#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Vega backend examples # # **Note: for this notebook to work, you need to have `vega3` library installed.** # # ``` # pip install vega3 # ``` # In[1]: from physt.examples import normal_h1, normal_h2, normal_h3, munros from physt.plotting import set_default_backend import numpy as np np.random.seed(42) set_default_backend("vega") # In[2]: H = normal_h1() H.plot.scatter() # In[3]: H.plot.bar(cumulative=True, xlabel="Other label") # In[4]: H = normal_h1() H.plot.line(cumulative=True) # In[5]: H2 = munros().T H2.plot(cmap="YellowGreen", show_values=True, height=333, width=333, value_format=".:;oO##############".__getitem__) # ## Example of an interactive 3D histogram # # **Note:** Unfortunately, this example does not render properly nor in GitHub renderer or notebook viewer. A live notebook must be running. # In[6]: H3 = normal_h3() H3.axis_names = ("first", "second", "third") H3.plot(show_values=True, show_zero=False, cmap="Blues", density=True, show_colorbar=False, value_format=".1f")