from __future__ import print_function # For py 2.7 compat from IPython.html import widgets # Widget definitions from IPython.display import display # Used to display widgets in the notebook from IPython.utils.traitlets import Unicode # Used to declare attributes of our widget class DateWidget(widgets.DOMWidget): _view_name = Unicode('DatePickerView', sync=True) %%javascript require(["widgets/js/widget"], function(WidgetManager){ }); %%javascript require(["widgets/js/widget"], function(WidgetManager){ // Define the DatePickerView var DatePickerView = IPython.DOMWidgetView.extend({ render: function(){ this.$el.text('Hello World!'); }, }); // Register the DatePickerView with the widget manager. WidgetManager.register_widget_view('DatePickerView', DatePickerView); }); DateWidget() class DateWidget(widgets.DOMWidget): _view_name = Unicode('DatePickerView', sync=True) value = Unicode(sync=True) %%javascript require(["widgets/js/widget"], function(WidgetManager){ // Define the DatePickerView var DatePickerView = IPython.DOMWidgetView.extend({ render: function(){ // Create the date picker control. this.$date = $('') .attr('type', 'date') .appendTo(this.$el); }, }); // Register the DatePickerView with the widget manager. WidgetManager.register_widget_view('DatePickerView', DatePickerView); }); %%javascript require(["widgets/js/widget"], function(WidgetManager){ // Define the DatePickerView var DatePickerView = IPython.DOMWidgetView.extend({ render: function(){ // Create the date picker control. this.$date = $('') .attr('type', 'date') .appendTo(this.$el); }, update: function() { // Set the value of the date control and then call base. this.$date.val(this.model.get('value')); // ISO format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ" is required return DatePickerView.__super__.update.apply(this); }, }); // Register the DatePickerView with the widget manager. WidgetManager.register_widget_view('DatePickerView', DatePickerView); }); %%javascript require(["widgets/js/widget"], function(WidgetManager){ // Define the DatePickerView var DatePickerView = IPython.DOMWidgetView.extend({ render: function(){ // Create the date picker control. this.$date = $('') .attr('type', 'date') .appendTo(this.$el); }, update: function() { // Set the value of the date control and then call base. this.$date.val(this.model.get('value')); // ISO format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ" is required return DatePickerView.__super__.update.apply(this); }, // Tell Backbone to listen to the change event of input controls (which the HTML date picker is) events: {"change": "handle_date_change"}, // Callback for when the date is changed. handle_date_change: function(event) { this.model.set('value', this.$date.val()); this.touch(); }, }); // Register the DatePickerView with the widget manager. WidgetManager.register_widget_view('DatePickerView', DatePickerView); }); my_widget = DateWidget() display(my_widget) my_widget my_widget.value my_widget.value = "1998-12-01" # December 1st, 1998 # Import the dateutil library to parse date strings. from dateutil import parser class DateWidget(widgets.DOMWidget): _view_name = Unicode('DatePickerView', sync=True) value = Unicode(sync=True) description = Unicode(sync=True) class DateWidget(widgets.DOMWidget): _view_name = Unicode('DatePickerView', sync=True) value = Unicode(sync=True) description = Unicode(sync=True) # This function automatically gets called by the traitlet machinery when # value is modified because of this function's name. def _value_changed(self, name, old_value, new_value): pass class DateWidget(widgets.DOMWidget): _view_name = Unicode('DatePickerView', sync=True) value = Unicode(sync=True) description = Unicode(sync=True) # This function automatically gets called by the traitlet machinery when # value is modified because of this function's name. def _value_changed(self, name, old_value, new_value): # Parse the date time value. try: parsed_date = parser.parse(new_value) parsed_date_string = parsed_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") except: parsed_date_string = '' # Set the parsed date string if the current date string is different. if self.value != parsed_date_string: self.value = parsed_date_string class DateWidget(widgets.DOMWidget): _view_name = Unicode('DatePickerView', sync=True) value = Unicode(sync=True) description = Unicode(sync=True) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(DateWidget, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.validate = widgets.CallbackDispatcher() # This function automatically gets called by the traitlet machinery when # value is modified because of this function's name. def _value_changed(self, name, old_value, new_value): # Parse the date time value. try: parsed_date = parser.parse(new_value) parsed_date_string = parsed_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") except: parsed_date_string = '' # Set the parsed date string if the current date string is different. if old_value != new_value: valid = self.validate(parsed_date) if valid in (None, True): self.value = parsed_date_string else: self.value = old_value self.send_state() # The traitlet event won't fire since the value isn't changing. # We need to force the back-end to send the front-end the state # to make sure that the date control date doesn't change. %%javascript require(["widgets/js/widget"], function(WidgetManager){ // Define the DatePickerView var DatePickerView = IPython.DOMWidgetView.extend({ render: function(){ this.$el.addClass('widget-hbox-single'); /* Apply this class to the widget container to make it fit with the other built in widgets.*/ // Create a label. this.$label = $('
') .addClass('widget-hlabel') .appendTo(this.$el) .hide(); // Hide the label by default. // Create the date picker control. this.$date = $('') .attr('type', 'date') .appendTo(this.$el); }, update: function() { // Set the value of the date control and then call base. this.$date.val(this.model.get('value')); // ISO format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ" is required // Hide or show the label depending on the existance of a description. var description = this.model.get('description'); if (description == undefined || description == '') { this.$label.hide(); } else { this.$; this.$label.text(description); } return DatePickerView.__super__.update.apply(this); }, // Tell Backbone to listen to the change event of input controls (which the HTML date picker is) events: {"change": "handle_date_change"}, // Callback for when the date is changed. handle_date_change: function(event) { this.model.set('value', this.$date.val()); this.touch(); }, }); // Register the DatePickerView with the widget manager. WidgetManager.register_widget_view('DatePickerView', DatePickerView); }); # Add some additional widgets for aesthetic purpose display(widgets.TextWidget(description="First:")) display(widgets.TextWidget(description="Last:")) my_widget = DateWidget() display(my_widget) my_widget.description="DOB:" my_widget = DateWidget() display(my_widget) def require_2014(date): return not date is None and date.year == 2014 my_widget.validate.register_callback(require_2014) # Try setting a valid date my_widget.value = "December 2, 2014" # Try setting an invalid date my_widget.value = "June 12, 1999" my_widget.value