#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ### Creating a Python program (not on the notebook) -- _Optional_ # # # * Use SSH and connect to your Unix shell # * Type `nano helloworld.py` to open `nano`, a (relatively easy to use) text editor, and create the file `helloworld.py` # * In the text editor, type: # `print('Hello my dear friend!')` # * Type Ctrl+X, to save the file and close the editor. # * In the shell prompt, type `python helloworld.py` to see the outcome # # # #### Exercise # # Open and change the file `helloworld.py` to print your own message. # # In[ ]: # execute your steps in the shell # ### Creating a self-executing Python program -- _Optional_ # # * Repeat the steps as above, but with the following change: In the first line of your program, type: `#!/usr/bin/python` # * Save the file with the name `hello` # * In the shell, type `chmod 700 hello`. This makes our file _executable_. # * Finally type `./hello` and see what happens. # In[ ]: # execute your steps in the shell