import panel as pn pn.extension('vega', sizing_mode="stretch_width") imdb = { "$schema": "", "data": {"url": ""}, "transform": [{ "filter": {"and": [ {"field": "IMDB Rating", "valid": True}, {"field": "Rotten Tomatoes Rating", "valid": True} ]} }], "mark": "rect", "width": "container", "height": 400, "encoding": { "x": { "bin": {"maxbins":60}, "field": "IMDB Rating", "type": "quantitative" }, "y": { "bin": {"maxbins": 40}, "field": "Rotten Tomatoes Rating", "type": "quantitative" }, "color": { "aggregate": "count", "type": "quantitative" } }, "config": { "view": { "stroke": "transparent" } } } vega = pn.pane.Vega(imdb, height=425) # Declare range slider to adjust the color limits color_lims = pn.widgets.RangeSlider(name='Color limits', start=0, end=125, value=(0, 40), step=1) color_lims.jslink(vega, code={'value': """ = {domain: source.value}; """}); # Declare slider to control the number of bins along the x-axis imdb_bins = pn.widgets.IntSlider(name='IMDB Ratings Bins', start=0, end=125, value=60, step=25) imdb_bins.jslink(vega, code={'value': """ = source.value; """}); # Declare slider to control the number of bins along the y-axis tomato_bins = pn.widgets.IntSlider(name='Rotten Tomato Ratings Bins', start=0, end=125, value=40, step=25) tomato_bins.jslink(vega, code={'value': """ = source.value; """}); pn.Row(vega, pn.Column(color_lims, imdb_bins, tomato_bins, sizing_mode="fixed", width=400)) pn.template.FastListTemplate( site="Panel", title="Vega Heatmap w. JS Links", sidebar=[color_lims, imdb_bins, tomato_bins], main=[ pn.pane.Markdown("This example demonstrates how to link Panel widgets to a **Vega pane** by editing the Vega spec using **js callbacks** and triggering updates in the plot."), vega ] ).servable();