import json import numpy as np import pandas as pd import panel as pn pn.extension('deckgl', sizing_mode="stretch_width") import random def new_board(x, y, num_live_cells=2, num_dead_cells=3): """Initializes a board for Conway's Game of Life""" board = [] for i in range(0, y): # Defaults to a 3:2 dead cell:live cell ratio board.append([random.choice([0] * num_dead_cells + [1] * num_live_cells) for _ in range(0, x)]) return board def get(board, x, y): """Return the value at location (x, y) on a board, wrapping around if out-of-bounds""" return board[y % len(board)][x % len(board[0])] def assign(board, x, y, value): """Assigns a value at location (x, y) on a board, wrapping around if out-of-bounds""" board[y % len(board)][x % len(board[0])] = value def count_neighbors(board, x, y): """Counts the number of living neighbors a cell at (x, y) on a board has""" return sum([ get(board, x - 1, y), get(board, x + 1, y), get(board, x, y - 1), get(board, x, y + 1), get(board, x + 1, y + 1), get(board, x + 1, y - 1), get(board, x - 1, y + 1), get(board, x - 1, y - 1)]) def process_life(board): """Creates the next iteration from a passed state of Conway's Game of Life""" next_board = new_board(len(board[0]), len(board)) for y in range(0, len(board)): for x in range(0, len(board[y])): num_neighbors = count_neighbors(board, x, y) is_alive = get(board, x, y) == 1 if num_neighbors < 2 and is_alive: assign(next_board, x, y, 0) elif 2 <= num_neighbors <= 3 and is_alive: assign(next_board, x, y, 1) elif num_neighbors > 3 and is_alive: assign(next_board, x, y, 0) elif num_neighbors == 3 and not is_alive: assign(next_board, x, y, 1) else: assign(next_board, x, y, 0) return next_board points = { '@@type': 'PointCloudLayer', 'data': [], 'getColor': '@@=color', 'getPosition': '@@=position', 'getRadius': 40, 'id': '0558257e-1a5c-43d7-bd98-1fba69981c6c' } board_json = { "initialViewState": { "bearing": 44, "latitude": 0.01, "longitude": 0.01, "pitch": 45, "zoom": 13 }, "layers": [points], "mapStyle": "", "views": [ { "@@type": "MapView", "controller": True } ] } PINK = [155, 155, 255, 245] PURPLE = [255, 155, 255, 245] SCALING_FACTOR = 1000.0 def convert_board_to_df(board): """Makes the board matrix into a list for easier processing""" rows = [] for x in range(0, len(board[0])): for y in range(0, len(board)): rows.append([[x / SCALING_FACTOR, y / SCALING_FACTOR], PURPLE if board[y][x] else PINK]) return pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=['position', 'color']) def run_gol(event=None): global board board = process_life(board) records = convert_board_to_df(board) points['data'] = records gol.param.trigger('object') def reset_board(event): global board board = new_board(30, 30) run_gol() def toggle_periodic_callback(event): if = 'Stop' periodic_toggle.button_type = 'warning' periodic_cb.start() else: = 'Run' periodic_toggle.button_type = 'primary' periodic_cb.stop() def update_period(event): periodic_cb.period = board = new_board(30, 30) gol = pn.pane.DeckGL(board_json, height=400) run_gol() periodic_toggle = pn.widgets.Toggle( name='Run', value=False, button_type='primary', align='end', width=50 ), 'value') period = pn.widgets.Spinner(name="Period (ms)", value=500, step=50, start=50, align='end', width=100), 'value') reset = pn.widgets.Button(name='Reset', button_type='warning', width=60, align='end') reset.on_click(reset_board) periodic_cb = pn.state.add_periodic_callback(run_gol, start=False, period=period.value) settings = pn.Row(period, periodic_toggle, reset, width=400, sizing_mode="fixed") pn.Column( '## Game of Life (using Deck.GL)', gol, settings, ) description = """ **Conway's Game of Life** is a classic demonstration of *emergence*, where higher level patterns form from a few simple rules. Fantastic patterns emerge when the game is let to run long enough. The **rules** here, to borrow from [Wikipedia](, are as follows: - Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if by underpopulation. - Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation. - Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overpopulation. - Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction. This demo was **adapted from [PyDeck's Conway Game of Life example]('s%20Game%20of%20Life.ipynb)**, full copyright lies with the original authors. This modified example demonstrates **how to display and update a `DeckGL` pane with a periodic callback** by modifying the JSON representation and triggering an update.""" pn.template.FastListTemplate( site="Panel", title=" - Game of Life", main=[ pn.Column(description, settings), gol, ], main_max_width="768px", ).servable();