using LinearAlgebra, Plots bucket = ""; packages = ["LinearAlgebra","Plots","Images","DelimitedFiles","SparseArrays", "Graphs","GraphPlot","FFTW","Primes","BenchmarkTools","DifferentialEquations", "Optim","Dierckx","Interpolations","SpecialFunctions","Roots","OffsetArrays", "Wavelets","Interact","LsqFit","GLM","DataFrames","Flux","FastGaussQuadrature", "Sundials","SciMLOperators","CSV","ColorSchemes","JuMP","GLPK","MLDatasets", "Arpack","ProgressMeter","IterativeSolvers","Polynomials","ParameterizedFunctions", "ImageShow","NLsolve","DiffEqDevTools","LinRegOutliers","ModelingToolkit","NonlinearSolve"]; #import Pkg; Pkg.add(packages) hilbert(n) = [1/(i+j-1) for i=1:n, j=1:n] using Images [Gray.(1 .- abs.(hilbert(n)\hilbert(n))) for n ∈ (10,15,20,25,50)] function gaussian_elimination(A,b) n = size(A,1) for j in 1:n A[j+1:n,j] /= A[j,j] A[j+1:n,j+1:n] -= A[j+1:n,j:j].*A[j:j,j+1:n] end for i in 2:n b[i:i] -= A[i:i,1:i-1]*b[1:i-1] end for i in n:-1:1 b[i:i] = ( b[i] .- A[i:i,i+1:n]*b[i+1:n] )/A[i,i] end return b end A = rand(8,8); b = rand(8,1) [A\b gaussian_elimination(A,b)] ϵ = 1e-15; A = [1 1 2;2 2+ϵ 0; 4 14 4]; b = [-5;10;0.0] A\b, gaussian_elimination(A,b) function row_reduce!(tableau) (i,j) = get_pivot(tableau) G = tableau[i:i,:]/tableau[i,j] tableau[:,:] -= tableau[:,j:j]*G tableau[i,:] = G end function get_pivot(tableau) j = argmax(tableau[end,1:end-1]) a, b = tableau[1:end-1,j], tableau[1:end-1,end] k = findall(a.>0) i = k[argmin(b[k]./a[k])] return(i,j) end function simplex(c,A,b) (m,n) = size(A) tableau = [[A I b] ; [c' zeros(1,m) 0]] while (any(tableau[end,1:n].>0)) row_reduce!(tableau) end p = findall(tableau[end,1:n].==0) x = zeros(n,1) [x[i]=tableau[:,i]⋅tableau[:,end] for i∈p] z = -tableau[end,end] y = -tableau[end,n.+(1:m)] return((z=z, x=x, y=y)) end A = [2 0 1;4 1 2;1 1 0]; c = [2;1;1]; b = [3;2;1] solution = simplex(c,A,b) using DelimitedFiles, SparseArrays function get_adjacency_matrix(filename) ij = readdlm(download(bucket*filename*".csv"),',',Int) sparse(ij[:,1],ij[:,2],one.(ij[:,1])) end using Graphs, GraphPlot g = get_adjacency_matrix("dolphins") |> Graph gplot(g,layout=spectral_layout) gplot(g,layout=spring_layout) gplot(g,layout=circular_layout) using SparseArrays function revised_simplex(c,A,b) (m,n) = size(A) ξ = i -> (z=spzeros(m);z[i]=1;z) N = Vector(1:n); B = Vector(n .+ (1:m)) A = [A sparse(I, m, m)] ABinv = sparse(I, m, m) c = [c;spzeros(m,1)] while(true) j = findfirst(x->x>0,(c[N]'.-(c[B]'*ABinv)*A[:,N])[:]) if isnothing(j); break; end q = ABinv*A[:,N[j]] k = findall(q.>0) i = k[argmin(ABinv[k,:]*b./q[k])] B[i], N[j] = N[j], B[i] ABinv -= ((q - ξ(i))/q[i])*ABinv[i:i,:] end i = findall(B.≤n) x = zeros(n,1) x[B[i]] = ABinv[i,:]*b return((z=c[1:n]'*x, x=x, y=c[B]'*ABinv)) end A = [2 0 1;4 1 2;1 1 0]; c = [2;1;1]; b = [3;2;1] solution = simplex(c,A,b) using DelimitedFiles T = readdlm(download(bucket*"sherlock.csv"), '\t')[:,2] n = length(T) A = [ones(n,1) log.(1:n)] B = log.(T) c = A\B print("ordinary least squares:\n"*string(c)*"\n") zipf(x,c) = exp(c[1])*x.^c[2] scatter(T,xaxis=:log,yaxis=:log,ma=0.4,msw=0) plot!([1,n],zipf([1,n],c),w=3) function constrained_lstsq(A,b,C,d) x = [A'*A C'; C zeros(size(C,1),size(C,1))]\[A'*b;d] x[1:size(A,2)] end function tls(A,B) n = size(A,2) V = svd([A B]).V -V[1:n,n+1:end]/V[n+1:end,n+1:end] end A = [2 4; 1 -1; 3 1; 4 -8]; b = [1; 1; 4; 1]; xₒₗₛ = A\b; xₜₗₛ = tls(A,b) print("ordinary least squares:"*string(xₒₗₛ)) print("\ntotal least squares:"*string(xₜₗₛ)) using Images A = load(download(bucket*"laura.png")) .|> Gray U, σ, V = svd(A); k = 20 Aₖ = U[:,1:k] * Diagonal(σ[1:k]) * V[:,1:k]' .|> Gray [A Aₖ] norm(A-Aₖ) ≈ norm(σ[k+1:end]) ϵ² = 1 .- cumsum(σ)/sum(σ); scatter(ϵ²,xaxis=:log) function nmf(X,p=6) W = rand(Float64, (size(X,1), p)) H = rand(Float64, (p,size(X,2))) for i in 1:50 W = W.*(X*H')./(W*(H*H') .+ (W.≈0)) H = H.*(W'*X)./((W'*W)*H .+ (H.≈0)) end (W,H) end using Images A = Gray.(load(download(bucket*"laura.png"))) W,H = nmf(Float64.(A),20) [A Gray.(W*H)] function condeig(A) Sᵣ = eigvecs(A) Sₗ = inv(Sᵣ') Sₗ ./= sqrt.(sum(abs.(Sₗ.^2), dims=1)) 1 ./ abs.(sum(Sᵣ.*Sₗ, dims=1)) end condeig(rand(4,4)) H = [0 0 0 0 1; 1 0 0 0 0; 1 0 0 0 1; 1 0 1 0 0; 0 0 1 1 0] v = all(H.==0,dims=1) H = H ./ (sum(H,dims=1)+v) n = size(H,1) d = 0.85 x = ones(n,1)/n for i in 1:9 x = d*(H*x) .+ d/n*(v*x) .+ (1-d)/n end x using FFTW, Images, ColorSchemes perfectshuffle= A -> [A[1:2:end,:];A[2:2:end,:]] F = real.(fft(I(128),1)); PF = F for i = 1:6 F = perfectshuffle(F); PF = [PF F] end get(colorschemes[:gray1], PF, :extrema) function fftx2(c) n = length(c) ω = exp(-2im*π/n) if mod(n,2) == 0 k = collect(0:n/2-1) u = fftx2(c[1:2:n-1]) v = (ω.^k).*fftx2(c[2:2:n]) return([u+v; u-v]) else k = collect(0:n-1) F = ω.^(k*k') return(F*c) end end ifftx2(y) = conj(fftx2(conj(y)))/length(y); function fasttoeplitz(c,r,x) n = length(x) Δ = nextpow(2,n) - n x₁ = [c; zeros(Δ); r[end:-1:2]] x₂ = [x; zeros(Δ+n-1)] ifftx2(fftx2(x₁).*fftx2(x₂))[1:n] end using FFTW, Primes, Plots N = 10000 smooth(n,N) = (1:N)[all.(x->x<=n,factor.(Set,1:N))] t₁ = [(x = randn(n); (n,@elapsed(fft(x)))) for n∈primes(N)] t₂ = [(x = randn(n); (n,@elapsed(fft(x)))) for n∈smooth(5,N)] plot(t₁,label="prime"); plot!(t₂,label="5-smooth") plot!(ylims=(0,t₁[end][2]*3)) function bluestein_fft(x) n = length(x) ω = exp.((1im*π/n)*(0:n-1).^2) ω.*fasttoeplitz(conj(ω),conj(ω),ω.*x) end using Primes function primitiveroot(n) ϕ = n - 1 p = factor(Set,ϕ) for r = 2:n-1 all( [powermod(r, ϕ÷pᵢ, n) for pᵢ∈p] .!= 1 ) && return(r) end end function rader_fft(x) n = length(x) r = primitiveroot(n) P₊ = powermod.(r, 0:n-2, n) P₋ = circshift(reverse(P₊),1) ω = exp.((2im*π/n)*P₋) c = x[1] .+ ifft(fft(ω).*fft(x[2:end][P₊])) [sum(x); c[reverse(invperm(P₋))]] end using FFTW dst(x) = FFTW.r2r(x,FFTW.RODFT00) idst(x) = dst(x)/(2^ndims(x)*prod(size(x).+1)) n = 50; x = (1:n)/(n+1); Δx = 1/(n+1) v = 2 .- 2cos.(x*π) λ = [v[i]+v[j]+v[k] for i∈1:n, j∈1:n, k∈1:n]./Δx^2 f = [(x-x^2)*(y-y^2) + (x-x^2)*(z-z^2)+(y-y^2)*(z-z^2) for x∈x,y∈x,z∈x] u = idst(dst(f)./λ); norm(u - [(x-x^2)*(y-y^2)*(z-z^2)/2 for x∈x,y∈x,z∈x]) using Images, FFTW, SparseArrays function dctcompress(A,d) B = dct(Float64.(A)) idx = d*prod(size(A)) |> floor |> Int tol = sort!(abs.(B[:]),rev=true)[idx] B₀ = droptol!(sparse(B),tol) idct(B₀) |> clamp01! .|> Gray end A = Gray.