#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Implementation of Gamma Surface calculation # The Gamma Surface calculation requires multiple calculations, therefore we use the ParallelMaster Class and implement a ParallelMaster for Gamma Surface calculations. # In[1]: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as plt # In[2]: from pyiron import Project # # Class templates # We import two additional classes the AtomisticParallelMaster and the JobGenerator # In[3]: from pyiron.atomistics.master.parallel import AtomisticParallelMaster from pyiron.base.master.parallel import JobGenerator # ## JobGenerator # The JobGenerator has three primary functions: # * `parameter_list()` which generates a list of parameters, each parameter can then be executed in parallel. # * `job_name()` a function to rename the temlate job using one parameter out of the parameter list. # * `modify_job()` the function which modifies the job based on one parameter out of the parameter list. # Finally there is one additional function to construct the structures the `get_structure()` function. # In[4]: class GammaJobGenerator(JobGenerator): @property def parameter_list(self): """ Returns: (list) """ parameter_lst = [] structure = self._job.ref_job.structure x_max = structure.cell[0, 0] y_max = structure.cell[1, 1] x_vec = np.linspace(0, x_max, self._job.input["n_mesh_x"]) y_vec = np.linspace(0, y_max, self._job.input["n_mesh_y"]) for x in x_vec: for y in y_vec: parameter_lst.append([structure.copy(), x,y]) return parameter_lst @staticmethod def job_name(parameter): return 'x_{:.4}_y_{:.4}'.format(parameter[1], parameter[2]).replace('.', '_') def modify_job(self, job, parameter): job.structure = self.get_structure(structure=parameter[0], x=parameter[1], y=parameter[2]) return job @staticmethod def get_structure(structure, x, y): z = structure.positions[:, 2] z_0 = np.mean(z) structure.positions[z < z_0, 0] += x structure.positions[z < z_0, 1] += y structure.add_tag(selective_dynamics=[False, False, True]) structure.pbc[2] = True return structure # ## ParallelMaster # The ParallelMaster includes the JobGenerator as an object and in addition adds auxiliary functions to simplify the interaction of the user with the class. In this case these are the `collect_output()` function which summarizes the results of the individual collection as well as two plot functions the regular `plot()` function and the `plot2d()` function to visualise the results. In general the ParallelMaster primarly implements the functionality to aggregate the data once the calculation is finished. # In[5]: class GammaSurface(AtomisticParallelMaster): def __init__(self, project, job_name): super(GammaSurface, self).__init__(project, job_name) self.__name__ = "GammaSurface" self.__version__ = "0.0.1" self.input["n_mesh_x"] = 10 self.input["n_mesh_y"] = 10 self._job_generator = GammaJobGenerator(self) self._output = {} def collect_output(self): if self.server.run_mode.interactive: ham = self.project_hdf5.inspect(self.child_ids[0]) self._job_generator.parameter_list erg_lst = ham["output/generic/energy_tot"] _, x_lst, y_lst = zip(*self._job_generator.parameter_list) else: erg_lst, x_lst, y_lst = [], [], [] for job_id in self.child_ids: ham = self.project_hdf5.inspect(job_id) erg_lst.append(ham["output/generic/energy_tot"][-1]) job_name = ham.job_name x_lst.append(float(job_name.split("_y_")[0].split("x_")[1].replace('_', '.'))) y_lst.append(float(job_name.split("_y_")[1].replace('_', '.'))) self._output["energy"] = erg_lst self._output["x"] = x_lst self._output["y"] = y_lst with self.project_hdf5.open("output") as hdf5_out: for key, val in self._output.items(): hdf5_out[key] = val def plot(self): if len(self._output) > 0: plt.plot(self._output["y"], self._output["energy"], 'x-'); def plot2d(self): plt.imshow(np.reshape(self._output["energy"], (self.input["n_mesh"][0],-1))) # # Example Project # To demonstrate the useage of the newly implemented class we create a small example project. # In[6]: pr = Project("Gamma_parallel") # In[7]: pr.remove_jobs_silently(recursive=True) # ## Execution # We use interactive LAMMPS jobs and calculate the gamma surface for two fcc crystal orientations namely 111 and 100. # In[8]: surface_list = ['fcc111', 'fcc100'] fig, ax_list = plt.subplots(ncols=2, nrows=1, sharex=True) potential = 'Al_Mg_Mendelev_eam' for i, surf in enumerate(surface_list): with pr.open(surf) as pr_test: ax= ax_list[i] Al = pr_test.create_surface('Al', surf, (1,2,12), vacuum=10, orthogonal=True) ref_job = pr_test.create_job(pr_test.job_type.Lammps, 'ref_job') ref_job.structure = Al ref_job.potential = potential ref_job.calc_minimize() ref_job.interactive_enforce_structure_reset = True ref_job.server.run_mode.interactive = True gs = ref_job.create_job(GammaSurface, "gamma_" + surf) gs.input["n_mesh_x"] = 5 gs.input["n_mesh_y"] = 19 gs.run() ax.contourf(np.reshape(gs._output["energy"], (gs.input["n_mesh_x"],-1))) # In[ ]: