using PyPlot x = randn(100) # 100 gaussian random numbers: plot(x, zeros(x), "r.") grid() x = randn(10000) plt[:hist](x, bins=100); mean(x) sum((x.-mean(x)).^2)/(length(x)-1) var(x) xbig = randn(10^7) mean(xbig), var(xbig) x = sin.(linspace(0,4π,100) .+ randn(100)*0.1) .* (1 .+ 0.3*randn(100)) y = sin.(linspace(0,4π,100) .+ randn(100)*0.1) .* (1 .+ 0.3*randn(100)) z = randn(100) plot(x, "b.-") plot(y, "r.-") plot(z, "g.-") legend(["x","y","z"]) mean(x),mean(y),mean(z) # A simple covariance function. See for # better statistical functions in Julia. covar(x,y) = dot(x .- mean(x), y .- mean(y)) / (length(x) - 1) covar(x,y), covar(x,z) covar(x,y) / sqrt(covar(x,x) * covar(y,y)) # correlation, manually computed cor(x,y) cor(x,z) abs(cor(x,y)/cor(x,z)) plot(x,y, ".") xlabel("x") ylabel("y") axhline(0, linestyle="--", color="k", alpha=0.2) axvline(0, linestyle="--", color="k", alpha=0.2) A = [x' .- mean(x); y' .- mean(y)] # rows are x and y with means subtracted S = A * A' / (length(x)-1) σ², Q = eig(S) σ² plot(x.-mean(x),y.-mean(y), ".") xlabel("x") ylabel("y") axhline(0, linestyle="--", color="k", alpha=0.2) axvline(0, linestyle="--", color="k", alpha=0.2) arrow(0,0, Q[:,1]..., head_width=0.1, color="r") arrow(0,0, Q[:,2]..., head_width=0.1, color="r") text(Q[1,1]+0.1,Q[2,1], "q₁", color="r") text(Q[1,2]-0.2,Q[2,2], "q₂", color="r") axis("equal") U, σ, V = svd(A / sqrt(length(x)-1)) σ.^2 U plot(x.-mean(x),y.-mean(y), ".") xlabel("x") ylabel("y") axhline(0, linestyle="--", color="k", alpha=0.2) axvline(0, linestyle="--", color="k", alpha=0.2) arrow(0,0, U[:,1]..., head_width=0.1, color="r") arrow(0,0, U[:,2]..., head_width=0.1, color="r") text(U[1,2]+0.1,U[2,1], "u₁", color="r") text(U[1,2]+0.2,U[2,2], "u₂", color="r") axis("equal")