(load(download(bucket*"laura_square.png"))) [A dctcompress(A,0.05)] bitstring(Float64(π)) function Q_rsqrt(x::Float32) i = reinterpret(Int32,Float32(x)) i = Int32(0x5f3759df) - (i>>1) y = reinterpret(Float32,i) y = y * (1.5f0 - (0.5f0 * x * y * y)) end Q_rsqrt(Float32(0.01)) using BenchmarkTools @btime Q_rsqrt(Float32(x)) setup=(x=rand()) seconds=3 @btime 1/sqrt(x) setup=(x=rand()) seconds=3 a = 77617; b = 33096 333.75*b^6+a^2*(11*a^2*b^2-b^6-121*b^4-2)+5.5*b^8+a/(2*b) function bisection(f,a,b,tolerance) while abs(b-a) > tolerance c = (a+b)/2 sign(f(c)) == sign(f(a)) ? a = c : b = c end (a+b)/2 end bisection(x->sin(x),2,4,1e-14) function escape(n, c=0, z=0) for k in 1:n z = z^2 + c abs2(z) > 4 && return k end return n end function mandelbrot(bb, xn=800, n=200, z=0) yn = (xn*(bb[4]-bb[2]))÷(bb[3]-bb[1]) |> Int c = LinRange(bb[1],bb[3],xn)' .+ im*LinRange(bb[4],bb[2],yn) [escape(n,c,z) for c∈c] end using Images M = mandelbrot([-0.172, 1.0228, -0.1494, 1.0443]) save("mandelbrot.png",1 .- M./maximum(M)) load("mandelbrot.png") function julia(bb, xn=800, n=200, c=-0.123+0.745im) yn = (xn*(bb[4]-bb[2]))÷(bb[3]-bb[1]) |> Int z = LinRange(bb[1],bb[3],xn)' .+ im*LinRange(bb[4],bb[2],yn) [escape(n,c,z) for z∈z] end J = julia([-2, -2, 2, 2]) save("julia.png",1 .- J./maximum(J)) load("julia.png") using DifferentialEquations f = z -> ((x,y)=tuple(z...); [x^3-3x*y^2-1; y^3-3x^2*y] ) df = (z,p,_) -> ((x,y)=tuple(z...); -[3x^2-3y^2 -6x*y; -6x*y 3y^2-3x^2]\p) z₀ = [1,1] sol = solve(ODEProblem(df,z₀,(0,1),f(z₀))) sol.u[end] function plot_trace(x,f) contour(-2:0.02:1, -0.25:0.02:3.25,(x,y) -> cbrt(f([x,y])), color=:red, colorbar=:none) plot!(x[1,:],x[2,:],color=:black, linewidth=2, marker=:o, legend=:none) end ∇f = x-> [-2(1-x[1])-400x[1]*(x[2]-x[1]^2); 200(x[2]-x[1]^2)] x = [-1.8,3.0]; p = [0,0]; α = 0.001; β = 0.9 s = x for i = 1:100 p = -∇f(x) + β*p x += α*p append!(s,x) end f = x -> (1-x[1])^2 + 100(x[2] - x[1]^2)^2 plot_trace(reshape(s, 2, :),f) using Optim x₀ = [-1.8,3.0] options = Optim.Options(store_trace = true,extended_trace = true) result = optimize(f, x₀, BFGS(),options) s = Optim.x_trace(result); s = vcat(s...) plot_trace(reshape(s, 2, :),f) ∇f = x -> [-2(1-x[1])-400x[1]*(x[2]-x[1]^2); 200(x[2]-x[1]^2)] x = [-1.8,3.0]; α = 0.001; p = [0,0]; β = 0.9 for i = 1:100 p = -∇f(x) + β*p x += α*p end using Optim f = x -> (1-x[1])^2 + 100(x[2] - x[1]^2)^2 x₀ = [-1.8,3.0] result = optimize(f, x₀, GradientDescent()) x = Optim.minimizer(result) function spline_natural(xᵢ,yᵢ) h = diff(xᵢ) γ = 6*diff(diff(yᵢ)./h) α = h[2:end-1] β = 2(h[1:end-1]+h[2:end]) [0;SymTridiagonal(β,α)\γ;0] end function evaluate_spline(xᵢ,yᵢ,m,n) h = diff(xᵢ) B = yᵢ[1:end-1] .- m[1:end-1].*h.^2/6 A = diff(yᵢ)./h - h./6 .*diff(m) x = range(minimum(xᵢ),maximum(xᵢ),length=n+1) i = sum(xᵢ'.≤x,dims=2) i[end] = length(xᵢ)-1 y = @. (m[i]*(xᵢ[i+1]-x)^3 + m[i+1]*(x-xᵢ[i])^3)/(6h[i]) + A[i]*(x-xᵢ[i]) + B[i] return(x,y) end x = LinRange(0,1,8); y = rand(8) m = spline_natural(x,y) X,Y = evaluate_spline(x,y,m,100) scatter(x,y); plot!(X,Y) g = x-> @. max(1-abs(3-x),0) xᵢ = 0:5; yᵢ = g(xᵢ) x = LinRange(0,5,101); using Dierckx, Plots spline = Spline1D(xᵢ,yᵢ) plot(x,spline(x)); plot!(x,g(x)); scatter!(xᵢ,yᵢ) using Interpolations method = BSpline(Cubic(Natural(OnGrid()))) spline = scale(interpolate(yᵢ, method), xᵢ) plot(x,spline(x)); plot!(x,g(x)); scatter!(xᵢ,yᵢ) bernstein(n,t) = @. binomial(n,0:n)'*t^(0:n)'*(1-t)^(n:-1:0)' n = 3 t = LinRange(0,1,100) p = rand(n+1,2) z = bernstein(n,t)*p plot(p[:,1],p[:,2],marker=:o,opacity=0.3); plot!(z[:,1],z[:,2],legend=:none) n = 20; f = t -> sqrt(t) y = bernstein(n,t)*f.(LinRange(0,1,n+1)) plot(t,y); plot!(t,f.(t)) function legendre(x,n) n==0 && return(one.(x)) n==1 && return(x) x.*legendre(x,n-1) .- (n-1)^2/(4(n-1)^2-1)*legendre(x,n-2) end x = LinRange(-1,1,100) plot() for n in 0:4 plot!(x,legendre(x,n)) end current() function chebdiff(n) x = -cos.(LinRange(0,π,n)) c = [2;ones(n-2);2].*(-1).^(0:n-1) D = c./c'./(x .- x' + I) D - Diagonal([sum(D,dims=2)...]), x end n = 15 D,x = chebdiff(n) u = exp.(-4x.^2) plot(x,D*u,marker=:o) t = LinRange(-1,1,200) plot!(t,-8t.*exp.(-4t.^2)) B = zeros(1,n); B[1] = 1 plot(x,[B;D]\[2;u],marker=:o) n = 15; k² = 256 D,x = chebdiff(n) L = (D^2 - k²*Diagonal(x)) L[[1,n],:] .= 0; L[1,1] = L[n,n] = 1 y = L\[2;zeros(n-2);1] plot(x,y,marker=:o) using SpecialFunctions a = [airyai(-∛k²) airybi(-∛k²);airyai(∛k²) airybi(∛k²)]\[2;1] airy(x) = a[1]*airyai(∛k²*x) + a[2]*airybi(∛k²*x) scatter(x,y) plot!(t,airy.(t)) λ² = 16^2; N = 6:2:60; ϵ = [] for n ∈ N D,x = chebdiff(n) L = (D^2 - k²*Diagonal(x)) L[[1,n],:] .= 0; L[1,1] = L[n,n] = 1 y = L\[2;zeros(n-2);1] append!(ϵ,norm(y - airy.(x),Inf)) end plot(N,ϵ,yaxis=:log,marker=:o,legend=:none) using OffsetArrays function scaling(c,ϕₖ,n) m = length(c)-1; ℓ = 2^n ϕ = OffsetVector(zeros(3*m*ℓ),-m*ℓ) k = (0:m)*ℓ ϕ[k] = ϕₖ for j = 1:n for i = 1:m*2^(j-1) x = (2i-1)*2^(n-j) ϕ[x] = c ⋅ ϕ[2x .- k] end end ((0:m*ℓ-1)/ℓ, ϕ[0:m*ℓ-1]) end c = [1+√3, 3+√3, 3-√3, 1-√3]/4 z = [0, 1+√3, 1-√3, 0]/2 (x,ϕ) = scaling(c, z, 8) plot(x,ϕ) ψ = zero(ϕ); n = length(c)-1; ℓ = length(ψ)÷2n for k∈0:n ψ[(k*ℓ+1):(k+n)*ℓ] += (-1)^k*c[n-k+1]*ϕ[1:2:end] end plot(x,ψ) using Wavelets, Images img = float.(Gray.(load(download(bucket*"laura_square.png")))) B = dwt(Float32.(img), wavelet(WT.haar)) [img Gray.(1 .- clamp01.(sqrt.(abs.(B))))] function dwtfilter(channels,wt,k) map(1:3) do i A = dwt(channels[i,:,:], wavelet(wt)) threshold!(A, HardTH(), k) clamp01!(idwt(A, wavelet(wt))) end end using Interact, Wavelets, Images img = float.(load(download(bucket*"laura_square.png"))) channels = channelview(img) func = Dict("Haar"=>WT.haar, "D₄"=>WT.db4, "Coiflet"=>WT.coif4) @manipulate for wt in togglebuttons(func; label="Transform"), k in slider(0:0.05:1.0; value = 0, label = "Threshold") colorview(RGB,dwtfilter(channels,wt,k)...) end function jacobian(f,x,c) J = zeros(length(x),length(c)) for k in (n = 1:length(c)) J[:,k] .= imag(f(x,c+1e-8im*(k .== n)))/1e-8 end return J end function gauss_newton(f,x,y,c) r = y - f(x,c) for j = 1:100 G = jacobian(f,x,c) M = G'*G c += (M+Diagonal(M))\(G'*r) norm(r-(r=y-f(x,c))) < 1e-12 && return(c) end print("Gauss-Newton did not converge.") end f = (x,c) -> @. c[1]*exp(-c[2]*(x-c[3])^2) + c[4]*exp(-c[5]*(x-c[6])^2) x = 8*rand(100) y = f(x,[1, 3, 3, 2, 3, 6]) + 0.1*randn(100); c₀ = [2, 0.3, 2, 1, 0.3, 7] c = gauss_newton(f,x,y,c₀) if !isnothing(c) X = LinRange(0,8,200) scatter(x,y,opacity=0.5) plot!(X,f(X,c)) end using LsqFit cf = curve_fit(f,x,y,c₀) c, r = cf.param, cf.resid scatter(x,y,opacity=0.5) plot!