#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Schroedinger Equation for Hydrogen Atom # # # The Schroedinger equation is: # # \begin{eqnarray} # (-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\nabla^2-\frac{Z e^2}{4\pi\varepsilon_0 r})\psi(\vec{r})=E \psi(\vec{r}) # \end{eqnarray} # # using ansatz: # # $\psi(\vec{r}) = Y_{lm}(\hat{r})\; u(r)/r$ # # and introducing dimensionless variables: # # \begin{eqnarray} # x = \frac{r}{r_B}\\ # \varepsilon = \frac{E}{E_0} # \end{eqnarray} # where # \begin{eqnarray} # && r_B = \frac{4\pi\varepsilon_0 \hbar^2}{m e^2} \approx 0.529 A\\ # && E_0 = \frac{\hbar^2}{2 m r_B^2} == Ry \approx 13.6 eV # \end{eqnarray} # # we get the differential equation # # \begin{eqnarray} # u''(x)- # \left(\frac{l(l+1)}{x^2}-\frac{2Z}{x}-\varepsilon\right)u(x)=0 # \end{eqnarray} # # Next we rewrite into the system of first order equations: # # \begin{eqnarray} # y = \left(u(x),u'(x)\right)\\ # \frac{dy}{dx} = \left(u'(x),u''(x)\right) # \end{eqnarray} # # with boundary conditions # \begin{eqnarray} # &&u(0) = 0 \rightarrow \psi(0)<\infty\\ # &&u(\infty)=0 \rightarrow \int |\psi(r)|^2 r^2 dr \propto \int u^2(r)dr < \infty # \end{eqnarray} # # Because boundary conditions are given at the two ends, we need so-called shooting method # **Shooting algorithm:** # # Suppose the two boundary condistions are given at $a$ and $b$, i.e., $u(a)=u(b)=0$. Then # # * Choose $u(a)=0$ and $u'(a)=c$, with $c$ some constant. # * Solve for $u(x)$ to the other end, and check if $u(b)=0$. # * Using root finding routine find energy $\varepsilon$ for which u(b)=0. This is the bound state. # * Continue with increasing energy $\varepsilon$ until sufficient number of bound states is found # **Some remarks** # # * It turns out that forward integration of the radial Sch. Eq. is unstable. It is better to start integrating from infinity, and then continue down to zero. # * It is better to use logarithmic mesh for radial variable rather than linear. Radial functions need smaller number of points in logarithmic mesh # **The implementation will follow these steps** # #
  1. call SciPy routine
    to integrate the one-electron Schroedinger equation. Note that the distance is measured in units of bohr radius and energy units is Rydberg ($1 Ry = 13.6058...eV$) #
  2. #


  3. The boundary conditions are $u(0)=0$ and $u(\infty)=0$. # # Use shooting method to obtain wave functions: #
    1. Use logarithmic mesh of radial points for integration. Start integrating # from a large distance ($R_{max} \sim 100$). At $R_{max}$ choose # $u=0$ and some nonzero (not too large) derivative.
    2. #
    3. Integrate the Schroedinger equation down to $r=0$. If # your choice for the energy $\varepsilon$ corresponds to the bound state, the wave function at $u(r=0)$ will be zero.
    4. #
    # #


  4. Start searching for the first bound state at sufficiently negative energy (for example $\sim -1.2 Z^2$) and increase energy in sufficiently small steps to bracket all necessary bound states. Ones the wave function at $r=0$ changes sign, use root finding routine, for example
    to compute zero to very high precision. Store the index and the energy of the bound state for further processing.
