using PyPlot, Interact, LinearAlgebra arc(args...; kws...) = gca().add_patch.(matplotlib.patches.Arc(args...; kws...)) A = [1 1 -1 1/4] fig = figure() Θ = range(0,2π, length=200) V = [[cos(θ),sin(θ)] for θ in Θ] U = [A*v for v in V] Vx, Vy = first.(V), last.(V) Ux, Uy = first.(U), last.(U) # @manipulate for θ in slider(0:1:90, value=29) for θ in 9:10:49 display( withfig(fig) do ϕ = deg2rad(θ) # convert to radians v₁, v₂ = [cos(ϕ), sin(ϕ)], [-sin(ϕ), cos(ϕ)] # orthonormal inputs u₁, u₂ = A*v₁, A*v₂ # outputs # arrows and labels for v₁, v₂, u₁, u₂ for (v,s,c) in ((v₁,"v₁","red"), (v₂,"v₂","red"), (u₁,"Av₁","blue"), (u₂,"Av₂","blue")) arrow(0,0,v..., color=c, width=0.04, length_includes_head=true) text(((norm(v)+0.1)*normalize(v))..., s, color=c) end # show the angle between u₁ and u₂ uangle = rad2deg(acos((u₁⋅u₂)/(norm(u₁)*norm(u₂)))) arc([0,0], 0.5,0.5, angle=rad2deg(atan(u₁[2],u₁[1])), theta1=0, theta2=uangle, color="blue") p = 0.4*normalize(u₁+u₂) text(p..., "$(round(uangle,sigdigits=2))°", color="blue") if round(uangle,sigdigits=2) == 90 arc(p + [0.2,0.05], 0.5, 0.23, color="blue") end # plot dashed lines for all possible v₁, v₂, u₁, u₂ plot(Vx,Vy, "r--") plot(Ux,Uy, "b--") axis("square") xlim(-2,2) ylim(-2,2) end ) end U, σ, V = svd(A) σ # the ellipsoid semi-axes V # columns of V are the orthogonal "input" basis v₁, v₂ for (v,s,c) in ((V[:,1],"v₁","red"), (V[:,2],"v₂","red"), (U[:,1],"u₁","blue"), (U[:,2],"u₂","blue")) arrow(0,0,v..., color=c, width=0.04, length_includes_head=true) text(((norm(v)+0.15)*normalize(v))..., s, color=c) end axis("square") xlim(-1.5,1.5) ylim(-1.5,1.5) title(L"the singular vectors of $A$") rad2deg(acos(-V[1,1])) # rotation angle of the basis, in degrees using Images, FileIO picture = download("") pimage = load(picture) p = Float64.(channelview(pimage)) # convert to an array summary(p) pr,pg,pb = p[1,:,:],p[2,:,:],p[3,:,:] Ur,σr,Vr = svd(pr) Ug,σg,Vg = svd(pg) Ub,σb,Vb = svd(pb); subplot(1,3,1) imshow(cat(pr,0*pg,0*pb, dims=3)) subplot(1,3,2) imshow(cat(0*pr,pg,0*pb, dims=3)) subplot(1,3,3) imshow(cat(0*pr,0*pg,pb, dims=3)) semilogy(σr, "r.") semilogy(σg, "g.") semilogy(σb, "b.") title("exponential decay of singular values of Strang image") ylabel(L"\sigma_k") xlabel(L"k") legend(["red","green","blue"]) # clip x to [0,1] so that imshow doesn't complain about rounding errors # that lead to values slightly outside this range. clip01(x) = max(min(x, 1), 0) fig = figure() # @manipulate for k=slider(1:40,value=1) for k in 1:5:26 display( withfig(fig) do title("rank $k approximation") p̂r = clip01.(Ur[:,1:k]*Diagonal(σr[1:k])*Vr[:,1:k]') p̂g = clip01.(Ug[:,1:k]*Diagonal(σg[1:k])*Vg[:,1:k]') p̂b = clip01.(Ub[:,1:k]*Diagonal(σb[1:k])*Vb[:,1:k]') imshow(cat(p̂r,p̂g,p̂b, dims=3)) end ) end pics = Dict{String,Array}() pics["Ukraine"] = load(download("")) pics["USA"] = load(download("")) # pics["Klingon"] = load(download("")) display(pics["Ukraine"]) display(pics["USA"]) # display(pics["Klingon"]) fig = figure() # @manipulate for flagimg in collect(keys(pics)), k=slider(1:40,value=1) for flagimg in collect(keys(pics)), k=1:10 display( withfig(fig) do title("rank-$k approximation of $flagimg flag") p = float.(channelview(pics[flagimg])) # convert to an array pr,pg,pb = p[1,:,:],p[2,:,:],p[3,:,:] Ur,σr,Vr = svd(pr) Ug,σg,Vg = svd(pg) Ub,σb,Vb = svd(pb) p̂r = clip01.(Ur[:,1:k]*Diagonal(σr[1:k])*Vr[:,1:k]') p̂g = clip01.(Ug[:,1:k]*Diagonal(σg[1:k])*Vg[:,1:k]') p̂b = clip01.(Ub[:,1:k]*Diagonal(σb[1:k])*Vb[:,1:k]') imshow(cat(p̂r,p̂g,p̂b, dims=3)) end ) end B = [1 2 1 2.01] σ = svdvals(B) # returns just the σ values σ[1]/σ[2] cond(B) # same thing: the condition number of B Θ = range(0,2π, length=200) V = [[cos(θ),sin(θ)] for θ in Θ] U = [B*v for v in V] Vx, Vy = first.(V), last.(V) Ux, Uy = first.(U), last.(U) plot(Vx,Vy, "r--") plot(Ux,Uy, "b--") axis("square") xlim(-4,4) ylim(-4,4) legend(["input circle", "output ellipse"]) title("inputs and outputs of ill-conditioned B") U,σ,V = svd(B) B̃ = σ[1] * U[:,1] * V[:,1]' # "best" rank-1 approximation to B B̃ - B x = B \ [1, 2] B \ [1, 1] B \ [1, 1.01]