#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Chapter 3: Practice Exercises # --- # --- # **Exercise 1:** If you flip a fair coin 5 times, what is the probability of # # A) Getting all heads? # # B) Getting at least one head? # --- # **Exercise 2:** If you roll a pair of fair dice, what is the probability of # # A) Getting a sum of 1? # # B) Getting a sum of 5? # # C) Getting a sum of 12? # --- # **Exercise 3:** In a multiple choice quiz there are 5 questions and 3 choices for each question (a,b,c). Jessy did not study for the test at all and she decided to randomly guess the answers. What is the probability that # # A) the first question she gets right is the 3rd question? # # B) she get all the questions right? # # C) she gets at least one question right? # --- # **Exercise 4:** In a survey, grade 12 students were asked on their likeability towards quantum computing (QC) & blockchain technology (BT). 70% of the respondents said they like QC, 80% said they like BT while 68% said they like both. Given that a randomly sampled student likes QC, what's the probability that he also likes BT? # --- # **Exercise 5:** Researchers collected data on colors of 210 cars in Melbourne. The table below summarizes the results. # # |Cars | Blue | Red | Black | Total | # |--- |--- |--- |--- | --- | # |Brand A | 81 | 23 | 13 | 117 | # |Brand B | 19 | 23 | 14 | 56 | # |Brand C | 11 | 10 | 16 | 37 | # |Total | 111 | 56 | 43 | 210 | # # A) What is the probability that a randomly chosen car is a Brand A and has the color of Blue? # # B) What is the probability that a randomly chosen car is a Brand A or has the color of Blue? # # C) What is the probability that a randomly chosen car is a Blue Brand A car, Red Brand B car or Black Brand C car? # # D) What is the probability that a randomly chosen Brand A car has the color of Blue? # # E) What is the probability that a randomly chosen Blue car is a Brand A car? # # F) What is the probability that a randomly chosen Blue car is not a Brand A? # --- # **Exercise 6:** A portfolio's value increases by 18% during a financial boom and by 9% during normal times. It decreases by 12% during a recession. What is the expected return on this portfolio if each scenario is equally likely? # --- # **Exercise 7:** Ice cream usually comes in 48 ounces, and ice cream scoops hold about 2 ounces. However, there is some variability in the amount of ice cream in a box as well as the amount of ice cream scooped out. The amount of ice cream in the box is denoted by the random variable X and the amount scooped out as Y. Suppose these random variables have the following means, standard deviations, and variances: # # |R.V. | Mean | SD | Variance | # |------|------|------|------ | # | X | 48 | 1 | 1 | # | Y | 2 | 0.25 | 0.0625 | # # A) An entire box of ice cream, plus 3 scoops from a second box is served at a party. How much ice cream do you expect to have been served at this party? What is the standard deviation of the amount of ice cream served? # # B) How much ice cream would you expect to be left in the box after scooping out one scoop of ice cream? That is, find the expected value of X - Y. What is the standard deviation of the amount left in the box? # # C) Using the context of this exercise, explain why we add variances when we subtract one random variable from another. # --- # *Solutions available [here](https://nbviewer.org/github/imranture/practice_stats/blob/main/ch3-exercises_with_solutions.ipynb).*