import pandas as pd import panel as pn import numpy as np import holoviews as hv from holoviews.streams import Buffer from bokeh.models import Button, Slider, Spinner import time import asyncio pn.extension(sizing_mode="stretch_width") class FakeInstrument(object): def __init__(self, offset=0.0): self.offset = offset def set_offset(self, value): self.offset = value def read_data(self): return np.random.random() + self.offset instrument = FakeInstrument() # Instantiate your instrument def make_df(time_sec=0.0, temperature_degC=0.0): return pd.DataFrame({'Time (s)': time_sec, 'Temperature (°C)': temperature_degC}, index=[0]) example_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=make_df().columns) buffer = Buffer(example_df, length=1000, index=False) plot = hv.DynamicMap(hv.Curve, streams=[buffer]).opts(padding=0.1, height=600, xlim=(0, None), responsive=True) LABEL_START = 'Start' LABEL_STOP = 'Stop' LABEL_CSV_START = "Save to csv" LABEL_CSV_STOP = "Stop save" CSV_FILENAME = 'tmp.csv' button_startstop = Button(label=LABEL_START, button_type="primary") button_csv = Button(label=LABEL_CSV_START, button_type="success") offset = Slider(title='Offset', start=-10.0, end=10.0, value=0.0, step=0.1) interval = Spinner(title="Interval (sec)", value=0.1, step=0.01) acquisition_task = None save_to_csv = False async def acquire_data(interval_sec=0.1): global save_to_csv t0 = time.time() while True: instrument.set_offset(offset.value) time_elapsed = time.time() - t0 value = instrument.read_data() b = make_df(time_elapsed, value) buffer.send(b) if save_to_csv: b.to_csv(CSV_FILENAME, header=False, index=False, mode='a') time_spent_buffering = time.time() - t0 - time_elapsed if interval_sec > time_spent_buffering: await asyncio.sleep(interval_sec - time_spent_buffering) def toggle_csv(*events): global save_to_csv if button_csv.label == LABEL_CSV_START: button_csv.label = LABEL_CSV_STOP example_df.to_csv(CSV_FILENAME, index=False) # example_df is empty, so this just writes the header save_to_csv = True else: save_to_csv = False button_csv.label = LABEL_CSV_START def start_stop(*events): global acquisition_task, save_to_csv if button_startstop.label == LABEL_START: button_startstop.label = LABEL_STOP buffer.clear() acquisition_task = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_task(acquire_data(interval_sec=interval.value)) else: acquisition_task.cancel() button_startstop.label = LABEL_START if save_to_csv: toggle_csv() button_startstop.on_click(start_stop) button_csv.on_click(toggle_csv) hv.extension('bokeh') hv.renderer('bokeh').theme = 'caliber' controls = pn.WidgetBox('# Controls', button_startstop, button_csv, interval, offset, ) pn.Row(plot, controls) pn.template.FastListTemplate( site="Panel", title="Hardware Automation, IoT, Streaming and Async", sidebar=[*controls], main=[ "This app provides a simple example of a graphical interface for **scientific instrument control** using Panel for layout/interaction and [Holoviews]( for buffering and plotting data from the instrument.", plot, ] ).servable();