#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # [CptS 111](https://github.com/gsprint23/cpts111) POGIL Information # [Washington State University](https://wsu.edu/) # # [Gina Sprint](http://eecs.wsu.edu/~gsprint/) # # ## POGIL Overview # Teaching by telling and learning by listening is not an effective teaching/learning model for *most* students. Consequently, we are going to do active learning activities in CptS 111. In class, we are going to be learning some new concepts and applying skills in groups of 3 students. This approach to teaching and learning is based on a system called [POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry-based Learning)](https://pogil.org/). POGIL aims to help students: # * Develop content mastery # * Develop process skills # * Critical thinking # * Problem solving # * Information processing # * Effective communication # * Teamwork # # ## POGIL Groups # Often in class, we are going to form groups of 3 students such that **every group has at least one student with a laptop.** Each member of the group is going to have a specific role: # # ### Manager: Manages the group # * Ensures that members are fulfilling their role, the assigned tasks are being accomplished on time, and all members of the group are participating in the activities. # * Reads the task descriptions to the group. # # ### Technician: Performs computations # * Has a laptop with the Spyder IDE open, types/executes Python code, and reports/explains the results to all members of the group. # * Checks results. # # ### Recorder: Records and presents information # * Records the names and roles of the group members, the important aspects of the group discussions/observations/insights/etc for group notes (perhaps in an email) and micro assignments. # * Represents the group by presenting oral reports to the class.