  5. # #
  6. Ones bound state energies are found, recompute $u(r)$ for all bound states. Normalize $u(r)$ and plot them.
  7. # #
  8. Compute electron density for various atoms (for example He, Li, ..) neglecting Coulomb repulsion: #

    # Populate first $Z$ lowest laying electron states and # compute # $\rho = \sum_{lm\in occupied} u_{lm}^2(r)/(4\pi r^2)$. # Each state with quantum number $l$ can take $2(2l+1)$ # electrons. Be carefull, if atom is not one of the Nobel gases # (He, Ne, ...) the last orbital is only partially filled. # #

# Recall: # # \begin{eqnarray} # && y = (u(r), u'(r) )\\ # && dy/dr = (u'(r), u''(r)) # \end{eqnarray} # # \begin{eqnarray} # u''(r)= # \left(\frac{l(l+1)}{r^2}-\frac{2Z}{r}-\varepsilon\right)u(r) # \end{eqnarray} # In[69]: from scipy import * from numpy import * from scipy import integrate from scipy import optimize from numba import jit # This is the new line with numba @jit(nopython=True) def Schroed_deriv(y,r,l,En): "Given y=[u,u'] returns dy/dr=[u',u''] " (u,up) = y return array([up, (l*(l+1)/r**2-2/r-En)*u]) # First we try linear mesh and forward integration. It is supposed to be unstable. # We know the ground state has energy $E_0=-1 Ry$ and we should get $1s$ state with integrating Scroedinger equation. # In[70]: R = linspace(1e-10,20,500) l=0 E0=-1.0 ur = integrate.odeint(Schroed_deriv, [0.0, 1.0], R, args=(l,E0)) # In[71]: from pylab import * get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') plot(R,ur[:,0],label='odeint') plot(R,R*exp(-R),label='exact') # expected solution u = r * exp(-r) legend(loc='best') show() # Recal `Euler's method` and `Runge Kutta` method # In[72]: from IPython.display import Image Image('https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/10/Euler_method.svg/2560px-Euler_method.svg.png') # In[73]: Image('https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7e/Runge-Kutta_slopes.svg/1920px-Runge-Kutta_slopes.svg.png') # Indeed the integration is unstable, and needs to be done in opposite direction. Let's try from large R. # In[74]: R = linspace(1e-10,20,500) l=0 E0=-1.0 Rb=R[::-1] # invert the mesh urb = integrate.odeint(Schroed_deriv, [0.0, -1e-7], Rb, args=(l,E0)) ur = urb[:,0][::-1] # we take u(r) and invert it in R. norm=integrate.simps(ur**2,x=R) ur *= 1./sqrt(norm) # In[75]: plot(R,ur, label='numerical') plot(R, R*exp(-R)*2, '.', label='exact') # with proper normalization, exact solution is 2*r*exp(-r) legend(loc='best') show() plot(R,ur, '-') plot(R, R*exp(-R)*2, 'o') xlim(0,0.05) ylim(0,0.10) show() # Clearly the integration from infinity is stable, and we will use it here. # # Logarithmic mesh is better suited for higher excited states, as they extend far away. # # Lets create a subroutine of what we learned up to now: # In[76]: def SolveSchroedinger(En,l,R): ur = integrate.odeint(Schroed_deriv, [0.0,-1e-7], R[::-1], args=(l,En))[:,0][::-1] ur *= 1./sqrt(integrate.simps(ur**2,x=R)) return ur # In[77]: l=1 n=3 En=-1./(n**2) # 3p orbital #Ri = linspace(1e-6,20,500) # linear mesh already fails for this case Ri = linspace(1e-6,100,1000) ui = SolveSchroedinger(En,l,Ri) plot(Ri,ui,'o-', label='linear'); # In[78]: l=1 n=3 En=-1./(n**2) # 3p