import numpy as np import pandas as pd import panel as pn import holoviews as hv import hvplot.pandas # noqa pn.extension(template='fast') pn.state.template.logo = '' welcome = "## Welcome and meet the Palmer penguins!" penguins_art = pn.pane.PNG('', height=160) credit = "### Artwork by @allison_horst" instructions = """ Use the box-select and lasso-select tools to select a subset of penguins and reveal more information about the selected subgroup through the power of cross-filtering. """ license = """ ### License Data are available by CC-0 license in accordance with the Palmer Station LTER Data Policy and the LTER Data Access Policy for Type I data." """ art = pn.Column( welcome, penguins_art, credit, instructions, license, sizing_mode='stretch_width' ).servable(area='sidebar') art penguins = pd.read_csv('') penguins = penguins[].reset_index().sort_values('species') penguins ls = hv.link_selections.instance() def count(selected): return f"## {len(selected)}/{len(penguins)} penguins selected" selected = pn.pane.Markdown( pn.bind(count, ls.selection_param(penguins)), align='center', width=400, margin=(0, 100, 0, 0) ) header = pn.Row( pn.layout.HSpacer(), selected, sizing_mode='stretch_width' ).servable(area='header') selected colors = { 'Adelie': '#1f77b4', 'Gentoo': '#ff7f0e', 'Chinstrap': '#2ca02c' } scatter = penguins.hvplot.points( 'bill_length_mm', 'bill_depth_mm', c='species', cmap=colors, responsive=True, min_height=300 ) histogram = penguins.hvplot.hist( 'body_mass_g', by='species', color=hv.dim('species').categorize(colors), legend=False, alpha=0.5, responsive=True, min_height=300 ) bars = 'species', 'index', c='species', cmap=colors, responsive=True, min_height=300, ylabel='' ).aggregate(function=np.count_nonzero) violin = penguins.hvplot.violin( 'flipper_length_mm', by=['species', 'sex'], cmap='Category20', responsive=True, min_height=300, legend='bottom_right' ).opts(split='sex') plots = pn.pane.HoloViews( ls(scatter.opts(show_legend=False) + bars + histogram + violin).opts(sizing_mode='stretch_both').cols(2) ).servable(title='Palmer Penguins') plots