(X,f(X,c)) σ = x -> @. 1/(1+exp(-x)) x = rand(30); y = ( rand(30) .< σ(10x.-5) ); X, w = [one.(x) x], zeros(2,1) for i=1:10 S = σ(X*w).*(1 .- σ(X*w)) w += (X'*(S.*X))\(X'*(y - σ(X*w))) end scatter(x,y) t = LinRange(minimum(x),maximum(x),50) plot!(t,σ([one.(t) t]*w)) using GLM, DataFrames data = DataFrame(X=x, Y=y) logit = glm(@formula(Y ~ X), data, Bernoulli(), LogitLink()) N = 100; θ = LinRange(0,π,N)' x = cos.(θ); x̃ = [one.(x);x] y = sin.(θ) + 0.05*randn(1,N) n = 20; W₁ = rand(n,2); W₂ = randn(1,n) ϕ = x -> max.(x,0) dϕ = x -> (x.>0) α = 0.1 for epoch = 1:1000 ŷ = W₂ * ϕ(W₁*x̃) ∂L∂y = 2(ŷ-y)/N ∂L∂W₁ = dϕ(W₁*x̃) .* (W₂' * ∂L∂y) * x̃' ∂L∂W₂ = ∂L∂y * ϕ(W₁*x̃)' W₁ -= 0.1α * ∂L∂W₁ W₂ -= α * ∂L∂W₂ end scatter(x̃[2,:],y',opacity=0.3) x̂ = LinRange(-1.2,1.2,200)'; x̂ = [one.(x̂);x̂]; ŷ = W₂ * ϕ(W₁*x̂) plot!(x̂[2,:],ŷ',width=3) n = 20; W₁ = rand(n,2); W₂ = randn(1,n) ϕ = x -> @. 1 / (1 + exp(-x)) dϕ = x -> @. ϕ(x)*(1-ϕ(x)) α = 0.1 for epoch = 1:10000 ŷ = W₂ * ϕ(W₁*x̃) L = norm(ŷ - y) ∂L∂y = (ŷ-y)/L ∂L∂W₁ = dϕ(W₁*x̃) .* (W₂' * ∂L∂y) * x̃' ∂L∂W₂ = ∂L∂y * ϕ(W₁*x̃)' W₁ -= 0.1α * ∂L∂W₁ W₂ -= α * ∂L∂W₂ end scatter(x̃[2,:],y',opacity=0.3) x̂ = LinRange(-1.2,1.2,200)'; x̂ = [one.(x̂);x̂]; ŷ = W₂ * ϕ(W₁*x̂) plot!(x̂[2,:],ŷ',width=3) using Flux model = Chain(Dense(1, n, relu), Dense(n, 1)) loss(x,y) = Flux.Losses.mse(model(x), y) parameters = Flux.params(model) data = [(x,y)] optimizer = Descent(0.1) for epochs = 1:10000 Flux.train!(loss, parameters, data, optimizer) end scatter(x',y',ma=0.4,msw=0) plot!(x',model(x)',width=3) δ = [-1,0,1,2] n = length(δ) V = δ.^(0:n-1)' .// factorial.(0:n-1)' C = inv(V) function richardson(f,x,m,n=m) n > 0 ? (4^n*richardson(f,x,m,n-1) - richardson(f,x,m-1,n-1))/(4^n-1) : ϕ(f,x,2^m) end ϕ = (f,x,n) -> (f(x+1/n) - f(x-1/n))/(2/n) richardson(x->sin(x),0,4) struct Dual value deriv end Dual(x) = Dual(x,1) value(x) = x isa Dual ? x.value : x deriv(x) = x isa Dual ? x.deriv : 0 Base.:+(u, v) = Dual(value(u)+value(v), deriv(u)+deriv(v)) Base.:-(u, v) = Dual(value(u)-value(v), deriv(u)-deriv(v)) Base.:*(u, v) = Dual(value(u)*value(v), value(u)*deriv(v)+value(v)*deriv(u)) Base.:sin(u) = Dual(sin(value(u)), cos(value(u))*deriv(u)) x = Dual(0) y = x + sin(x) x₁ = Dual(2,[1 0]) x₂ = Dual(π,[0 1]) y₁ = x₁*x₂ + sin(x₂) y₂ = x₁*x₂ - sin(x₂) value(y₁),value(y₁),deriv(y₁),deriv(y₂) function trapezoidal(f,x,n) F = f.(LinRange(x[1],x[2],n+1)) (F[1]/2 + sum(F[2:end-1]) + F[end]/2)*(x[2]-x[1])/n end ϕ = (f,x,n) -> trapezoidal(f,x,n) richardson(x->sin(x),[0,π/2],4) n = [floor(Int,10^y) for y in LinRange(1, 2, 10)] error = zeros(10,7) f = (x,p) -> x + x.^p.*(2-x).^p for p ∈ 1:7, S = trapezoidal(x->f(x,p),[0,2],10^6) for i ∈ 1:length(n) Sₙ = trapezoidal(x->f(x,p),[0,2],n[i]) error[i,p] = abs(Sₙ - S)/S end end slope = ([log.(n) one.(n)]\log.(error))[1,:] info = .*(string.((1:7)'),": slope=",string.(round.(slope'))) plot(n,error, xaxis=:log, yaxis=:log, labels = info) using FFTW, LinearAlgebra function clenshaw_curtis(f,n) x = cos.(π*(0:n)'/n) w = zeros(n+1,1); w[1:2:n+1] = 2 ./ (1 .- (0:2:n).^2) 1/n * dctI(f.(x)) ⋅ w end function dctI(f) g = FFTW.r2r!([f...],FFTW.REDFT00) [g[1]/2; g[2:end-1]; g[end]/2] end clenshaw_curtis(x -> cos(8x^2),20) function dctI(f) n = length(f) g = real(fft(f[[1:n; n-1:-1:2]])) [g[1]/2; g[2:n-1]; g[n]/2] end function gauss_legendre(n) a = zeros(n) b = (1:n-1).^2 ./ (4*(1:n-1).^2 .- 1) 𝟙² = 2 λ, v = eigen(SymTridiagonal(a, sqrt.(b))) (λ, 𝟙²*v[1,:].^2) end n = 8 f = x -> cos(x)*exp(-x^2); nodes, weights = gauss_legendre(n) f.(nodes) ⋅ weights using FastGaussQuadrature nodes, weights = gausslegendre(n) f.(nodes) ⋅ weights r = exp.(2im*π*(0:.01:1)) plot(@. (1.5r^2 - 2r + 0.5)/r^2); plot!(aspect_ratio=:equal) function multistepcoefficients(m,n) s = length(m) + length(n) - 1 A = (m.+1).^(0:s-1) .|> Rational B = (0:s-1).*((n.+1).^[0;0:s-2]) c = -[A[:,2:end] B]\ones(Int64,s) [1;c[1:length(m)-1]], c[length(m):end] end function plotstability(a,b) λk(r) = (a ⋅ r.^-(0:length(a)-1)) ./ (b ⋅ r.^-(0:length(b)-1)) r = exp.(im*LinRange(0,2π,200)) plot(λk.(r),label="",aspect_ratio=:equal) end m = [0 1]; n = [0 1 2] a, b = zeros(maximum(m)+1), zeros(maximum(n)+1) a[m.+1], b[n.+1] = multistepcoefficients(m,n) plotstability(a,b) using DifferentialEquations, Plots pendulum(u,p,t) = [u[2]; -sin(u[1])] u₀ = [8π/9,0]; tspan = [0,8π] problem = ODEProblem(pendulum, u₀, tspan) method = Trapezoid() solution = solve(problem,method) plot(solution, xaxis="t", label=["θ" "ω"]) using DifferentialEquations, ParameterizedFunctions, DiffEqDevTools, Sundials f = @ode_def LotkaVolterra begin dx = α*x - β*x*y dy = -γ*y + δ*x*y end α β γ δ params = [1.5,1.0,3.0,1.0] problem = ODEProblem(f,[1.0;1.0],(0.0,10.0),params) solution = solve(problem,Vern7(),abstol=1e-15,reltol=1e-15) testsol = TestSolution(solution) plot(solution) solvers = [ Dict(:alg=>VCABM()) Dict(:alg=>DP5()) Dict(:alg=>BS3()) Dict(:alg=>CVODE_Adams()) Dict(:alg=>Tsit5()) Dict(:alg=>DP8()) Dict(:alg=>Vern8()) Dict(:alg=>Vern9()) ]; abstols = 10 .^[-(LinRange(6,13,40))...] reltols = 1e3*abstols wps = WorkPrecisionSet(problem,abstols,reltols,solvers; appxsol=testsol,save_everystep=true,numruns=100,maxiters=10^5) using DataFrames, LinRegOutliers function logfit(w, c = 1) df = DataFrame(x=log.(w.errors), y=log.(w.times)) reg = createRegressionSetting(@formula(y ~ x), df) s = lts(reg; crit = c) β = s["betas"] delete!(df, s["outliers"]) x = exp.([minimum(df.x) maximum(df.x)]) y = [exp(β[1])*(x[1])^β[2] exp(β[1])*(x[2])^β[2]] (x,y,exp.(df.x),exp.(df.y)) end plot(xaxis=:log,yaxis=:log,xflip = true) for i∈1:length(wps) x, y, xₚ, yₚ = logfit(wps[i],5) scatter!(xₚ,yₚ,alpha=0.25,labels=:none,markersize=5,color=i) plot!(x',y',linewidth=3,labels=:none,color=i) annotate!(x[1], y[1], text.(wps.names[i],9,:left)) end plot!() using DifferentialEquations θ₀ = π/3; ℓ = 1; tspan = (0,30.0) U₀ = [ℓ*sin(θ₀), -ℓ*cos(θ₀), 0, 0] function pendulum(dU,U,p,t) x,y,u,v = U; ℓ,g,m = p τ = m*(u^2 + v^2 + g*y)/ℓ^2 dU .= (u, v, -τ*x/m, -τ*y/m + g) end problem = ODEProblem(pendulum, U₀, tspan, (ℓ,1,1)) solution = solve(problem, Tsit5()) plot(solution, idxs=(1,2), yflip=true, aspect_ratio=:equal) function residual(r,w,p,t) x,y,u,v = w; ℓ,g,m = p r .= (x^2+y^2-ℓ^2, x*u+y*v, 0, 0) end cb = ManifoldProjection(residual) solution = solve(problem, Tsit5(), callback=cb) plot(solution, idxs=(1,2), yflip=true, aspect_ratio=:equal) using DifferentialEquations θ₀ = π/3; ℓ = 1; tspan = (0,30.0) u₀ = [ℓ*sin(θ₀), -ℓ*cos(θ₀), 0, 0, -ℓ*cos(θ₀)] function pendulum(dU,U,p,t) x,y,u,v,τ = U; ℓ,g,m = p dU .= (u, v, -τ*x/m, -τ*y/m + g, -ℓ^2*τ + m*g*y + m*(u^2 + v^2)) end M = Diagonal([1,1,1,1,0]) f = ODEFunction(pendulum, mass_matrix=M) problem = ODEProblem(f,u₀,tspan,(ℓ,1,1)) solution = solve(problem, Rodas5(), reltol=1e-8, abstol=1e-8) plot(solution, idxs=(1,2), yflip=true, aspect_ratio=:equal) using ModelingToolkit, DifferentialEquations θ₀ = π/3; ℓ = 1; tspan = (0,30.0) u₀ = [ℓ*sin(θ₀), -ℓ*cos(θ₀), 0, 0, 0] M = Diagonal([1,1,1,1,0]) function pendulum(dU,U,p,t) x,y,u,v,τ = U; ℓ,g,m = p dU .= (u, v, -τ*x/m, -τ*y/m + g, x^2 + y^2 - ℓ^2) end f = ODEFunction(pendulum, mass_matrix=M) problem = ODEProblem(f, u₀, tspan, [ℓ,1,1]) sys = modelingtoolkitize(problem) pendulum_sys = structural_simplify(dae_index_lowering(sys)) problem = ODAEProblem(pendulum_sys, [], tspan) solution = solve(problem, Tsit5(), abstol=1e-8, reltol=1e-8) plot(solution, idxs=(1,3), yflip=true, aspect_ratio=:equal) using FastGaussQuadrature function differentiation_matrix(n,Δt=1) nodes, _ = gausslobatto(n+1) t = (nodes[2:end].+1)/2 A = t.^(0:n-1)'.*(1:n)' B = t.^(1:n)' (A/B)/Δt, t end function pendulumGLL(U,(U₀,D,n)) x,y,u,v,τ = U[1:n],U[n+1:2n],U[2n+1:3n],U[3n+1:4n],U[4n+1:5n] x₀,y₀,u₀,v₀,_ = U₀ ℓ,g,m = (1,1,1) [D(x,x₀) .- u; D(y,y₀) .- v; D(u,u₀) .+ τ.*x/m; D(v,v₀) .+ τ.*y/m .- g; x.^2 + y.^2 .- ℓ^2] end using NonlinearSolve θ₀ = π/3; ℓ = 1; tspan = (0,30.0) u₀ = [ℓ*sin(θ₀), -ℓ*cos(θ₀), 0, 0, 0] n = 5; N = 100; Δt = 30/N M,_ = differentiation_matrix(n,Δt) D = (u,u₀) -> M*(u .- u₀) u = u₀ for i = 2:N problem = NonlinearProblem(pendulumGLL,[ones(n)*u₀'...],(u₀,D,n)) solution = solve(problem,NewtonRaphson(),abstol=1e-12) u = [u reshape(solution.u,5,n)'] u₀ = u[:,end] end plot(u[1,:], u[2,:], yflip=true, aspect_ratio=:equal) Δx = .01; Δt = .01; L = 2; ν = Δt/Δx^2; uₗ = 0; uᵣ = 0; x = -L:Δx:L; m = length(x) u = (abs.(x).<1) u[1] += 2ν*uₗ; u[m] += 2ν*uᵣ D = Tridiagonal(ones(m-1), -2ones(m), ones(m-1)) D[1,2] = 0; D[m,m-1] = 0 A = I - ν*D for i in 1:20 u = A\u end plot(x,u) Δx = .01; Δt = .01; L = 2; ν = Δt/Δx^2 x = -L:Δx:L; m = length(x) u = float.(abs.(x).<1) D = Tridiagonal(ones(m-1), -2ones(m), ones(m-1)) D[1,2] = 2; D[m,m-1] = 2 A = 2I + ν*D B = 2I - ν*D anim = @animate for i in 1:40 plot(x,u, legend=:none, ylims=(0,1)) u .= B\(A*u) end gif(anim, "heat_cn.gif", fps = 5) using Sundials m = 400; L = 2; x = LinRange(-L,L,m); Δx = x[2]-x[1] α = (u -> u.^2) Du(u,Δx,t) = [0;diff(α((u[1:end-1]+u[2:end])/2).*diff(u))/Δx^2;0] u₀ = (abs.(x).<1) problem = ODEProblem(Du,u₀,(0,2),Δx) method = CVODE_BDF(linear_solver=:Band, jac_lower=1, jac_upper=1) solution = solve(problem, method); anim = @animate for t in LinRange(0,2,200) plot(x,solution(t),legend=:none,fill=(0,0.4,:red),ylims=(0,1)) end gif(anim, "porous.gif", fps = 15) using Interact @manipulate for t∈slider(0:0.01:2; value=0, label="time") plot(x,solution(t), fill = (0, 0.4, :red)) plot!(ylims=(0,1),legend=:none) end using FFTW m = 256; ℓ = 4 ξ² = (fftshift(-(m-1)÷2:m÷2)*(2π/ℓ)).^2 u = (t,u₀) -> real(ifft(exp.(-ξ²*t).*fft(u₀))) x = LinRange(-ℓ/2,ℓ/2,m+1)[2:end] u₀ = (abs.(x).<1) plot(x,u(0.1,u₀)) F = plan_fft(u₀) u = (t,u₀) -> real(F\(exp.(-ξ²*t).*(F*u₀))) #= In moving from Julia 1.7 to 1.9 this code no longer works. using FFTW, DifferentialEquations, SciMLOperators ℓ = 100; T = 200.0; n = 512 x = LinRange(-ℓ/2,ℓ/2,n+1)[2:end] u₀ = exp.(-x.^2) iξ = im*[0:(n÷2);(-n÷2+1):-1]*2π/ℓ F = plan_fft(u₀) L = DiagonalOperator(-iξ.^2-iξ.^4) N = (u,_,_) -> -0.5iξ.*(F*((F\u).^2)) problem = SplitODEProblem(L,N,F*u₀,(0,T)) method = KenCarp3(linsolve=KrylovJL(),autodiff=false) solution = solve(problem,method,reltol=1e-12) u = t -> real(F\solution(t)) =# #= using ImageShow,ColorSchemes s = hcat(u.(LinRange(0,T,500))...) get(colorschemes[:binary],abs.(s),:extrema) =# Δᵒ(Q,step=1) = Q - circshift(Q,(step,0)) flux(Q,c) = c.*Δᵒ(Q) - 0.5c.*(1 .- c).*(Δᵒ(Q,1)+Δᵒ(Q,-1)) H = (u,v,iξ₁,iξ₂) -> F*((F\u).*(F\(iξ₁.*u)) + (F\v).*(F\(iξ₂.*u))) using FFTW ℓ = 2; n = 128; ϵ = 0.001; Δt = 0.001; Δx = ℓ/n x = LinRange(Δx,ℓ,n)'; y = x' Q = (@. 0.5(1 + tanh(10 - 20abs(1 - 2y/ℓ)))).*ones(1,n) uⁿ = Q .* (1 .+ 0.5sin.(ℓ*π*x)) vⁿ = zeros(n,n) F = plan_fft(uⁿ) uⁿ, vⁿ = F*uⁿ, F*vⁿ uᵒ, vᵒ = uⁿ, vⁿ iξ₁ = im*fftfreq(n,n)'*(2π/ℓ) iξ₂ = transpose(iξ₁) ξ² = iξ₁.^2 .+ iξ₂.^2 H₁ⁿ, H₂ⁿ = H(uⁿ,vⁿ,iξ₁,iξ₂), H(vⁿ,uⁿ,iξ₂,iξ₁) M₊ = (1/Δt .+ (ϵ/2)*ξ²) M₋ = (1/Δt .- (ϵ/2)*ξ²); for i = 1:1200 Q -= flux(Q,(Δt/Δx).*real(F\vⁿ)) + flux(Q',(Δt/Δx).*real(F\uⁿ)')' H₁ⁿ⁻¹, H₂ⁿ⁻¹ = H₁ⁿ, H₂ⁿ H₁ⁿ, H₂ⁿ = H(uⁿ,vⁿ,iξ₁,iξ₂), H(vⁿ,uⁿ,iξ₂,iξ₁) uᵒ = uⁿ - uᵒ + (-1.5H₁ⁿ + 0.5H₁ⁿ⁻¹ + M₊.*uⁿ)./M₋ vᵒ = vⁿ - vᵒ + (-1.5H₂ⁿ + 0.5H₂ⁿ⁻¹ + M₊.*vⁿ)./M₋ ϕ = (iξ₁.*uᵒ + iξ₂.*vᵒ)./(ξ² .+ (ξ².≈ 0)) uⁿ, vⁿ = uᵒ - iξ₁.*ϕ, vᵒ - iξ₂.*ϕ end using ColorSchemes imresize(get(ColorSchemes.acton, clamp01.(Q)),ratio=3) using LinearAlgebra, Plots N = 10000 n = [sum([!(det(rand(Bool,d,d))≈0) for i in 1:N]) for d in 1:20] plot(n/N,marker=:o) p = [1,6,174,22560,12514320,28836612000,270345669985440,10160459763342013440] r = @. 2^(log2(p)-(1:8)^2) plot!(r,marker=:square,opacity=0.5) A = {{0,1,0,1},{1,0,2,1},{0,2,0,0},{1,1,0,0}}; W = Inverse[IdentityMatrix[4] - z*A]; Simplify[W[[1,3]]] Series[%,{z,0,10}] A = [0 1 0 1;1 0 2 1;0 2 0 0;1 1 0 0] walks(A,i,j,N) = [(A^n)[i,j] for n in 1:N] walks(A,1,3,9) function detx(A) L,U,P = lu(A) s = 1 for i in 1:length(P) m = findfirst(P.==i) i!=m && ( s *= -1; P[[m,i]]=P[[i,m]] ) end s * prod(diag(U)) end A = rand(20,20) detx(A) ≈ det(A) function rcuthillmckee(A) r = sortperm(vec(sum(A.!=0,dims=2))) p = Int64[] while ~isempty(r) q = [popfirst!(r)] while ~isempty(q) q₁ = popfirst!(q) append!(p,q₁) k = findall(!iszero, A[q₁,r]) append!(q,splice!(r,k)) end end reverse(p) end using SparseArrays A = sparse(Symmetric(sprand(1000,1000,0.003))) p = rcuthillmckee(A) plot(spy(A), spy(A[p,p]), colorbar = false) using DelimitedFiles, SparseArrays, Graphs, GraphPlot ij = readdlm(download(bucket*"dolphins.csv"),',',Int) A = sparse(ij[:,1],ij[:,2],one.(ij[:,1])) gplot(Graph(A),layout=circular_layout) p = rcuthillmckee(A) gplot(Graph(A[p,p]),layout=circular_layout) using CSV, DataFrames diet = DataFrame(CSV.File(download(bucket*"diet.csv"))) A = Array(diet[2:end,4:end])' c = ones.(size(A,2)) b = Array(diet[1,4:end]) food = diet[2:end,1] solution = simplex(b,A',c) print("foods: ", food[solution.y .!= 0], "\n") print("daily cost: ", solution.z) using JuMP, GLPK model = Model(GLPK.Optimizer) @variable(model, x[1:size(A,2)] ≥ 0) @objective(model, Min, c' * x) @constraint(model, A * x .