library(jsonlite) library(RCurl) # The base URL for PAS base <- '' ## Set your query up # The important parameters for you to include in a search are: # q/{queryString} - which has your free text or parameterised search e.g. q/gold/broadperiod/BRONZE+AGE # /thumbnail/1 - ask for records with images # /format/json - ask for json response ## url <- "" # Get your JSON and parse json <- fromJSON(url) # The total results available total <- json$meta$totalResults # Number of pages # Results results <- json$meta$resultsPerPage pagination <- ceiling(total/results) # Set which fields to keep keeps <- c( "id", "objecttype", "old_findID", "broadperiod", "institution", "imagedir", "filename" ) data <- json$results # Keep the columns you want data <- data[,(names(data) %in% keeps)] head(data) # Loop through and bind results for (i in seq(from=2, to=pagination, by=1)){ urlDownload <- paste(url, '/page/', i, sep='') pagedJson <- fromJSON(urlDownload) records <- pagedJson$results records <- records[,(names(records) %in% keeps)] data <-rbind(data,records) } # Write a csv file of the data you want write.csv(data, file='data.csv',row.names=FALSE, na="") # Throw in a log file, just in case of troubles or missing files. failures <- "failures.log" log_con <- file(failures) # Download function with test for URL download <- function(data){ # This should be the object type taken from column 3 object = data[3] # This should be the record old find ID taken from column 2 record = data[2] # Check and create a folder for that object type if does not exist if (!file.exists(object)){ dir.create(object) } # Create image url - image path is in column 7 and filename is column 6 URL = paste0(base,data[7],data[6]) # Test the file exists exist <- url.exists(URL) # If it does, download. If not say 404 if(exist == TRUE){ download.file(URLencode(URL), destfile = paste(object,basename(URL), sep = '/')) } else { print("That file is a 404") # Log the errors for sending back to PAS to fix - probably better than csv as you # can tail -f and watch the errors come in message <- paste0(record,"|",URL,"|","404 \n") # Write to error file cat(message, file = failures, append = TRUE) } } # Apply the function apply(data, 1, download)