, " ++ "World!" it1 -- Unlike in GHCi, we can have multi-line expressions. concat [ "Hello", ", ", "World!" ] :: String thing :: String -> Int -> Int thing "no" _ = 100 thing str int = int + length str thing "no" 10 thing "ah" 10 print "What's going on?" -- We can disable extensions. :ext NoEmptyDataDecls data Thing -- And enable extensions. :ext EmptyDataDecls data Thing -- Various data declarations work fine. data One = A String | B Int deriving Show print [A "Hello", B 10] -- We can look at types like in GHCi. :ty 3 + 3 -- What is the Integral typeclass? :info Integral -- Only takes effect on later cells, so stick it in its own cell. :opt no-pager :info Integral -- Results are printed as we go, even from a single expression. import Control.Monad import Control.Concurrent forM_ [1..5] $ \x -> do print x threadDelay $ 200 * 1000 data Color = Red | Green | Blue import IHaskell.Display instance IHaskellDisplay Color where display color = return $ Display [html code] where code = concat ["
"] css Red = "red" css Blue = "blue" css Green = "green" Red Green Blue -- Aeson JSON data types are displayed nicely. :ext OverloadedStrings import Data.Aeson data Coord = Coord { x :: Double, y :: Double } instance ToJSON Coord where toJSON (Coord x y) = object ["x" .= x, "y" .= y] Null Bool True toJSON (Coord 3 2) -- Turn off SVG output :option no-svg -- Small bits of HTML generated via Blaze are displayed. import Prelude hiding (div, id) import Text.Blaze.Html4.Strict hiding (map, style) import Text.Blaze.Html4.Strict.Attributes div ! style "color: red" $ do p "This is an example of BlazeMarkup syntax." b "Hello" forM [1..5] $ \size -> do let s = toValue $ size * 70 img ! src "https://www.google.com/images/srpr/logo11w.png" ! width s -- We can draw diagrams, right in the notebook. :extension NoMonomorphismRestriction FlexibleContexts TypeFamilies import Diagrams.Prelude -- By Brent Yorgey -- Draw a Sierpinski triangle! sierpinski 1 = eqTriangle 1 sierpinski n = s === (s ||| s) # centerX where s = sierpinski (n-1) -- The `diagram` function is used to display them in the notebook. diagram $ sierpinski 4 # centerXY # fc black `atop` square 10 # fc white -- We can draw small charts in the notebook. -- This example is taken from the haskell-chart documentation. import Graphics.Rendering.Chart import Data.Default.Class import Control.Lens let values = [ ("Mexico City" , 19.2, 0), ("Mumbai" , 12.9, 10), ("Sydney" , 4.3, 0), ("London" , 8.3, 0), ("New York" , 8.2, 25)] pitem (s, v, o) = pitem_value .~ v $ pitem_label .~ s $ pitem_offset .~ o $ def -- Convert to a renderable in order to display it. toRenderable $ pie_title .~ "Relative Population" $ pie_plot . pie_data .~ map pitem values $ def -- There is also hlint integration enabled by default. -- If you write sketchy code, it will tell you: f :: Int -> Int f x = x + 1 -- Most warnings are orange... f $ 3 do return 3 -- If hlint annoys you, though, you can turn it off. -- Note that this only takes effect in the next cell execution. :opt no-lint -- You could similarly use `:opt lint` to turn it back on. f $ 3 :doc filterM :hoogle :: a -> ST s (STRef s a) :help -- If your code isn't running fast enough, you can just put it into a module. module A.B where fib 0 = 1 fib 1 = 1 fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2) -- The module is automatically imported unqualified. print $ A.B.fib 20 print $ fib 20 f 3 import qualified A.B as Fib Fib.fib 20 fib 20