using Oscar spor_names = all_character_table_names(is_sporadic_simple => true, is_duplicate_table => false; ordered_by = order); println(spor_names) normindices = Dict("Co1" => 1, "J4" => 1, "F3+" => 1, "B" => 1, "M" => 1); for name in spor_names n = character_table("$(name)N2") if n == nothing println(name) else two_part = 1 ord = order(n) while iseven(ord) ord = div(ord, 2) two_part = 2 * two_part end normindices[name] = div(order(n), two_part) end end maxbound = []; for name in filter(x -> x != "M" && x != "B", spor_names) t = character_table(name) mx = [character_table(m) for m in maxes(t)] odd = filter(s -> isodd(div(order(t), order(s))), mx) primperm = [trivial_character(s)^t for s in odd] wsum = normindices[name] * sum(pi -> [ZZ( // degree(pi) for x in values(pi)], primperm) push!(maxbound, [name, maximum(wsum[2:length(wsum)])]) end sort!(maxbound, by = x -> -x[2]); println(maxbound[1]) filename = string(GAP.Globals.Filename(GAP.Globals.DirectoriesPackageLibrary(GAP.Obj("ctbllib"),GAP.Obj("data")), GAP.Obj("prim_perm_M.json"))); str = read(filename, String); monster_prim_data = Oscar.JSON.parse(str; inttype = BigInt)[2]; length(monster_prim_data) t = character_table("M"); monstermaxindices = []; monstermaxtables = []; for entry in monster_prim_data if length(entry) == 1 s = character_table(entry[1]) push!(monstermaxtables, s) push!(monstermaxindices, div(order(t), order(s))) else push!(monstermaxtables, nothing) push!(monstermaxindices, entry[2][1]) end end; odd_prim = Vector{ZZRingElem}[]; for i in 1:length(monster_prim_data) if isodd(monstermaxindices[i]) if monstermaxtables[i] != nothing push!(odd_prim, [ZZ( for x in trivial_character(monstermaxtables[i])^t]) else push!(odd_prim, Vector{ZZRingElem}(monster_prim_data[i][2])) end end end; length(odd_prim) wsum = normindices["M"] * sum(pi -> [x // pi[1] for x in values(pi)], odd_prim); mx = maximum(wsum[2:length(wsum)]) function upper_bound( tblS, tblM, p ) facts = collect(factor(order(tblS))) pos = findfirst(x -> x[1] == p, facts) ppart = p^facts[pos][2] ppartposS = filter(i -> orders_class_representatives(tblS)[i] == ppart, 1:nrows(tblS)) if 0 < length(ppartposS) # P is cyclic. if tblM == nothing return (orders_centralizers(tblS)[ppartposS[1]] * euler_phi(ppart) // length(ppartposS)) // ppart else ppartposM = filter(i -> orders_class_representatives(tblM)[i] == ppart, 1:nrows(tblM)) return (orders_centralizers(tblS)[ppartposS[1]] * euler_phi(ppart) // length(ppartposS)) // (orders_centralizers(tblM)[ppartposM[1]] * euler_phi(ppart) // length(ppartposM)) end end # Compute |N_S(P)|. n = character_table("$(identifier(tblS))N$p") if n != nothing N_S = order(n) elseif p == 2 N_S = ppart * normindices[identifier(tblS)] elseif identifier(tblS) == "M" && p == 3 # The Sylow 3-normalizer is contained in 3^(3+2+6+6):(L3(3)xSD16) N_S = ppart * 2^6 elseif identifier(tblS) == "F3+" && p == 3 N_S = ppart * 8 else error("cannot compute |N_S(P)|") end if tblM == nothing return N_S // ppart elseif sum(class_lengths(tblM)[class_positions_of_pcore(tblM, p)]) == ppart # P is normal in M. return N_S // order(tblM) end # Inspect known character tables of subgroups of M. f = N_S // ppart for subname in Oscar.names_of_fusion_sources(tblM) u = character_table(subname) if class_positions_of_kernel(known_class_fusion(u, tblM)[2]) == [1] && sum([order(u) // x for x in orders_centralizers(u)[class_positions_of_pcore(u, p)]]) == ppart f = min(f, N_S // order(u)); end end return f; end; badcases_thm = []; badcases_strong = []; for name in filter(x -> x != "M" && x != "B", spor_names) t = character_table(name) orders = orders_class_representatives(t) n = nrows(t) mx = [character_table(m) for m in maxes(t)] for p in prime_divisors(order(t)) primperm = [] good = filter(s -> mod(order(t) // order(s), p) != 0, mx) for s in good if known_class_fusion(s, t)[1] push!(primperm, [ZZ( for x in trivial_character(s)^t]) else ind = Set([induce(trivial_character(s), t, map) for map in possible_class_fusions(s, t)]) length(ind) == 1 || error("permutation character not uniquely determined") push!(primperm, [ZZ( for x in pop!(ind)]) end end weighted = [] for i in 1:length(good) bd = upper_bound(t, good[i], p) pi = primperm[i] push!(weighted, [bd * pi[j] // pi[1] for j in 1:length(pi)]) end sumx = sum(weighted) badpos = filter(i -> sumx[i] >= 1, 2:length(sumx)) if length(badpos) != 0 # We have to deal with this case for the stronger variant of Theorem 1.7. push!