≥ b) optimize!(model) print("foods: ", food[JuMP.value.(x) .!= 0], "\n") print("daily cost: ", objective_value(model)) function findpath(A,a,b) r = collect(1:size(A,2)) q = [a]; p = [-1]; i = 0 splice!(r,a) while i findfirst(actors.==x)[1] actormovie[findpath(A, index("Emma Watson"), index("Kevin Bacon"))] actormovie[findpath(A, index("Bruce Lee"), index("Tommy Wiseau"))] d = 0.5; A = sprand(800,600,d) Base.summarysize(A)/Base.summarysize(Matrix(A)) X = load(download(bucket*"laura.png")) .|> Gray m,n = size(X) blur = x -> exp(-(x/20).^2/2) A = [blur(i-j) for i=1:m, j=1:m]; A ./= sum(A,dims=2) B = [blur(i-j) for i=1:n, j=1:n]; B ./= sum(B,dims=1) N = 0.01*rand(m,n) Y = A*X*B + N; α = 0.05 X₁ = A\Y/B X₂ = (A'*A+α^2*I)\A'*Y*B'/(B*B'+α^2*I) X₃ = pinv(A,α)*Y*pinv(B,α) Gray.([X Y X₁ X₂ X₃]) vandermonde(t,n) = vec(t).^(0:n-1)' build_poly(c,X) = vandermonde(X,length(c))*c function solve_filip(x,y,n) V = vandermonde(x, n) c = Array{Float64}(undef, 3, n) c[1,:] = (V'*V)\(V'*y) Q,R = qr(V) c[2,:] = R\(Matrix(Q)'*y) c[3,:] = pinv(V,1e-9)*y r = [norm(V*c[i,:]-y) for i in 1:3] return(c,r) end using DelimitedFiles data = readdlm(download(bucket*"filip.csv"),',',Float64) coef = readdlm(download(bucket*"filip-coeffs.csv"),',') (x,y) = (data[:,2],data[:,1]) β,r = solve_filip(x, y, 11) X = LinRange(minimum(x),maximum(x),200) Y = [build_poly(β[i,:],X) for i in 1:3] plot(X,Y); scatter!(x,y,opacity=0.5) [coef β'] using Statistics zscore(X,x=X) = (X .- mean(x))/std(x) c,r = solve_filip(zscore(x), zscore(y), 11) Y = [build_poly(c[i,:],zscore(X,x))*std(y).+mean(y) for i in 1:3] plot(X,Y); scatter!(x,y,opacity=0.5) using CSV, DataFrames, Dates data = download(bucket*"dailytemps.csv") df = DataFrame(CSV.File(data)) day = Dates.value.(df[:,:date] .- df[1,:date])/365 u = df[:,:temperature] tempsmodel(t) = [sin.(2π*t) cos.(2π*t) one.(t)] c = tempsmodel(day)\u scatter(df[:,:date],u,alpha=0.3) plot!(df[:,:date],tempsmodel(day)*c,width=3) using MLDatasets, Arpack, Images image_train, label_train = MNIST(split=:train)[:] image_train = reshape(permutedims(image_train,[3,2,1]),60000,:) V = [( D = image_train[label_train.==i,:]; svds(D,nsv=12)[1].V ) for i ∈ 0:9]; pix = -abs.(reshape(V[3+1],28,:)) rescale = scaleminmax(minimum(pix), maximum(pix)) pix .|> rescale .|> Gray image_test, label_test = MNIST(split=:test)[:] image_test = reshape(permutedims(image_test,[3,2,1]),10000,:) r = [( q = image_test*V[i]*V[i]' .- image_test; sum(q.^2,dims=2) ) for i∈1:10] r = hcat(r...) prediction = [argmin(r[i,:]) for i∈1:10000] .- 1 [sum(prediction[label_test.== i].== j) for j∈0:9, i∈0:9] actors = get_names("actors") genres = get_names("genres") A = get_adjacency_matrix("movie-genre") A = (A*Diagonal(1 ./ sum(A,dims=1)[:])) B = get_adjacency_matrix("actor-movie"); using Arpack X,_ = svds(A*B,nsv=10) U = X.U; Σ = Diagonal(X.S); Vᵀ = X.Vt Q = Vᵀ./sqrt.(sum(Vᵀ.^2,dims=1)); index = x -> findfirst(actors.==x)[1] q = Q[:,index("Steve Martin")][:] z = Q'*q r = sortperm(-z) actors[r[1:10]] p = U*Σ*q r = sortperm(-p) [genres[r] p[r]/sum(p)] X = [3 3 12; 1 15 14; 10 2 13; 12 15 14; 0 11 12] reference = X[1,:]; X .-= reference' A = [2 2 -2].*X; b = (X.^2)*[1; 1; -1] xₒₗₛ = A\b + reference xₜₗₛ = tls(A,b) + reference xₒₗₛ, xₜₗₛ using CSV, DataFrames df = DataFrame(CSV.File(download(bucket*"shotspotter.csv"))) X = Array(df[1:end-1,:]); xₒ = Array(df[end,:]); c² = 328.9^2 reference = X[1,:]; X .-= reference' A = [2 2 2 -2c²].*X; b = (X.^2)*[1; 1; 1; -c²] xₒₗₛ = A\b + reference error = xₒₗₛ - xₒ n = 8 E = collect(Iterators.flatten([eigvals(randn(n,n)) for i∈1:2000])) scatter(E,mc=:black,ma=0.05,legend=nothing,aspect_ratio=:equal) function rayleigh(A) x = randn(size(A,1),1) while true x = x/norm(x) ρ = (x'*A*x)[1] M = A - ρ*I abs(cond(M, 1)) < 1e12 ? x = M\x : return(ρ,x) end end A = [2 3 6 4; 3 0 3 1; 6 3 8 8; 4 1 8 2] rayleigh(A) function implicitqr(A) n = size(A,1) tolerance = 1E-12 H = Matrix(hessenberg(A).H) while true if abs(H[n,n-1]) sortperm ][1:10] function randomizedsvd(A,k) Z = rand(size(A,2),k); Q = Matrix(qr(A*Z).Q) for i in 1:3 Q = Matrix(qr(A'*Q).Q) Q = Matrix(qr(A*Q).Q) end W = svd(Q'*A) return((Q*W.U,W.S,W.V)) end using Images img = load(download(bucket*"red-fox.jpg")) A = Float64.(Gray.(img)) U,S,V = randomizedsvd(A,10) Gray.([A U*Diagonal(S)*V']) using Arpack @time randomizedsvd(A,10) @time svds(A, nsv=10) @time svd(A); ϵ = 1 .- sqrt.(cumsum(S.^2))/norm(A) plot(ϵ,marker=:circle) using Arpack m = 5000 A = [1/(1 + (i+j-1)*(i+j)/2 - j) for i∈1:m, j∈1:m] svds(A,nsv=1)[1].S[1] using SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra ⊗(x,y) = kron(x,y); ϕ = x -> x-x^2 n = 50 ; x = (1:n)/(n+1); Δx = 1/(n+1) J = sparse(I, n, n) D = spdiagm(-1 => ones(n-1), 0 => -2ones(n), 1 => ones(n-1) ) A = ( D⊗J⊗J + J⊗D⊗J + J⊗J⊗D ) / Δx^2 f = [ϕ(x)*ϕ(y) + ϕ(x)*ϕ(z) + ϕ(y)*ϕ(z) for x∈x, y∈x, z∈x][:] uₑ = [ϕ(x)*ϕ(y)*ϕ(z)/2 for x∈x, y∈x, z∈x][:]; function stationary(A,b,ω=0,n=400) ϵ = []; u = zero.(b) P = (1-ω)*sparse(Diagonal(A)) + ω*sparse(LowerTriangular(A)) for i=1:n u += P\(b-A*u) append!(ϵ,norm(u - uₑ,1)) end return(ϵ) end function conjugategradient(A,b,n=400) ϵ = []; u = zero.(b) p = r = b-A*u for i=1:n Ap = A*p α = (r'*p)/(Ap'*p) u += α.*p; r -= α.*Ap β = (r'*Ap)/(Ap'*p) p = r - β.*p append!(ϵ,norm(u - uₑ,1)) end return(ϵ) end ϵ = zeros(400,4) @time ϵ[:,1] = stationary(A,-f,0) @time ϵ[:,2] = stationary(A,-f,1) @time ϵ[:,3] = stationary(A,-f,1.9) @time ϵ[:,4] = conjugategradient(A,-f) method = ["Jacobi" "Gauss-Seidel" "SOR" "Conjugate Gradient"] plot(ϵ,yaxis=:log,labels=method,bglegend=RGBA(1,1,1,0.7)) k = 1:120; ([one.(k) k]\log10.(ϵ[k,:]))[2,:] using Primes, LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays, IterativeSolvers n = 20000 d = 2 .^ (0:14); d = [-d;d] P = Diagonal(primes(224737)) B = [ones(n - abs(d)) for d∈d] A = sparse(P) + spdiagm(n ,n, (d .=> B)...) b = zeros(n); b[1] = 1 cg(A, b; Pl=P)[1] function fftx3(c) n = length(c) ω = exp(-2im*π/n) if mod(n,3) == 0 k = collect(0:n/3-1) u = [transpose(fftx3(c[1:3:n-2])); transpose((ω.^k).*fftx3(c[2:3:n-1])); transpose((ω.^2k).*fftx3(c[3:3:n]))] F = exp(-2im*π/3).^([0;1;2]*[0;1;2]') return(reshape(transpose(F*u),:,1)) else F = ω.^(collect(0:n-1)*collect(0:n-1)') return(F*c) end end using FFTW v = rand(24,1) [fft(v) fftx3(v)] using FFTW function multiply(p_,q_) p = [parse.(Int,split(reverse(p_),""));zeros(length(q_),1)] q = [parse.