addpath('toolbox_general') addpath('solutions/ml_3_classification') SetAR = @(ar)set(gca, 'PlotBoxAspectRatio', [1 ar 1], 'FontSize', 10); Xm = @(X)X-repmat(mean(X,1), [size(X,1) 1]); Cov = @(X)Xm(X)'*Xm(X); dotp = @(u,v)sum(u(:).*v(:)); n = 1000; % number of sample p = 2; % dimensionality omega = [1 .5]*5; % offset X = [randn(n/2,2); randn(n/2,2)+ones(n/2,1)*omega]; y = [ones(n/2,1);-ones(n/2,1)]; options.disp_dim = 2; = 5; clf; plot_multiclasses(X,y,options); SetAR(1); t = linspace(-3,3,255)'; clf; plot(t, [t>0, log(1+exp(t)), max(t,0)], 'LineWidth', 2 ); axis tight; legend('Binary', 'Logistic', 'Hinge', 'Location', 'NorthWest'); SetAR(1/2); L = @(s,y)1/n * sum( log( 1 + exp(-s.*y) ) ); E = @(w,X,y)L(X*w,y); theta = @(v)1 ./ (1+exp(-v)); nablaL = @(s,r)- 1/n * y.* theta(-s.*y); nablaE = @(w,X,y)X'*nablaL(X*w,y); AddBias = @(X)[X ones(size(X,1),1)]; w = zeros(p+1,1); tau = .8; % here we are using a fixed tau w = w - tau * nablaE(w,AddBias(X),y); exo1() %% Insert your code here. q = 201; tx = linspace(min(X(:,1)),max(X(:,1)),q); ty = linspace(min(X(:,2)),max(X(:,2)),q); [B,A] = meshgrid( ty,tx ); G = [A(:), B(:)]; Theta = theta(AddBias(G)*w); Theta = reshape(Theta, [q q]); clf; hold on; imagesc(tx,ty, Theta'); options.disp_legend = 1; plot_multiclasses(X,y,options); SetAR(1); exo2() %% Insert your code here. exo3() %% Insert your code here. distmat = @(X,Z)bsxfun(@plus,dot(X',X',1)',dot(Z',Z',1))-2*(X*Z'); kappa = @(X,Z,sigma)exp( -distmat(X,Z)/(2*sigma^2) ); n = 1000; p = 2; t = 2*pi*rand(n/2,1); R = 2.5; r = R*(1 + .2*rand(n/2,1)); % radius X1 = [cos(t).*r, sin(t).*r]; X = [randn(n/2,2); X1]; y = [ones(n/2,1);-ones(n/2,1)]; options.disp_dim = 2; options.disp_legend = 1; clf; plot_multiclasses(X,y,options); axis off; SetAR(1); sigma = 1; K = kappa(X,X,sigma); F = @(h,K,y)L(K*h,y); nablaF = @(h,K,y)K'*nablaL(K*h,y); exo4() %% Insert your code here. q = 201; tmax = 3.5; t = linspace(-tmax,tmax,q); [B,A] = meshgrid( t,t ); G = [A(:), B(:)]; Theta = reshape( theta(kappa(G,X,sigma)*h) , [q,q]); clf; hold on; imagesc(t,t, Theta'); options.disp_legend = 0; plot_multiclasses(X,y,options); colormap jet(256); caxis([0 1]); axis off; exo5() %% Insert your code here. exo6() %% Insert your code here. LSE = @(S)log( sum(exp(S), 2) ); max2 = @(S)repmat(max(S,[],2), [1 size(S,2)]); LSE = @(S)LSE( S-max2(S) ) + max(S,[],2); SM = @(S)exp(S) ./ repmat( sum(exp(S),2), [1 size(S,2)]); SM = @(S)SM(S-max2(S)); name = 'digits'; load(['ml-' name]); A = A(randperm(size(A,1)),:); X = A(:,1:end-1); y = A(:,end); [n,p] = size(X); CL = unique(y); % list of classes. k = length(CL); q = 5; clf; for i=1:k I = find(y==CL(i)); for j=1:q f = reshape(X(I(j),:), sqrt(p)*[1 1])'; subplot(q,k, (j-1)*k+i ); imagesc(-f); axis image; axis off; end end colormap gray(256); options.disp_dim = 2; = 5; options.disp_legend = 1; clf; plot_multiclasses(X,y,options); SetAR(1); options.disp_dim = 3; clf; plot_multiclasses(X,y,options); SetAR(1); D = double( repmat(CL(:)', [n,1]) == repmat(y, [1,k]) ); E = @(W)1/n*( sum(LSE(X*W)) - dotp(X*W,D) ); nablaE = @(W)1/n * X'* ( SM(X*W) - D ); exo7() %% Insert your code here. [U,D,V] = svd(Xm(X),'econ'); Z = Xm(X) * V; M = max(abs(Z(:))); q = 201; t = linspace(-M,M,q); [B,A] = meshgrid(t,t); G = zeros(q*q,p); G(:,1:2) = [A(:), B(:)]; G = G*V' + repmat( mean(X,1), [q*q 1] ); Theta = SM(G*W); Theta = reshape(Theta, [q q k]); clf; for i=1:k subplot(3,4,i); imagesc(Theta(:,:,i)'); title(['Class ' num2str(i)]); axis image; axis off; colormap jet(256); SetAR(1); end col = [ [1 0 0]; [0 1 0]; [0 0 1]; [0 0 0]; [0 1 1]; [1 0 1]; [1 1 0]; ... [1 .5 .5]; [.5 1 .5]; [.5 .5 1] ]'; R = zeros(q,q,3); for i=1:k for a=1:3 R(:,:,a) = R(:,:,a) + Theta(:,:,i) .* col(a,i); end end options.disp_dim = 2; = 3; options.disp_legend = 1; clf; hold on; imagesc(t, t, permute(R, [2 1 3])); plot_multiclasses(X,y,options); axis off; SetAR(1); exo8() %% Insert your code here.