using PyPlot srand(0); N = 400; P = Int(round(N/4)); A = randn(P, N) ./ sqrt(P); S = 17; sel = randperm(N) sel = sel[1 : S] # indices of the nonzero elements of xsharp xsharp = zeros(N) xsharp[sel] = 1; y = A*xsharp; prox_gamma_g = (x, gamma) -> x - x./max(abs(x)./gamma, 1); figsize = (9, 6) t = -1 : 0.001 : 1 plot(t, prox_gamma_g(t, 0.3)) axis("equal") pA = pinv(A) # pseudo-inverse. Equivalent to pA = prox_f = (x, y) -> x + pA*(y - A*x); gamma = 0.1 # try 1, 10, 0.1 rho = 1 # try 1, 1.5, 1.9 nbiter = 700; s = zeros(N) En_array = zeros(nbiter) x = prox_f(s,y) s += rho.*(prox_gamma_g(2.*x - s, gamma) - x) En_array[1] = maximum(sum(abs(x), 1)) for iter in 2 : nbiter # iter goes from 1 to nbiter x = prox_f(s,y) s += rho.*(prox_gamma_g(2.*x - s, gamma) - x) En_array[iter] = maximum(sum(abs(x), 1)) end x_restored = x; fig, (subfig1, subfig2) = subplots(1, 2, figsize = (16, 7)) # one figure with two horizontal subfigures subfig1[:stem](xsharp) subfig1[:set_ylim](0, 1.1) subfig2[:stem](x_restored) subfig2[:set_ylim](0, 1.1) subfig1[:set_title](L"$x^\sharp$") subfig2[:set_title](L"$x_\mathrm{restored}$") plot(log10(En_array - minimum(En_array))) S = 31 srand(0) sel = randperm(N) sel = sel[1 : S] # indices of the nonzero elements of xsharp xsharp = zeros(N) xsharp[sel] = 1 y = A*xsharp gamma = 1 rho = 1 nbiter = 1000 s = zeros(N) En_array = zeros(nbiter) x = prox_f(s,y) s += rho.*(prox_gamma_g(2*x - s, gamma) - x) En_array[1] = norm(x, 1) for iter in 2 : nbiter x = prox_f(s,y) s += rho.*(prox_gamma_g(2*x - s, gamma) - x) En_array[iter] = norm(x, 1) end x_restored = x fig, (subfig1, subfig2) = subplots(1, 2, figsize = (16, 7)) # one figure with two horizontal subfigures subfig1[:stem](xsharp) subfig1[:set_ylim](0, 1.1) subfig2[:stem](x_restored) subfig1[:set_title](L"$x^\sharp$") subfig2[:set_title](L"$x_\mathrm{restored}$") plot(log10(En_array - minimum(En_array)))