(Int,split(reverse(q_),""));zeros(length(p_),1)] pq = Int.(round.(real.(ifft(fft(p).*fft(q))))) carry = pq .÷ 10 while any(carry.>0) pq -= carry*10 - [0;carry[1:end-1]] carry = pq .÷ 10 end n = findlast(x->x>0, pq) return(reverse(join(pq[1:n[1]]))) end p = "32769132993266709549961988190834461413177642967992942539798288533" q = "3490529510847650949147849619903898133417764638493387843990820577" multiply(p,q), parse(BigInt, p)*parse(BigInt, q) using Random p = randstring('0':'9', 100000) q = randstring('0':'9', 100000) @time multiply(p,q) @time parse(BigInt, p)*parse(BigInt, q); function dctII(f) n = size(f,1) ω = exp.(-0.5im*π*(0:n-1)/n) return real(ω.*fft(f[[1:2:n; n-mod(n,2):-2:2],:],1)) end function idctII(f) n = size(f,1) ω = exp.(-0.5im*π*(0:n-1)/n) f[1,:] = f[1,:]/2 f[[1:2:n; n-mod(n,2):-2:2],:] = 2*real(ifft(f./ω,1)) return f end dct2(f) = dctII(dctII(f')') idct2(f) = idctII(idctII(f')') function dctcompress2(A,d) B = dct(Float64.(A)) m,n = size(A) m₀,n₀ = sqrt(d).*(m,n) .|> floor .|> Int B₀ = B[1:m₀,1:n₀] A₀ = idct([B₀ zeros(m₀,n-n₀); zeros(m-m₀,n)]) A₀ = A₀ |> clamp01! .|> Gray sizeof(B₀)/sizeof(B), sqrt(1-(norm(B₀)/norm(B))^2), A₀ end A = Gray.(load(download(bucket*"laura_square.png"))) [A dctcompress2(A,0.05)[3]] aitken₁(x₁,x₂,x₃) = x₃ - (x₃-x₂)^2/(x₃ - 2x₂ + x₁) aitken₂(x₁,x₂,x₃) = (x₁*x₃ - x₂^2)/(x₃ - 2x₂ + x₁) n = 60000 p = cumsum([(-1)^i*4/(2i+1) for i=0:n]) p₁ = aitken₁.(p[1:n-2],p[2:n-1],p[3:n]) p₂ = aitken₂.(p[1:n-2],p[2:n-1],p[3:n]) plot(abs.(π.-p)); plot!(abs.(π.-p₂)); plot!(abs.(π.-p₁)) plot!(xaxis=:log,yaxis=:log) using DifferentialEquations function homotopy(f,df,x) dxdt(x,p,t) = -df(x)\p sol = solve(ODEProblem(dxdt,x,(0.0,1.0),f(x))) sol.u[end] end function newton(f,df,x) for i in 1:100 Δx = -df(x)\f(x) norm(Δx) > 1e-8 ? x += Δx : return(x) end end f = z -> ((x,y)=tuple(z...); [(x^2+y^2)^2-2(x^2-y^2); (x^2+y^2-1)^3-x^2*y^3]) df = z -> ((x,y)=tuple(z...); [4x*(x^2+y^2-1) 4y*(x^2+y^2+1); 6x*(x^2+y^2-1)^2-2x*y^3 6y*(x^2+y^2-1)^2-3x^2*y^2]) display(homotopy(f,df,[1,1])) display(newton(f,df,[1,1])) function ⊕(P,Q) a = 0 r = BigInt(2)^256 - 2^32 - 977 if P[1]==Q[1] d = invmod(2*P[2], r) λ = mod((3*powermod(P[1],2,r)+a)*d, r) else d = invmod(Q[1]-P[1], r) λ = mod((Q[2]-P[2])*d, r) end x = mod(powermod(λ, 2, r) - P[1] - Q[1], r) y = mod(-λ*(x-P[1])-P[2], r) [x;y] end Base.isodd(m::BigInt) = ((m&1)==1) function dbl_add(m,P) if m > 1 Q = dbl_add(m>>1,P) return isodd(m) ? (Q⊕Q)⊕P : Q⊕Q else return P end end P₁ = big"0x79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE87 0B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798" P₂ = big"0x483ADA7726A3C4655DA4FBFC0E11 08A8FD17B448A68554199C47D08FFB10D4B8" P = [P₁; P₂] m, n = 1829442, 3727472 mP = dbl_add(m,P) nmP = dbl_add(n,mP) nP = dbl_add(n,P) print("Alice's private key:\n$m\n\n") print("Bob's private key:\n$n\n\n") print("Alice's public key:\n$mP\n\n") print("Bob's public key:\n$nP\n\n") print("Alice and Bob's shared secret key:\n$nmP") function spline_periodic(x,y) h = diff(x) d = 6*diff(diff([y[end-1];y])./[h[end];h]) α = h[1:end-1] β = 2*(h+circshift(h,1)) C = Matrix(SymTridiagonal(β,α)) C[1,end]=h[end]; C[end,1]=h[end] m = C\d return([m;m[1]]) end function evaluate_spline(xᵢ,yᵢ,m,n) h = diff(xᵢ) B = yᵢ[1:end-1] .- m[1:end-1].*h.^2/6 A = diff(yᵢ)./h - h./6 .*diff(m) x = range(minimum(xᵢ),maximum(xᵢ),length=n+1) i = sum(xᵢ' .≤ x,dims=2) i[end] = length(xᵢ)-1 y = @. (m[i]*(xᵢ[i+1]-x)^3 + m[i+1]*(x-xᵢ[i])^3)/(6h[i]) + A[i]*(x-xᵢ[i]) + B[i] return(x,y) end n = 5; nx = 30 x = rand(n); y = rand(n) x = [x;x[1]]; y = [y;y[1]] t = [0;cumsum(sqrt.(diff(x).^2 + diff(y).^2))] X = evaluate_spline(t,x,spline_periodic(t,x),nx*n) Y = evaluate_spline(t,y,spline_periodic(t,y),nx*n) scatter(x,y); plot!(X[2],Y[2],legend=false) n = 20; N = 200 x = LinRange(-1,1,n) y = float(x .> 0); ϕ₁(x,a) = abs.(x.-a).^3 ϕ₂(x,a) = exp.(-20(x.-a).^2) ϕ₃(x,a) = x.^a X = LinRange(-1,1,N) interp(ϕ,a) = ϕ(X,a')*(ϕ(x,a')\y) Y₁ = interp(ϕ₁,x) Y₂ = interp(ϕ₂,x) Y₃ = interp(ϕ₃,(0:n-1)) scatter(x,y,seriestype = :scatter, marker = :o, legend = :none) plot!(X,[Y₁,Y₂,Y₃],ylim=[-0.5,1.5]) function collocation_solve(L,f,bc,x) h = x[2]-x[1] S = L(x)*([1 -1/2 1/6; -2 0 2/3; 1 1/2 1/6]./[h^2 h 1])' d = [bc[1]; f(x); bc[2]] A = Matrix(Tridiagonal([S[:,1];0], [0;S[:,2];0], [0;S[:,3]])) A[1,1:3], A[end,end-2:end] = [1 4 1]/6, [1 4 1]/6 return(A\d) end function collocation_build(c,x,N) X = LinRange(x[1],x[end],N) h = x[2] - x[1] i = Int32.(X .÷ h .+ 1); i[N] = i[N-1] C = [c[i] c[i.+1] c[i.+2] c[i.+3]]' B = (x->[(1-x).^3;4-3*(2-x).*x.^2;4-3*(1+x).*(1-x).^2;x.^3]/6) Y = sum(C.*hcat(B.((X.-x[i])/h)...),dims=1) return(Array(X),reshape(Y,(:,1))) end using Roots, SpecialFunctions n = 20; N = 141 L = (x -> [x one.(x) x]) f = (x -> zero.(x) ) b = fzero(besselj0, 11) x = range(0,b,length=n) c = collocation_solve(L,f,[1,0],x) X,Y = collocation_build(c,x,70) plot(X,[Y besselj0.(X)]) N = 10*2 .^(1:7); ϵ = [] for n in N x = LinRange(0,b,n) c = collocation_solve(L,f,[1,0],x) X,Y = collocation_build(c,x,n) append!(ϵ, norm(Y-besselj0.(X)) / n) end slope = ([log.(N) one.(N)]\log.(ϵ))[1] s = "slope = "*string.(round.(slope,digits=2)) plot(N, ϵ, xaxis=:log, yaxis=:log, marker=:o, label=s) using FFTW n = 256; ℓ = 2 x = (0:n-1)/n*ℓ .- ℓ/2 ξ = [0:(n/2-1); (-n/2):-1]*(2π/ℓ) f₁ = exp.(-16*x.^2) f₂ = sin.(π*x) f₃ = x.*(1 .- abs.(x)) deriv(f,p) = real(ifft((im*ξ).^p.*fft(f))) using Interact func = Dict("Gaussian"=>f₁,"sine"=>f₂,"spline"=>f₃) @manipulate for f in togglebuttons(func; label="function"), p in slider(0:0.01:2; value=0, label="derivative") plot(x,deriv(f,p),legend=:none) end using MLDatasets, Flux model = Chain( Conv((5,5), 1=>6, tanh, pad=SamePad()), MeanPool((2,2)), Conv((5,5), 6=>16, tanh), MeanPool((2,2)), Conv((5,5), 16=>120, tanh), Flux.flatten, Dense(120, 84, tanh), Dense(84, 10)) image_train, label_train = MLDatasets.MNIST(split=:train)[:] image_test, label_test = MLDatasets.MNIST(split=:test)[:] image_train = Flux.unsqueeze(image_train, 3) image_test = Flux.unsqueeze(image_test, 3) label_train = Flux.onehotbatch(label_train, 0:9) label_test = Flux.onehotbatch(label_test, 0:9); loss(x,y) = Flux.Losses.logitcrossentropy(model(x),y) parameters = Flux.params(model) data = Flux.Data.DataLoader((image_train,label_train),batchsize=100) optimizer = ADAM() using ProgressMeter @showprogress for epochs = 1:5 Flux.train!(loss, parameters, data, optimizer) end accuracy(x,y) = sum(Flux.onecold(x) .