(badcases_strong, (name, p, copy(badpos))) for i in copy(badpos) facts = collect(factor(orders[i])) if length(facts) == 1 q = facts[1][1] # If we know some `q`-element for which the bound is good enough # then we need not deal with this class for Theorem 1.7. if any(j -> mod(orders[j], q) == 0 && length(collect(factor(orders[j]))) == 1 && !(j in badpos), 2:n) setdiff!(badpos, i) end end end length(badpos) != 0 && push!(badcases_thm, (name, p, badpos)) end end end; badcases_thm badcases_strong function prove_generation(name, prg, p) S = atlas_group(name) P = sylow_subgroup(S, p)[1] reps = evaluate(prg, gens(S)) good = elem_type(S)[] for x in filter(!isone, reps) U = P g = x while order(U) < order(S) g = x^rand(S) U = sub(S, vcat(gens(P), [g]))[1] end push!(good, g) end return (P, good) end; for (name, p, badpos) in badcases_strong prg = atlas_program(name, :classes) if prg == nothing println("no classes script for ", (name, p, badpos)) else prove_generation(name, prg, p) end end S = atlas_group("He"); x = rand(S); while order(x) != 10 x = rand(S); end x = x^5; P5 = sylow_subgroup(S, 5)[1]; g = x^rand(S); U = sub(S, vcat(gens(P5), [g]))[1] while order(U) != order(S) g = x^rand(S) U = sub(S, vcat(gens(P5), [g]))[1] end S = atlas_group("Fi22"); x = rand(S); while order(x) != 30 x = rand(S); end x = x^15; P5 = sylow_subgroup(S, 5)[1]; g = x^rand(S); U = sub(S, vcat(gens(P5), [g]))[1] while order(U) != order(S) g = x^rand(S) U = sub(S, vcat(gens(P5), [g]))[1] end P7 = sylow_subgroup(S, 7)[1]; g = x^rand(S); U = sub(S, vcat(gens(P7), [g]))[1] while order(U) != order(S) g = x^rand(S); U = sub(S, vcat(gens(P7), [g]))[1] end S = atlas_group("Fi23"); x = rand(S); while order(x) != 42 x = rand(S); end x = x^21; P5 = sylow_subgroup(S, 5)[1]; g = x^rand(S); U = sub(S, vcat(gens(P5), [g]))[1] while order(U) != order(S) g = x^rand(S) U = sub(S, vcat(gens(P5), [g]))[1] end P7 = sylow_subgroup(S, 7)[1]; g = x^rand(S); U = sub(S, vcat(gens(P7), [g]))[1] while order(U) != order(S) g = x^rand(S); U = sub(S, vcat(gens(P7), [g]))[1] end x60 = rand(S); while order(x60) != 60 x60 = rand(S); end x = x60^30; g = x^rand(S); U = sub(S, vcat(gens(P5), [g]))[1] while order(U) != order(S) g = x^rand(S) U = sub(S, vcat(gens(P5), [g]))[1] end x = rand(S); while order(x) != 60 x = rand(S); end x = x60^20; g = x^rand(S); U = sub(S, vcat(gens(P5), [g]))[1] while order(U) != order(S) g = x^rand(S) U = sub(S, vcat(gens(P5), [g]))[1] end t = character_table("B"); ords = orders_class_representatives(t); pos7 = filter(i -> ords[i] == 7, 1:length(ords)) pos47 = filter(i -> ords[i] == 47, 1:length(ords)) class_multiplication_coefficient(t, 2, pos7[1], pos47[1]) != 0 filter(x -> mod(order(character_table(x)), 47) == 0, maxes(t)) t = character_table("M"); orders = orders_class_representatives(t); for p in setdiff(prime_divisors(order(t)), [19]) goodpos = filter(i -> mod(monstermaxindices[i], p) != 0, 1:length(monster_prim_data)) sumx = zeros(ZZRingElem, ncols(t)) for i in goodpos if length(monster_prim_data[i]) == 2 # We know the permutation character but not the subgroup table. bd = upper_bound(t, nothing, p) sumx = sumx + [bd * ZZ(x) // monstermaxindices[i] for x in monster_prim_data[i][2]] else s = monstermaxtables[i] if known_class_fusion(s, t)[1] # We can compute the permutation character. bd = upper_bound(t, s, p) sumx = sumx + [bd * ZZ( // monstermaxindices[i] for x in trivial_character(s)^t] else # We get only candidates for the permutation character. cand = Set([[ZZ( for x in induce(trivial_character(s), t, map)] for map in possible_class_fusions(s, t)]) # For each column, take the maximum of the possible values. mat = matrix(ZZ, collect(cand)) mx = [maximum(mat[1:nrows(mat), i]) for i in 1:ncols(mat)] bd = upper_bound(t, s, p) sumx = sumx + [bd * x // monstermaxindices[i] for x in mx] end end end badpos = filter(i -> sumx[i] >= 1, 2:length(sumx)); if length(badpos) > 0 error("p = $p: check open cases in $badpos"); end end; pos19 = filter(i -> orders[i] == 19, 1:length(orders)) pos71 = filter(i -> orders[i] == 71, 1:length(ords)) class_multiplication_coefficient(t, pos19[1], pos19[1], pos71[1]) != 0 any(x -> mod(order(t) // x, 19 * 71) == 0, monstermaxindices) any(x -> mod(order(character_table(x)), 71) == 0, ["L2(13)", "U3(4)", "U3(8)", "Sz(8)"])