import numpy as np import pandas as pd import holoviews as hv import panel as pn from colorcet import bmy pn.extension('tabulator', template='fast') import hvplot.pandas instruction = pn.pane.Markdown(""" This dashboard visualizes all global glaciers and allows exploring the relationships between their locations and variables such as their elevation, temperature and annual precipitation.

Box- or lasso-select on each plot to subselect and hit the "Clear selection" button to reset. See the notebook source code for how to build apps like this!""", width=600) panel_logo = pn.pane.PNG( '', link_url='', height=95, align='center' ) oggm_logo = pn.pane.PNG( '', link_url='', height=100, align='center' ) intro = pn.Row( oggm_logo, instruction, pn.layout.HSpacer(), panel_logo, sizing_mode='stretch_width' ) intro from holoviews.element.tiles import lon_lat_to_easting_northing @pn.cache def load_data(): df = pd.read_parquet('') df['latdeg'] = df.cenlat df['x'], df['y'] = lon_lat_to_easting_northing(df.cenlon, df.cenlat) return df df = load_data() df.tail() ls = hv.link_selections.instance() def clear_selections(event): ls.selection_expr = None clear_button = pn.widgets.Button(name='Clear selection', align='center'), 'clicks'); total_area = df.area_km2.sum() def count(data): selected_area = np.sum(data['area_km2']) selected_percentage = selected_area / total_area * 100 return f'## Glaciers selected: {len(data)} | Area: {selected_area:.0f} kmĀ² ({selected_percentage:.1f}%)' pn.Row( pn.pane.Markdown(pn.bind(count, ls.selection_param(df)), align='center', width=600), clear_button ).servable(area='header', title='OGGM Glaciers') geo = df.hvplot.points( 'x', 'y', rasterize=True, tools=['hover'], tiles='ESRI', cmap=bmy, logz=True, colorbar=True, xaxis=None, yaxis=False, ylim=(-7452837.583633271, 6349198.00989753), min_height=400, responsive=True ).opts('Tiles', alpha=0.8) scatter = df.hvplot.scatter( 'avg_prcp', 'mean_elev', rasterize=True, fontscale=1.2, grid=True, xlabel='Avg. Precipitation', ylabel='Elevation', responsive=True, min_height=400 ) temp = df.hvplot.hist( 'avg_temp_at_mean_elev', fontscale=1.2, responsive=True, min_height=350, fill_color='#85c1e9' ) precipitation = df.hvplot.hist( 'avg_prcp', fontscale=1.2, responsive=True, min_height=350, fill_color='#f1948a' ) plots = pn.pane.HoloViews(ls(geo + scatter + temp + precipitation).cols(2).opts(sizing_mode='stretch_both')) plots pn.Column(intro, plots, sizing_mode='stretch_both').servable();