#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # How to create Popups # # ## Simple popups # # You can define your popup at the feature creation, but you can also overwrite them afterwards: # In[1]: import folium m = folium.Map([45, 0], zoom_start=4) folium.Marker([45, -30], popup="inline implicit popup").add_to(m) folium.CircleMarker( location=[45, -10], radius=25, fill=True, popup=folium.Popup("inline explicit Popup"), ).add_to(m) ls = folium.PolyLine( locations=[[43, 7], [43, 13], [47, 13], [47, 7], [43, 7]], color="red" ) ls.add_child(folium.Popup("outline Popup on Polyline")) ls.add_to(m) gj = folium.GeoJson( data={"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[27, 43], [33, 43], [33, 47], [27, 47]]]} ) gj.add_child(folium.Popup("outline Popup on GeoJSON")) gj.add_to(m) m # In[2]: m = folium.Map([45, 0], zoom_start=2) folium.Marker( location=[45, -10], popup=folium.Popup("Let's try quotes", parse_html=True, max_width=100), ).add_to(m) folium.Marker( location=[45, -30], popup=folium.Popup(u"Ça c'est chouette", parse_html=True, max_width="100%"), ).add_to(m) m # ## Vega Popup # # You may know that it's possible to create awesome Vega charts with (or without) `vincent`. If you're willing to put one inside a popup, it's possible thanks to `folium.Vega`. # In[3]: import json import numpy as np import vincent scatter_points = { "x": np.random.uniform(size=(100,)), "y": np.random.uniform(size=(100,)), } # Let's create the vincent chart. scatter_chart = vincent.Scatter(scatter_points, iter_idx="x", width=600, height=300) # Let's convert it to JSON. scatter_json = scatter_chart.to_json() # Let's convert it to dict. scatter_dict = json.loads(scatter_json) # In[4]: m = folium.Map([43, -100], zoom_start=4) popup = folium.Popup() folium.Vega(scatter_chart, height=350, width=650).add_to(popup) folium.Marker([30, -120], popup=popup).add_to(m) # Let's create a Vega popup based on scatter_json. popup = folium.Popup(max_width=0) folium.Vega(scatter_json, height=350, width=650).add_to(popup) folium.Marker([30, -100], popup=popup).add_to(m) # Let's create a Vega popup based on scatter_dict. popup = folium.Popup(max_width=650) folium.Vega(scatter_dict, height=350, width=650).add_to(popup) folium.Marker([30, -80], popup=popup).add_to(m) m # ## Fancy HTML popup # In[5]: import branca m = folium.Map([43, -100], zoom_start=4) html = """
from numpy import *
from numpy import *