import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PIL import Image import warnings import pywt # to compute wavelet transforms def preprocess(f,n): n0 = np.min( f.size ) f = f.crop((0, 0, n0, n0)) f = f.resize((n, n)) f = np.array(f) f = np.clip(f / np.max(f.flatten()), 0,1) return f from urllib.request import urlopen import io n = 512 # target size file_adress = '' fd = urlopen(file_adress) image_file = io.BytesIO( f = f = preprocess( f, n ) plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [8, 5] plt.imshow(f) plt.axis('off'); def approx_pixels(f,r): p = int( n*np.sqrt(r) ) f = Image.fromarray( np.uint8(f*255) ) f = f.resize((p, p), Image.NEAREST ) f = f.resize((n, n), Image.NEAREST ) f = np.array(f)/255.0 return np.clip(f,0,1) def approx_fourier(f,r): m = int(r*n*n) # compute a 1D indexing from low to high frequencies x = np.concatenate( (np.arange(0,int(n/2)), np.arange(-int(n/2),0)) ) D = x[:,None]**2 + x[None,:]**2 mask = DD[-m-1]) # threshold fW1 = pywt.array_to_coeffs(fWI,coeff_slices, output_format='wavedec2') f1[:,:,k] = pywt.waverec2( fW1, wavetype) mask = (abs(fWI)>D[-m-1]) return np.clip(np.array(f1),0,1), mask def render_display(r): fP = approx_pixels(f,r) fF, mF = approx_fourier(f,r) fW, mW = approx_wavelets(f,r) plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [16, 10] plt.subplot(2,3,1) plt.imshow(fP) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(2,3,2) plt.imshow(fF) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(2,3,3) plt.imshow(fW) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(2,3,5) plt.imshow(mF) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(2,3,6) plt.imshow(mW) plt.axis('off') r = .01 # compressio ratio render_display(r) from __future__ import print_function from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manual import ipywidgets as widgets @interact(r=(0.01/2,0.1,0.01/2)) def h(r=.05): render_display(r)