import hvplot.pandas import panel as pn import holoviews as hv from bokeh.sampledata.sea_surface_temperature import sea_surface_temperature pn.extension(sizing_mode="stretch_width") bins = pn.widgets.IntSlider(name='Number of bins', start=5, end=25, step=5, value=10) kde = pn.widgets.Checkbox(name='Show density estimate') observations = pn.widgets.Checkbox(name='Show individual observations') bandwidth = pn.widgets.FloatSlider(name='KDE Bandwidth', start=0.1, end=1) @pn.depends(bins.param.value, kde.param.value, observations.param.value, bandwidth.param.value) def get_plot(bins, kde, obs, bw): plot = sea_surface_temperature.hvplot.hist(bins=bins, normed=True, xlabel='Temperature (C)', padding=0.1, color="#A01346") if kde: plot *= sea_surface_temperature.hvplot.kde().opts(bandwidth=bw, color="#A01346") if obs: plot *= hv.Spikes(sea_surface_temperature, 'temperature').opts( line_width=0.1, alpha=0.1, spike_length=0.14, color="#A01346") return plot widgets = pn.WidgetBox(bins, observations, kde) def add_bandwidth(event): if widgets.append(bandwidth) else: widgets.remove(bandwidth), 'value') pn.Row(widgets, get_plot) description="""This example demonstrates how to put widgets together to build a simple UI for exploring the distribution of sea surface temperatures, as follows: - Declare the various widgets - Declare a function that is decorated with the `pn.depends` to express the dependencies on the widget values - Define a callback that pops up the bandwidth slider to control the kernel density estimate (if it has been enabled).""" pn.template.FastListTemplate( site="Panel", title="Temperature Distribution", sidebar=[widgets], main=[description, get_plot], main_max_width="768px", ).servable();