== Flux.onecold(y))/size(y,2) accuracy(model(image_test),label_test) using LsqFit ϵ = (x,p) -> @. √((x[:,1]-p[1])^2 + (x[:,2]-p[2])^2) - (x[:,3]-p[3]) x = [3 3 12; 1 15 14; 10 2 13; 12 15 14; 0 11 12] curve_fit(ϵ,x,zeros(5),zeros(3)).param using CSV, DataFrames df = DataFrame(CSV.File(download(bucket*"shotspotter.csv"))) X = Array(df[1:end-1,:]); xₒ = Array(df[end,:]); using LsqFit c = 328.6 ϵ = (x,p)->sqrt.(sum([(x[:,i].-p[i]).^2 for i∈1:3]))-c*(x[:,4].-p[4]) xₙₗₛ = curve_fit(ϵ,X,zero(X[:,1]),X[1,:]).param error = xₙₗₛ - xₒ function plot_circle(x,y,r) t = LinRange(0,2π,100); plot!(x.+r*cos.(t), y.+r*sin.(t),color="black",opacity=0.5); end r = 328.6*(X[:,end] .- xₙₗₛ[end]) scatter(X[:,1], X[:,2], color = "black") [plot_circle(X[i,1],X[i,2],r[i]) for i in 1:length(r)] scatter!([xₙₗₛ[1]], [xₙₗₛ[2]], color = "red") plot!(legend=:none,aspect_ratio=:equal) d = [0,1,2,3]; n = length(d) C = inv( d.^(0:n-1)' .// factorial.(0:n-1)' ) [C C*d.^n/factorial(n)] function richardson(f,x,m) D = [] for i in 1:m append!(D, ϕ(f,x,2^i)) for j in i-1:-1:1 D[j] = (4^(i-j)*D[j+1] - D[j])/(4^(i-j) - 1) end end D[1] end ϕ = (f,x,n) -> (f(x+1/n) - f(x-1/n))/(2/n) richardson(x->sin(x),0,4) struct Dual value deriv end Dual(x) = Dual(x,1) value(x) = x isa Dual ? x.value : x deriv(x) = x isa Dual ? x.deriv : 0 Base.:+(u, v) = Dual(value(u)+value(v), deriv(u)+deriv(v)) Base.:-(u, v) = Dual(value(u)-value(v), deriv(u)-deriv(v)) Base.:*(u, v) = Dual(value(u)*value(v), value(u)*deriv(v)+value(v)*deriv(u)) Base.:sin(u) = Dual(sin(value(u)), cos(value(u))*deriv(u)) Base.:sqrt(u) = Dual(sqrt(value(u)), deriv(u) / 2sqrt(value(u))) Base.:/(u, v) = Dual(value(u)/value(v), (value(u)*deriv(v)-value(v)*deriv(u))/(value(v)*value(v))) Base.:cos(u) = Dual(cos(value(u)), -sin(value(u))*deriv(u)) function get_zero(f,x) ϵ = 1e-12; δ = 1 while abs(δ) > ϵ fx = f(Dual(x)) δ = value(fx)/deriv(fx) x -= δ end return(x) end get_zero(x->4sin(x)+sqrt(x),4) function get_extremum(f,x) ϵ = 1e-12; δ = 1 while abs(δ)>ϵ fx = f(Dual(Dual(x))) δ = deriv(value(fx))/deriv(deriv(fx)) x -= δ end return(x) end get_extremum(x->4sin(x)+sqrt(x),4) function cauchyderivative(f, a, p, n = 20, ϵ = 0.1) ω = exp.(2π*im*(0:(n-1))/n) factorial(p)/(n*ϵ^p)*sum(@. f(a+ϵ*ω)/ω^p) end f = x -> exp(x)/(cos(x)^3 + sin(x)^3) cauchyderivative(f, 0, 6) function gauss_legendre(n) x = -cos.((4*(1:n).-1)*π/(4n+2)) Δ = one.(x) dPₙ = 0 while(maximum(abs.(Δ))>1e-16) Pₙ, Pₙ₋₁ = x, one.(x) for k ∈ 2:n Pₙ, Pₙ₋₁ = ((2k - 1)*x.*Pₙ-(k-1)*Pₙ₋₁)/k, Pₙ end dPₙ = @. n*(x*Pₙ - Pₙ₋₁)/(x^2-1) Δ = Pₙ ./ dPₙ x -= Δ end return(x, @. 2/((1-x^2)*dPₙ^2)) end f = (x-> 2sqrt(1-x^2)) x,w = gauss_legendre(10) w ⋅ f.(x) using FastGaussQuadrature ξ,w = gausshermite(40) u₀ = x -> sin(x) u = (t,x) -> w ⋅ u₀.(x.-2sqrt(t)*ξ)/sqrt(π) x = LinRange(-12,12,100); plot(x,u.(1,x)) mc_π(n) = sum(sum(rand(2,n).^2,dims=1).<1)/n*4 m = 20; d = []; N = 2 .^ (1:20) for n ∈ N append!(d,sum([abs(π - mc_π(n)) for i∈1:m])/m) end s = log.(N.^[0 1])\log.(d) scatter(N,d,xaxis=:log, yaxis=:log) plot!(N,exp(s[1]).*N.^s[2]) using FastGaussQuadrature function differentiation_matrix(n) nodes, _ = gausslobatto(n+1) t = (nodes[2:end].+1)/2 A = t.^(0:n-1)'.*(1:n)' B = t.^(1:n)' A/B,t end n = 20 M,t = differentiation_matrix(n) D = (u,u₀) -> M*(u .- u₀) using NLsolve u₀ = 1.0; α = 0.9 F = (u,u₀,α) -> D(u,u₀) .- α*u.^2 u = nlsolve(u->F(u,u₀,α),u₀*ones(n)).zero plot([0;t], [u₀;u], marker=:circle, legend=false) N = 30; Δt = 1.0/N; n = 8 M,t = differentiation_matrix(n) D = (u,u₀) -> M*(u .- u₀)/Δt u₀ = 1.0; U = [u₀]; T = [0.0]; α = 0.9 for i = 0:N-1 u = nlsolve(u->F(u,u₀,α),u₀*ones(n)).zero u₀ = u[end] append!(T,(i.+t)*Δt) append!(U,u) end plot(T, U, marker=:circle, legend=false) A = [0 0 0 0 0; 1/3 0 0 0 0; 1/6 1/6 0 0 0; 1/8 0 3/8 0 0; 1/2 0 -3/2 2 0]; b = [1/6 0 0 2/3 1/6]; using LinearAlgebra, Plots function rk_stability_plot(A,b) E = ones(length(b),1) r(λk) = abs.(1 .+ λk * b*((I - λk*A)\E)) x,y = LinRange(-4,4,100),LinRange(-4,4,100) s = reshape(vcat(r.(x'.+im*y)...),(100,100)) contour(x,y,s,levels=[1],legend=false) end rk_stability_plot(A,b) i = 0:3 a = ((-i)'.^i.//factorial.(i))\[0;1;0;0] b = ((-(i.+1))'.^i.//factorial.(i))\[1;0;0;0] [a b] function multistepcoefficients(m,n) s = length(m) + length(n) - 1 A = (m.+1).^(0:s-1) .|> Rational B = (0:s-1).*((n.+1).^[0;0:s-2]) c = -[A[:,2:end] B]\ones(Int64,s) [1;c[1:length(m)-1]], c[length(m):end] end using Polynomials function PECE(n,m) _,a = multistepcoefficients([0 1],hcat(1:n-1...)) _,b = multistepcoefficients([0 1],hcat(0:n-1...)) α(r) = a ⋅ r.^(1:n-1)/b[1] β(r) = b[2:end] ⋅ r.^(1:n-1)/b[1] z = [(c = [r-1; repeat([r + β(r)],m); α(r)]; Polynomials.roots(Polynomial(c))) for r in exp.(im*LinRange(0,2π,200))] hcat(z/b[1]...) end z = vcat([PECE(2,i)[:] for i in 0:4]...) scatter(z,label="",markersize=.5,aspect_ratio=:equal) function pade(a,m,n) A = Rational(1)*Matrix(I(m+n+1)) A[:,m+2:end] = [i>j ? -a[i-j] : 0 for i∈1:m+n+1, j∈1:n] pq = A\a[1:m+n+1] pq[1:m+1], [1; pq[m+2:end]] end m = 3; n = 2 a = [0; ((-1).^(0:m+n).//(1:m+n+1))] (p,q) = pade(a,m,n) S = n -> [(-1).^(i+j)*binomial(j,i) for i∈0:n, j∈0:n] S(m)*p, S(n)*q function SIR!(du,u,p,t) S,I,R = u β,γ = p du[1] = dS = -β*S*I du[2] = dI = +β*S*I - γ*I du[3] = dR = +γ*I end using DifferentialEquations u₀ = [0.99; 0.01; 0] tspan = (0.0,15.0) p = (2.0,0.4) problem = ODEProblem(SIR!,u₀,tspan,p) solution = solve(problem) plot(solution,labels=["susceptible" "infected" "recovered"]) using DifferentialEquations, Plots function duffing!(dx,x,γ,t) dx[1] = x[2] dx[2] = -γ*x[2]+x[1]-x[1]^3+0.3*cos(t) end problem = ODEProblem(duffing!,[1.0,0.0],(0.0,200.0),0.37) solution = solve(problem,Vern7()) plot(solution, idxs=(1,2)) function solveIVP(f,u0,tspan) sol = solve(ODEProblem(f,u0,tspan)) return(sol.u[end][1]) end using DifferentialEquations, Roots airy(y,p,x) = [y[2];x*y[1]] domain = (-12.0,0.0); bc = (1.0,1.0); guess = 5 shoot_airy = (guess -> solveIVP(airy,[bc[1];guess],domain)-bc[2]) v = find_zero(shoot_airy, guess) sol = solve(ODEProblem(airy,[bc[1],v],domain)) plot(sol) m, n = [0 1 2 3 4], [1] a, b = zeros(maximum(m)+1), zeros(maximum(n)+1) a[m.+1], b[n.+1] = multistepcoefficients(m,n) λk = r -> (a ⋅ r.^-(1:length(a))) ./ (b ⋅ r.^-(1:length(b))) r = LinRange(0.2,6,100) plot([λk.(r) λk.(-r)],[r r],xlim=[-2,2]) Δx = 0.01; Δt = 0.01 ℓ = 1; x = -ℓ:Δx:ℓ; m = length(x) Uⁿ = exp.(-8*x.