using Symata # enter Symata mode VersionInfo() ? OutputStyle 2^100 # overflow ? BigIntInput BigIntInput(True); 2^100 Head(Cos(Pi)) Head( BI(Cos(Pi))) # Convert explicitly to BigInt expr = x + y ? SetJ SetJ(z , expr) J( Main.z ) Julia() # begin interpreting expressions as Julia code. ; z # Now in Julia ? Symata.symval Symata.symval(:expr) a = 1 # Set a Julia symbol (bind an identifier to a value) isymata() # Enter Symata mode again (expr2 = J( Main.a ); expr2) h"sympy" ? SymPyError ? ReturnSymPy ? ToSymata ? ToSymPy (OutputStyle(InputForm), pyobj = ToSymPy(Integrate(f(x),x))) ( OutputStyle(JupyterForm), Head(pyobj)) ToSymata(pyobj) VersionInfo() Now()