orbital #Ri = linspace(1e-6,20,500) # linear mesh already fails for this case Ri = linspace(1e-6,100,1000) ui = SolveSchroedinger(En,l,Ri) R = logspace(-6,2.,100) ur = SolveSchroedinger(En,l,R) #ylim([0,0.5]) plot(Ri,ui/Ri,'s-', label='u(r)/r linear') plot(R,ur/R,'o-', label='u(r)/r logarithmic') xlim([0,2]) ylim([-0.1,0.4]) legend(loc='best'); # **Shooting algorithm:** # # The boundary condistions are given at two points $a$ and $b$, i.e., $u(a)=u(b)=0$. # # * **Choose $u(a)=0$ and $u'(a)=c$, with $c$ some constant.** # * **Solve for $u(x)$ to the other end, and evaluate $u(b)$.** # # * Using root finding routine find energy $\varepsilon$ for which u(b)=0. This is the bound state. # * Continue with increasing energy $\varepsilon$ until sufficient number of bound states is found # In[79]: def Shoot(En,R,l): ur = integrate.odeint(Schroed_deriv, [0.0,-1e-7], R[::-1], args=(l,En))[:,0][::-1] norm=integrate.simps(ur**2,x=R)# normalization is not essential here ur *= 1./sqrt(norm) # once we normalize, the functions are all of the order of unity # we know that u(r)~ A r^(l+1), hence, u(r)/r^l ~ A r ur = ur/R**l # extrapolate to r=0 f0 = ur[0] f1 = ur[1] f_at_0 = f0 + (f1-f0)*(0.0-R[0])/(R[1]-R[0]) return f_at_0 # In[80]: R = logspace(-6,2.2,500) Shoot(-1.,R,0), Shoot(-1/3**2, R, l=1) # **Shooting algorithm:** # # The boundary condistions are given at two points $a$ and $b$, i.e., $u(a)=u(b)=0$. # # * Choose $u(a)=0$ and $u'(a)=c$, with $c$ some constant. # * Solve for $u(x)$ to the other end, and evaluate $u(b)$. # # * **Using root finding routine find energy $\varepsilon$ for which u(b)=0. This is the bound state.** # * **Continue with increasing energy $\varepsilon$ until sufficient number of bound states is found** # In[81]: def FindBoundStates(R,l,nmax,Esearch): """ R -- real space mesh l -- orbital quantum number nmax -- maximum number of bounds states we require Esearch -- energy mesh, which brackets all bound-states, i.e., every sign change of the wave function at u(0). """ n=0 Ebnd=[] # save all bound states u0 = Shoot(Esearch[0],R,l) # u(r=0) for the first energy Esearch[0] for i in range(1,len(Esearch)): u1 = Shoot(Esearch[i],R,l) # evaluate u(r=0) and all Esearch points if u0*u1<0: Ebound = optimize.brentq(Shoot,Esearch[i-1],Esearch[i],xtol=1e-16,args=(R,l)) # root finding routine Ebnd.append((l,Ebound)) if len(Ebnd)>nmax: break n+=1 print('Found bound state at E=%14.9f E_exact=%14.9f l=%d' % (Ebound, -1.0/(n+l)**2,l)) u0=u1 return Ebnd # In[82]: Esearch = -1.2/arange(1,20,0.2)**2 Esearch # In[83]: Esearch = -1.2/arange(1,20,0.2)**2 R = logspace(-6,2.2,500) nmax=7 Bnd=[] for l in range(nmax-1): Bnd += FindBoundStates(R,l,nmax-l,Esearch) # In[85]: Bnd # In[86]: sorted(Bnd, key= lambda x: x[1]) # In[87]: def cmpKey(x): return x[1] + x[0]/10000. # energy has large wait, but degenerate energy states are sorted by l Bnd = sorted(Bnd, key=cmpKey) # In[88]: Bnd # In[97]: Z=46 # like Ni N=0 rho=zeros(len(R)) for (l,En) in Bnd: ur = SolveSchroedinger(En,l,R) dN = 2*(2*l+1) # each radial function can store these many electrons if N+dN<=Z: ferm = 1. # no fractional occupancy needed else: ferm = (Z-N)/float(dN) # fractional occupancy, because the