#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Ions # # You can use the `Ion` class to work with ions instead of elements. Ions can be created from elements and charge information. # In[ ]: from mendeleev.ion import Ion # In[ ]: fe_2 = Ion("Fe", 2) # You can access variety of properties of the ion # In[ ]: fe_2.charge # In[ ]: fe_2.electrons # In[ ]: fe_2.Z # In[ ]: fe_2.name # you can also print the unicode ion symbol # In[ ]: fe_2.unicode_ion_symbol() # Ionic radii for this ion are available under `radius` attribute # In[ ]: fe_2.radius # Appropriate value of ionization energy and electron affinity are available under `ie` and `ea` attributes # In[ ]: fe_2.ie # In[ ]: fe_2.ea # compute ionic potential # In[ ]: fe_2.ionic_potential()