#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Central African Republic # # * Homepage of project: https://oscovida.github.io # * [Execute this Jupyter Notebook using myBinder](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/oscovida/binder/master?filepath=ipynb/Central%20African%20Republic.ipynb) # * notebook creation time: 24/06/2020 10:49:05 # In[ ]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('config', "InlineBackend.figure_formats = ['svg']") from oscovida import * # In[ ]: overview("Central African Republic"); # In[ ]: # load the data cases, deaths, region_label = get_country_data("Central African Republic") # compose into one table table = compose_dataframe_summary(cases, deaths) # show tables with up to 500 rows pd.set_option("max_rows", 500) # display the table table # # Explore the data in your web browser # # - If you want to execute this notebook, [click here to use myBinder](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/oscovida/binder/master?filepath=ipynb/Central%20African%20Republic.ipynb) # - and wait (~1 to 2 minutes) # - Then press SHIFT+RETURN to advance code cell to code cell # - See http://jupyter.org for more details on how to use Jupyter Notebook # In[ ]: # # Acknowledgements: # # - Johns Hopkins University provides data for countries # - Robert Koch Institute provides data for within Germany # - Open source and scientific computing community for the data tools # - Github for hosting repository and html files # - Project Jupyter for the Notebook and binder service # - The H2020 project Photon and Neutron Open Science Cloud ([PaNOSC](https://www.panosc.eu/)) # # -------------------- # In[ ]: print(f"Download of data from Johns Hopkins university: cases at {fetch_cases_last_execution()} and " f"deaths at {fetch_deaths_last_execution()}.") # In[ ]: # to force a fresh download of data, run "clear_cache()"