orbital is not fully filled drho = ur**2 * ferm * dN/(4*pi*R**2) # charge density per solid angle per radius: drho/(dOmega*dr) rho += drho N += dN print('adding state (%2d,%14.9f) with fermi=%4.2f and current N=%5.1f' % (l,En,ferm,N)) if N>=Z: break # Resulting charge density for a Ni-like Hydrogen atom # In[98]: from pylab import * get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') plot(R,rho*4*pi*R**2,label='charge density') xlim([0,60]) show() # In[99]: integrate.simpson(rho*R**2 * 4*pi,x=R) # total density # In[114]: l,En=3,-1/4**2 #l,En = Bnd[9] #R = logspace(-6,2,1000) R = logspace(-2,2.5,1000) ur = SolveSchroedinger(En,l,R) plot(R,ur,'-'); # It seems that error accumulation still prevents one to calculate f-states near the nucleous. Only if we start sufficiently away from nucleout (0.1$R_b$) numerics works. # # Can we do better? # # ## Numerov algorithm # # The general purpose integration routine is not the best method for solving the Schroedinger equation, which does not have first derivative terms. # # Numerov algorithm is better fit for such equations, and its algorithm is summarized below. # The second order linear differential equation (DE) of the form # # \begin{eqnarray} # x''(t) = f(t) x(t) + u(t) # \end{eqnarray} # # is a target of Numerov algorithm. # # Due to a special structure of the DE, the fourth order error cancels # and leads to sixth order algorithm using second order integration # scheme. # # # If we expand x(t) to some higher power and take into account the time # reversal symmetry of the equation, all odd term cancel # # \begin{eqnarray} # x(h) = x(0)+h x'(0)+\frac{1}{2}h^2 x''(0)+\frac{1}{3!}h^3 # x^{(3)}(0)+\frac{1}{4!}h^4 x^{(4)}(0)+\frac{1}{5!}h^5 x^{(5)}(0)+...\\ # x(-h) = x(0)-h x'(0)+\frac{1}{2}h^2 x''(0)-\frac{1}{3!}h^3 # x^{(3)}(0)+\frac{1}{4!}h^4 x^{(4)}(0)-\frac{1}{5!}h^5 # x^{(5)}(0)+... # \end{eqnarray} # # hence # # \begin{eqnarray} # x(h)+x(-h) = 2x(0)+h^2 (f(0)x(0)+u(0))+\frac{2}{4!}h^4 x^{(4)}(0)+O(h^6) # \end{eqnarray} # # # If we are happy with $O(h^4)$ algorithm, we can neglect $x^{(4)}$ term and # get the following recursion relation # # \begin{equation} # x_{i+1} = 2 x_i - x_{i-1} + h^2 (f_i x_i+u_i) +O(h^4). # \end{equation} # where we renaimed # \begin{eqnarray} # &x_{i-1}&= x(-h)\\ # &x_i &= x(0)\\ # &x_{i+1} &= x(h) # \end{eqnarray} # # # But we know from the differential equation that # # \begin{equation} # x^{(4)} = \frac{d^2 x''(t)}{dt^2} = \frac{d^2}{dt^2}(f(t) x(t)+u(t)) # \end{equation} # and we will use the well known descrete expression for the second order derivative # \begin{eqnarray} # g''(t) = \frac{g(t+h) - 2 g(t) + g(t-h)}{h^2} + O(h^2) # \end{eqnarray} # which can be approximated by # # \begin{equation} # x^{(4)}= \frac{f_{i+1}x_{i+1}+u_{i+1}-2 f_i x_i -2 u_i+ f_{i-1}x_{i-1}+u_{i-1}}{h^2} + O(h^2) # \end{equation} # # Inserting the fourth order derivative into the above recursive equation (forth equation in his chapter), we # get # # \begin{equation} # x_{i+1}-2 x_i+x_{i-1}=h^2(f_i x_i+u_i)+\frac{h^2}{12}(f_{i+1}x_{i+1}+u_{i+1}-2 f_i x_i -2 u_i+ f_{i-1}x_{i-1}+u_{i-1}) + O(h^6) # \end{equation} # # If we switch to a new variable $w_i=x_i(1-\frac{h^2}{12} f_i)-\frac{h^2}{12}u_i$ # we are left with the following # equation # # \begin{equation} # w_{i+1} = 2 w_i - w_{i-1} + h^2 (f_i x_i + u_i)+O(h^6) # \end{equation} # # The variable $x$ needs to be recomputed at each step with # \begin{equation} # x_i=\frac{w_i+\frac{h^2}{12}u_i}{1-\frac{h^2}{12}f_i}. # \end{equation} # # # In[115]: @jit(nopython=True) def Numerovc(f, x0, dx, dh): """Given precomputed function f(x), solves for x(t), which satisfies: x''(t) = f(t) x(t) dx = (dx(t)/dt)_{t=0} x0 = x(t=0) """ x = zeros(len(f)) x[0] = x0 x[1] = x0+dh*dx h2 = dh**2 h12 = h2/12. w0=x0*(1-h12*f[0]) w1=x[1]*(1-h12*f[1]) xi = x[1] fi = f[1] for i in range(2,f.size): w2 = 2*w1-w0+h2*fi*xi # here fi,xi=f1,x1 at the first step fi = f[i] # at this point fi=f2 in the first step xi = w2/(1-h12*fi) # xi is not x2 in the first step x[i]=xi # save x2 into x[2] w0,w1 = w1,w2 return x # For Numerov algorithm we can evaluate derivative part $f(r)$ for all points at once: # # Because Schroedinger Eq is: # \begin{eqnarray} # u''(r)= # \left(\frac{l(l+1)}{r^2}-\frac{2Z}{r}-\varepsilon\right)u(r) # \end{eqnarray} # the $f$ function is # \begin{eqnarray} # f(r)= # \left(\frac{l(l+1)}{r^2}-\frac{2Z}{r}-\varepsilon\right) # \end{eqnarray} # # In[116]: def fSchrod(En, l, R): return l*(l+1.)/R**2-2./R-En # The Numerov algorithm is much faster, but the price we pay is the mesh has to be linear. We can not use logarithmic mesh in combination with Numerov algorithm. # In[117]: Rl = linspace(1e-6,100,1000) l,En=0,-1 f = fSchrod(En,l,Rl[::-1]) # here we turn mesh R around, so that f is given from large r down to r=0. ur = Numerovc(f,0.0,1e-7,Rl[1]-Rl[0])[::-1] # turn around the solution, so that it starts with r=0 norm = integrate.simps(ur**2,x=Rl) ur *= 1/sqrt(abs(norm)) # In[120]: from pylab import * get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') plot(Rl,ur) plot(Rl,exp(-Rl)*Rl*2.); xlim(0,10) # Numerov seems much more precise than odeint, and avoids numerical problems we had before # In[125]: Rl = linspace(1e-6,100,1000) l,En=3,-1/4**2 f = fSchrod(En,l,Rl[::-1]) # here we turn mesh R around, so that f is given from large r down to r=0. ur = Numerovc(f,0.0,1e-7,Rl[1]-Rl[0])[::-1] # turn around the solution, so that it starts with r=0 norm = integrate.simps(ur**2,x=Rl) ur *= 1/sqrt(abs(norm)) plot(Rl,ur,'-') xlim(0,60) grid() # In[127]: Rl = linspace(1e-6,100,1000) l,En=1,-1/3**2 # 3p orbital f = fSchrod(En,l,Rl[::-1]) ur = Numerovc(f,0.0,-1e-7,-Rl[1]+Rl[0])[::-1] norm = integrate.simps(ur**2,x=Rl) ur *= 1/sqrt(abs(norm)) plot(Rl,ur, label='u(r)') plot(Rl,ur/Rl, label='u(r)/r') legend(loc='best') show() # Put it all together # In[128]: def fSchrod(En, l, R): return l*(l+1.)/R**2-2./R-En def ComputeSchrod(En,R,l): "Computes Schrod Eq." f = fSchrod(En,l,R[::-1]) ur = Numerovc(f,0.0,-1e-7,-R[1]+R[0])[::-1] norm = integrate.simps(ur**2,x=R) return ur*1/sqrt(abs(norm)) def Shoot(En,R,l): ur = ComputeSchrod(En,R,l) ur = ur/R**l f0,f1 = ur[0],ur[1] f_at_0 = f0 + (f1-f0)*(0.0-R[0])/(R[1]-R[0]) return f_at_0 def FindBoundStates(R,l,nmax,Esearch): n=0 Ebnd=[] u0 = Shoot(Esearch[0],R,l) for i in range(1,len(Esearch)): u1 = Shoot(Esearch[i],R,l) if u0*u1<0: Ebound = optimize.brentq(Shoot,Esearch[i-1],Esearch[i],xtol=1e-16,args=(R,l)) #Ebound = optimize.toms748(Shoot,Esearch[i-1],Esearch[i],xtol=1e-16,rtol=3.e-16,args=(R,l)) Ebnd.append((l,Ebound)) if len(Ebnd)>nmax: break n+=1 print('Found bound state at E=%14.9f E_exact=%14.9f l=%d' % (Ebound, -1.0/(n+l)**2,l)) u0=u1 return Ebnd def cmpKey(x): return x[1] + x[0]/1000. # energy has large wait, but degenerate energy states are sorted by l # In[129]: def ChargeDensity(Bnd,R,Z): rho = zeros(len(R)) N=0. for (l,En) in Bnd: ur = ComputeSchrod(En, R, l) dN = 2*(2*l+1) if N+dN <= Z: ferm = 1. else: ferm = (Z-N)/float(dN) drho = ur**2 * ferm * dN/(4*pi*R**2) # contribution to density per unit volume rho += drho N += dN print('adding state', (l,En), 'with fermi=', ferm) if N>=Z: break return rho # In[137]: Esearch = -1.2/arange(1,20,0.2)**2 R = linspace(1e-6,100,2000) nmax=5 Bnd=[] for l in range(nmax-1): Bnd += FindBoundStates(R,l,nmax-l,Esearch) Bnd = sorted(Bnd, key=cmpKey) Z=100 # Like Ni ion rho = ChargeDensity(Bnd,R,Z) plot(R,rho*(4*pi*R**2),label='charge density') xlim([0,80]) show() # It seems with Numerov we are getting substantial error-bar for the energy of 1s state. We could increase the number of points in the mesh, but the error decreases only linearly with the number of points used. # # Where is the problem? What should be done? # In[143]: optimize.brentq(Shoot,-1.1,-0.99,xtol=1e-16,args=(R,0)) # Check that approximate solution gives smaller wave function at zero than exact energy, which confirms that root finding routine works fine. # In[144]: Shoot(-1.0,R,l=0), Shoot(-0.9999221089559636,R,l=0) # Let's check how the function looks like near zero # In[145]: ur = ComputeSchrod(-1.0,R,0) plot(R,ur,'o-') xlim(0,0.2) ylim(0,0.4) # Idea: The mesh is very sparse near zero, and in the range of the first few points, the curve is not linear enough. Linear extrapolation gives the error. # # Can we do better? # # Let's use cubic extrapolation with first 4 points. # In[146]: def Shoot2(En,R,l): ur = ComputeSchrod(En,R,l) ur = ur/R**l poly = polyfit(R[:4], ur[:4], deg=3) return polyval(poly, 0.0) # In[147]: Shoot2(-1,R,l=0), Shoot2(-0.9999221089559636,R,l=0) # In[150]: optimize.brentq(Shoot2,-1.1,-0.9,xtol=1e-16,args=(R,0)) # Indeed we get $10^{-8}$ error as compared to $10^{-5}$ error before. # So, the extrapolation must be improved to reduce the error. # Increasing the number of points for 10-times reduces the error factor of 1000, i.e., $O(1/N^3)$. # # Better cubic extrapolation reduces the error for the same factor of 1000, equivalent to 10-times more points. # In[152]: R = linspace(1e-6,100,2000) print('Error with linear extrapolation:', optimize.brentq(Shoot,-1.1,-0.9,xtol=1e-16,args=(R,0)) + 1.0 ) print('Error with cubic extrapolation:', optimize.brentq(Shoot2,-1.1,-0.9,xtol=1e-16,args=(R,0)) + 1.0 ) # It also helps to increase the number of points. 10-times denser grid gives roughly $10^{-3}$ smaller error. # In[153]: R = linspace(1e-8,100,20000) print('Error with linear extrapolation:', optimize.brentq(Shoot,-1.1,-0.9,xtol=1e-16,args=(R,0)) + 1.0 ) print('Error with cubic extrapolation:', optimize.brentq(Shoot2,-1.1,-0.9,xtol=1e-16,args=(R,0)) + 1.0 ) # In[ ]: