import json import cPickle as pickle import numpy as np from IPython.display import Image from fatiando.mesher import PolygonalPrism from fatiando.gravmag import polyprism from fatiando import gridder, utils from fatiando.vis import myv, mpl import fatiando print("Using Fatiando a Terra version {0}".format((fatiando.version))) area = [5000, 25000, 5000, 25000] bounds = [0, 30000, 0, 30000, 0, 5000] mpl.figure() mpl.axis('scaled') mpl.square(area) dike_verts = mpl.draw_polygon(bounds[:4], mpl.gca(), xy2ne=True) dike_verts dike = PolygonalPrism(dike_verts, 0, 5000, {'magnetization': 10}) myv.figure(size=(600, 400)) myv.polyprisms([dike], linewidth=2) myv.axes(myv.outline(bounds), ranges=[b*0.001 for b in bounds], nlabels=3, fmt='%.1f') myv.wall_north(bounds) myv.wall_bottom(bounds) myv.savefig('tmp/model_dike.png') Image(filename='tmp/model_dike.png') mpl.figure() mpl.axis('scaled') mpl.square(area) mpl.polygon(dike, xy2ne=True) sill_verts = mpl.draw_polygon(bounds[:4], mpl.gca(), xy2ne=True) sill_verts sill = PolygonalPrism(sill_verts, 1000, 1500, {'magnetization': 10}) myv.figure(size=(600, 400)) myv.polyprisms([dike, sill], linewidth=2) myv.axes(myv.outline(bounds), ranges=[b*0.001 for b in bounds], nlabels=3, fmt='%.1f') myv.wall_north(bounds) myv.wall_bottom(bounds) myv.savefig('tmp/model_sill.png') Image(filename='tmp/model_sill.png') mpl.figure() mpl.axis('scaled') mpl.square(area) mpl.polygon(dike, xy2ne=True) mpl.polygon(sill, xy2ne=True) batholith_verts = mpl.draw_polygon(bounds[:4], mpl.gca(), xy2ne=True) batholith_verts batholith = PolygonalPrism(batholith_verts, 500, 4000, {'magnetization': 2}) myv.figure(size=(600, 400)) myv.polyprisms([dike, sill, batholith], linewidth=2) myv.axes(myv.outline(bounds), ranges=[b*0.001 for b in bounds], nlabels=3, fmt='%.1f') myv.wall_north(bounds) myv.wall_bottom(bounds) myv.savefig('tmp/model_batholith.png') Image(filename='tmp/model_batholith.png') model = [dike, sill, batholith] shape = (100, 100) x, y, z = gridder.regular(area, shape, z=-300) inc, dec = -15, 30 tf = utils.contaminate(, y, z, model, inc, dec), 5) mpl.figure() mpl.axis('scaled') for b in model: mpl.polygon(b, xy2ne=True) mpl.contourf(y, x, tf, shape, 60, cb = mpl.colorbar().set_label('nT') mpl.m2km() mpl.xlabel('East (km)') mpl.ylabel('North (km)') mpl.savefig('tmp/synthetic_data.png') Image(filename='tmp/synthetic_data.png') np.savetxt('data/synthetic_data.txt', np.transpose([x, y, z, tf])) This is what it looks like. # Can run bash commands inside the IPython notebook !head data/synthetic_data.txt with open('data/metadata.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(dict(area=area, bounds=bounds, inc=inc, dec=dec, shape=shape), f) !cat data/metadata.json with open('data/model.pickle', 'w') as f: pickle.dump(model, f) with open('data/dike.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(dike_verts.tolist(), f) with open('data/sill.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(sill_verts.tolist(), f) with open('data/batholith.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(batholith_verts.tolist(), f)