#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Welcome to the NeuroHackademy Jupyterhub # # This website lets you access the tutorials and software that we will use throughout the course # ## Wait, what is this thing? # # The window you are currently reading is a Jupyter notebook. The current cell is a markdown cell. It contains text written in the [markdown](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax) format. If you double-click on this text, you can edit it. Then, type shift+enter to render the text. # # The following cell is a code cell. You can execute the code in that cell by typing shift+enter. Or you can also edit the code and alter it by double-clicking on the cell and editing it. # In[3]: a = 1 print(a) # ## Watch a video tutorial about Jupyterlab # # The code in the next cell adds a short (6 min 35 sec) youtube video about this interface, called Jupyterlab. Watch it to learn more about how to use Jupyterlab. Or you can go to the next cell after that and watch a longer (2 hr 46 min) tutorial that goes into a lot more detail about Jupyterlab. # In[5]: from IPython.lib.display import YouTubeVideo YouTubeVideo('A5YyoCKxEOU') # In[6]: from IPython.lib.display import YouTubeVideo YouTubeVideo('RFabWieskak') # In[ ]: