#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Analyzing a lammps trajectory # # In this example, a lammps trajectory in dump-text format will be read in, and Steinhardt's parameters will be calculated. # In[1]: import pyscal as pc import os import pyscal.traj_process as ptp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np # First, we will use the `split_trajectory` method from `pyscal.traj_process` module to help split the trajectory into individual snapshots. # In[2]: trajfile = "traj.light" files = ptp.split_trajectory(trajfile) # `files` contain the individual time slices from the trajectory. # In[3]: len(files) # In[4]: files[0] # Now we can make a small function which reads a single configuration and calculates $q_6$ values. # In[5]: def calculate_q6(file, format="lammps-dump"): sys = pc.System() sys.read_inputfile(file, format=format) sys.find_neighbors(method="cutoff", cutoff=0) sys.calculate_q(6) q6 = sys.get_qvals(6) return q6 # There are a couple of things of interest in the above function. The `find_neighbors` method finds the neighbors of the individual atoms. Here, an adaptive method is used, but, one can also use a fixed cutoff or Voronoi tessellation. Also only the unaveraged $q_6$ values are calculated above. The averaged ones can be calculate using the `averaged=True` keyword in both `calculate_q` and `get_qvals` method. Now we can simply call the function for each file.. # In[6]: q6s = [calculate_q6(file) for file in files] # We can now visualise the calculated values # In[7]: plt.plot(np.hstack(q6s)) # ### Adding a clustering condition # We will now modify the above function to also find clusters which satisfy particular $q_6$ value. But first, for a single file. # In[8]: sys = pc.System() sys.read_inputfile(files[0]) sys.find_neighbors(method="cutoff", cutoff=0) sys.calculate_q(6) # Now a clustering algorithm can be applied on top using the `cluster_atoms` method. `cluster_atoms` uses a `condition as argument` which should give a True/False value for each atom. Lets define a condition. # In[9]: def condition(atom): return atom.get_q(6) > 0.5 # The above function returns `True` for any atom which has a $q_6$ value greater than 0.5 and `False` otherwise. Now we can call the `cluster_atoms` method. # In[10]: sys.cluster_atoms(condition) # The method returns 16, which here is the size of the largest cluster of atoms which have $q_6$ value of 0.5 or higher. If information about all clusters are required, that can also be accessed. # In[11]: atoms = sys.atoms # `atom.cluster` gives the number of the cluster that each atom belongs to. If the value is -1, the atom does not belong to any cluster, that is, the clustering condition was not met. # In[12]: clusters = [atom.cluster for atom in atoms if atom.cluster != -1] # Now we can see how many unique clusters are there, and what their sizes are. # In[13]: unique_clusters, counts = np.unique(clusters, return_counts=True) # `counts` contain all the necessary information. `len(counts)` will give the number of unique clusters. # In[14]: plt.bar(range(len(counts)), counts) plt.ylabel("Number of atoms in cluster") plt.xlabel("Cluster ID") # Now we can finally put all of these together into a single function and run it over our individual time slices. # In[15]: def calculate_q6_cluster(file, cutoff_q6 = 0.5, format="lammps-dump"): sys = pc.System() sys.read_inputfile(file, format=format) sys.find_neighbors(method="cutoff", cutoff=0) sys.calculate_q(6) def _condition(atom): return atom.get_q(6) > cutoff_q6 sys.cluster_atoms(condition) atoms = sys.atoms clusters = [atom.cluster for atom in atoms if atom.cluster != -1] unique_clusters, counts = np.unique(clusters, return_counts=True) return counts # In[16]: q6clusters = [calculate_q6_cluster(file) for file in files] # We can plot the number of clusters for each slice # In[17]: plt.plot(range(len(q6clusters)), [len(x) for x in q6clusters], 'o-') plt.xlabel("Time slice") plt.ylabel("number of unique clusters") # We can also plot the biggest cluster size # In[18]: plt.plot(range(len(q6clusters)), [max(x) for x in q6clusters], 'o-') plt.xlabel("Time slice") plt.ylabel("Largest cluster size") # The final thing to do is to remove the split files after use. # In[19]: for file in files: os.remove(file) # ### Using [ASE](https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/ase/) # The above example can also done using ASE. The ASE read method needs to be imported. # In[20]: from ase.io import read # In[21]: traj = read("traj.light", format="lammps-dump-text", index=":") # In the above function, `index=":"` tells ase to read the complete trajectory. The individual slices can now be accessed by indexing. # In[22]: traj[0] # We can use the same functions as above, but by specifying a different file format. # In[23]: q6clusters_ase = [calculate_q6_cluster(x, format="ase") for x in traj] # We will plot and compare with the results from before, # In[24]: plt.plot(range(len(q6clusters_ase)), [max(x) for x in q6clusters_ase], 'o-') plt.xlabel("Time slice") plt.ylabel("Largest cluster size") # As expected, the results are identical for both calculations!