^2); Uⁿ⁻¹ = Uⁿ ν = Δt/Δx^2; α = 0.5 + ν; γ = 0.5 - ν B = ν*Tridiagonal(ones(m-1),zeros(m),ones(m-1)) B[1,2] *=2; B[end,end-1] *=2 @gif for i = 1:300 global Uⁿ, Uⁿ⁻¹ = (B*Uⁿ+γ*Uⁿ⁻¹)/α, Uⁿ plot(x,Uⁿ,ylim=(0,1),label=:none,fill=(0, 0.3, :red)) end function schroedinger(m,n,ε) x = LinRange(-4,4,m); Δx = x[2]-x[1]; Δt = 2π/n; V = x.^2/2 ψ = exp.(-(x.-1).^2/2ε)/(π*ε)^(1/4) diags = 0.5im*ε*[1 -2 1]/Δx^2 .- im/ε*[0 1 0].*V D = Tridiagonal(diags[2:end,1], diags[:,2], diags[1:end-1,3]) D[1,2] *= 2; D[end,end-1] *= 2 A = I + 0.5Δt*D B = I - 0.5Δt*D for i ∈ 1:n ψ = B\(A*ψ) end return ψ end ε = 0.3; m = 20000; eₓ=[]; eₜ=[] N = floor.(Int,exp10.(LinRange(2,3.7,6))) x = LinRange(-4,4,m) ψₘ = -exp.(-(x.-1).^2/2ε)/(π*ε)^(1/4) for n ∈ N x = LinRange(-4,4,n) ψₙ = -exp.(-(x.-1).^2/2ε)/(π*ε)^(1/4) append!(eₜ,norm(ψₘ - schroedinger(m,n,ε))/m) append!(eₓ,norm(ψₙ - schroedinger(n,m,ε))/n) end plot(2π./N,eₜ,shape=:circle, xaxis=:log, yaxis=:log) plot!(8 ./N,eₓ,shape=:circle) t = 0.5; n=100; m = 100 r = LinRange(0,2,m); Δr = r[2]-r[1]; Δt = t/n; u₀ = @. tanh(32(1 - r)); u = u₀ d = @. [1 -2 1]/Δr^2 + (1/r)*[-1 0 1]/2Δr D = Tridiagonal(d[2:end,1],d[:,2],d[1:end-1,3]) D[1,1:2] = [-4 4]/Δr^2; D[end,end-1:end] = [2 -2]/Δr^2 A = I - 0.5Δt*D B = I + 0.5Δt*D for i = 1:n u = A\(B*u) end plot(r, u,label=:none,fill=(-1, 0.3, :red)) using Sundials problem = ODEProblem((u,p,t)->D*u,u₀,(0,t)) method = CVODE_BDF(linear_solver=:Band,jac_upper=1,jac_lower=1) solution = solve(problem,method) plot(r, solution(t),label=:none,fill=(-1, 0.3, :red)) logitspace(x,n,p) = x*atanh.(LinRange(-p,p,n))/atanh(p) function laplacian(x) Δx = diff(x); Δx₁ = Δx[1:end-1]; Δx₂ = Δx[2:end] d₋ = @. 2/[Δx₁*(Δx₁+Δx₂); Δx₁[1]^2] d₀ = @. -2/[Δx₂[end].^2; Δx₁*Δx₂; Δx₁[1].^2] d₊ = @. 2/[Δx₂[end].^2; Δx₂*(Δx₁+Δx₂) ] Tridiagonal(d₋,d₀,d₊) end function heat_equation(x,t,n,u) Δt = t/n D² = laplacian(x) A = I - 0.5Δt*D² B = I + 0.5Δt*D² for i ∈ 1:n u = A\(B*u) end return u end ϕ = (x,t,s) -> exp.(-s*x.^2/(1+4*s*t))/sqrt(1+4*s*t) m = 40; t = 15 x = LinRange(-20,20,m) plot(x,ϕ(x,t,10),label="exact",width=3) u₁ = heat_equation(x,t,m,ϕ(x,0,10)) plot!(x,u₁,shape=:circle,label="equal") x = logitspace(20,m,0.999) u₂ = heat_equation(x,t,m,ϕ(x,0,10)) plot!(x,u₂,shape=:circle,label="logit") L = 16; m = 400; Δx = L/m T = 4; n = 1600; Δt = T/n x = LinRange(-L/2,L/2,m)' u = @. tanh(x^4 - 16*(2*x^2-x'^2)) D = Tridiagonal(ones(m-1),-2ones(m),ones(m-1))/Δx^2 D[1,2] *= 2; D[end,end-1] *= 2 A = I + 0.5Δt*D B = I - 0.5Δt*D f = (u,Δt) -> @. u/sqrt(u^2 - (u^2-1)*exp(-50*Δt)) u = f(u,Δt/2) anim = Animation() for i = 1:n (i%10)==1 && (plot(Gray.(u),border=:none); frame(anim)) u = (B\(A*(B\(A*u))'))' (i @. t<2 ? (0 u.^2/2; df = u -> u u = (x.>=0).*(x.<=1) anim = @animate for i = 1:n α = 0.5*max.(abs.(df(u[j])),abs.(df(u[j.+1]))) F = (f(u[j])+f(u[j.+1]))/2 - α.*(u[j.+1]-u[j]) global u -= Δt/Δx*[0;diff(F);0] plot(x,u, fill = (0, 0.3, :blue)) plot!(x,U(x,i*Δt), fill = (0, 0.3, :red)) plot!(legend=:none, ylim=[0,1]) end gif(anim, "burgers.gif", fps = 15) δ = u -> diff(u,dims=1) ϕ = t -> (abs(t)+t)./(1+abs(t)) fixnan(u) = isnan(u)||isinf(u) ? 0 : u θ = δu -> fixnan.(δu[1:end-1,:]./δu[2:end,:]) ∂ₓ(u) = (δu=δ(u);[[0 0];δu[2:end,:].*ϕ.(θ(δu));[0 0]]) F = u -> [u[:,1].*u[:,2] u[:,1].*u[:,2].^2+0.5u[:,1].^2] m = 100; x = LinRange(-.5,.5,m); Δx = x[2]-x[1] T = 0.4; n = ceil(T/(Δx/2)); Δt = (T/n)/2; U = [0.8*(x.<0).+0.2 zero(x)] Uⱼ = view(U,1:m-1,:); Uⱼ₊₁ = view(U,2:m,:) anim = @animate for i = 1:n U° = U-0.5*Δt/Δx*∂ₓ(F(U)) Uⱼ₊₁ .= (Uⱼ+Uⱼ₊₁)/2 - δ(∂ₓ(U))/8 - Δt/Δx*δ(F(U°)) U° = U-0.5*Δt/Δx*∂ₓ(F(U)) Uⱼ .= (Uⱼ+Uⱼ₊₁)/2 - δ(∂ₓ(U))/8 - Δt/Δx*δ(F(U°)) plot(x,U[:,1], fill = (0, 0.3, :blue)) plot!(legend=:none, ylim=[0,1]) end gif(anim, "dambreak.gif", fps = 15) m=10; x=LinRange(0,1,m); h=x[2]-x[1] α = fill(2/h-2h/3,m); α[[1,m]] /= 2; β = fill(-1/h-h/6,m-1) A = SymTridiagonal(α,β) b = [-2h^3/3; -4h^3/3 .- 8h*x[2:m-1].^2; -4h+8h^2/3-2h^3/3+1] u = A\b s = -16 .+ 8x.^2 .+ 15csc(1).*cos.(x) plot(x,s,marker=:o,alpha=0.5); plot!(x,u,marker=:o,alpha=0.5) m = 8; x = LinRange(0,1,m+2); h = x[2]-x[1] σ = (a,b,c) -> Tridiagonal(fill(a,m-1),fill(b,m),fill(c,m-1))/h^3 M = [σ(-12,24,-12) σ(-6,0,6);σ(6,0,-6) σ(2,8,2)]; b = [384h*ones(m);zeros(m)] u = M\b s = 16*(x.^4 - 2x.^3 + x.^2) plot(x,[s [0;u[1:m];0]],marker=:o,alpha=0.5) s = 16*(x.^4 - 2x.^3 + x.^2) plot(x,[s [0;u[1:m];0]],marker=:o,alpha=0.5) using FFTW, DifferentialEquations m = 128; x = (1:m)/m*(2π) .- π ξ = im*[0:(m÷2); (-m÷2+1):-1] f = (u,p,t) -> -real(ifft(ξ.*fft(0.5u.^2))) u = solve(ODEProblem(f,exp.(-x.^2),(0.0,2.0)),DP5()); @gif for t=0:.02:2 plot(x,u(t),ylim=(-0.2,1.2)) end using FFTW, DifferentialEquations ϕ = (x,x₀,c) -> 0.5c*sech(sqrt(c)/2*(x-x₀))^2 L = 30; T = 2.0; m = 256 x = (1:m)/m*L .- L/2 u₀ = ϕ.(x,-4,4) + ϕ.(x,-9,9) iξ = im*[0:(m÷2);(-m÷2+1):-1]*2π/L F = plan_fft(u₀) G = t -> exp.(-iξ.^3*t) f = (w,_,t) -> -G(t) .\ (3iξ .* (F * (F \ (G(t).*w) ).^2) ) w = solve(ODEProblem(f,F*u₀,(0,T)),DP5()) u = t -> real(F\(w(t).*G(t))) @gif for t=0:.01:2 plot(x,u(t),ylim=(0,5),legend=:none) end using FFTW, Images ϵ = 1; m = 256; ℓ = 100; n = 2000; Δt=100/n U = (rand(m,m).>.5) .- 0.5 ξ = [0:(m÷2);(-m÷2+1):-1]*2π/ℓ D²= -ξ.^2 .- (ξ.^2)' E = exp.(-(D².+1).^2*Δt) F = plan_fft(U) f = U -> U./sqrt.(U.^2/ϵ + exp(-Δt*ϵ)*(1 .- U.^2/ϵ)) for i=1:600 U = f(F\(E.*(F*f(U)))) end Gray.(clamp01.((real(U).+1)/2)) using FFTW, DifferentialEquations, SciMLOperators ℓ = 8; T = 8.0; m = 256; ε² = 0.01; α = 1 ξ = [0:(m÷2);(-m÷2+1):-1]*2π/ℓ Δ = -(ξ.^2 .+ ξ'.^2); Δ² = Δ.^2 u₀ = randn(m,m) F = plan_fft(u₀) L = DiagonalOperator((-ε²*Δ²+α*Δ)[:]) N = (u,_,_) -> (v = F\reshape(u,m,m); Δ.*(F*(v.^3-(1+α)*v)))[:] problem = SplitODEProblem(L,N,(F*u₀)[:],(0,T)) solution = solve(problem,ETDRK4(),dt = 0.1) u = t -> real(F\reshape(solution(t),m,m)) using Interact, ColorSchemes, Images @manipulate for t in slider(0:0.1:8; value=0, label="time") get(colorschemes[:binary], u(t), :extrema) end using FFTW, DifferentialEquations, SciMLOperators ℓ = 50; T = 200.0; n = 128; u₀ = randn(n,n) x = LinRange(-ℓ/2,ℓ/2,n+1)[2:end] ξ = [0:(n÷2);(-n÷2+1):-1]*2π/ℓ Δ = -(ξ.^2 .+ ξ'.^2); Δ² = Δ.^2 F = plan_fft(u₀) L = DiagonalOperator((-Δ-Δ²)[:]) N = (u,_,_) -> ( v = reshape(u,n,n); v = -0.5*abs.((F\(im*ξ.*v)).^2 + (F\(im*ξ'.*v)).^2); w = (F*v)[:]; w[1] = 0.0; return w ) problem = SplitODEProblem(L,N,(F*u₀)[:],(0,T)) solution = solve(problem, ETDRK4(), dt=0.05, saveat=0.5); u = t -> real(F\reshape(solution(t),n,n)) using Interact, ColorSchemes, Images @manipulate for t in slider(0:0.5:T; value=0, label="time") imresize(get(colorschemes[:magma], -u(t), :extrema),(256,256)) end