#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # This notebook is part of the `kikuchipy` documentation https://kikuchipy.org. # Links to the documentation won't work from the notebook. # # Feature maps # # This section details methods for extracting information from pattern # intensities, called feature maps (for lack of a better description). # # Let's import the necessary libraries and a Nickel EBSD test data set: # In[ ]: # exchange inline for qt5 for interactive plotting from the pyqt package get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') import hyperspy.api as hs import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 15 import numpy as np import kikuchipy as kp # Use kp.load("data.h5") to load your own data s = kp.data.nickel_ebsd_large(allow_download=True) # External download s # ## Image quality # # The image quality metric $Q$ presented by Krieger Lassen # Lassen (1994) # can be calculated for an [EBSD](reference.rst#kikuchipy.signals.EBSD) signal # with # [get_image_quality()](reference.rst#kikuchipy.signals.EBSD.get_image_quality), # or, for a single pattern (`numpy.ndarray`), with # [get_image_quality()](reference.rst#kikuchipy.pattern.get_image_quality). # Following the notation in # Marquardt et al. (2017), it # is given by # # $$ # \begin{align} # Q &= 1 - \frac{J}{J_{\mathrm{res}}w_{\mathrm{tot}}},\\ # J &= \sum_{h = -N/2}^{N/2} \sum_{k = -N/2}^{N/2} w(h, k) # \left|\mathbf{q}\right|^2,\\ # J_{\mathrm{res}} &= \frac{1}{N^2} \sum_{h = -N/2}^{N/2} # \sum_{k = -N/2}^{N/2} \left|\mathbf{q}\right|^2,\\ # w_{\mathrm{tot}} &= \sum_{h = -N/2}^{N/2} \sum_{k = -N/2}^{N/2} w(h, k). # \end{align} # $$ # # The function $w(h, k)$ is the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) power spectrum of the # EBSD pattern, and the vectors $\mathbf{q}$ are the frequency vectors with # components $(h, k)$. The sharper the Kikuchi bands, the greater the high # frequency content of the power spectrum, and thus the closer $Q$ will be to # unity. # # Since we want to use the image quality metric to determine how pronounced the # Kikuchi bands in our patterns are, we first remove the static and dynamic # background: # In[ ]: s.remove_static_background() s.remove_dynamic_background() # To visualize parts of the computation, we compute the power spectrum of a # pattern in the Nickel EBSD data set and the frequency vectors, shift the # zero-frequency components to the centre, and plot them: # In[ ]: p = s.inav[20, 11].data p_fft = kp.pattern.fft(p, shift=True) q = kp.pattern.fft_frequency_vectors(shape=p.shape) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(22, 6), ncols=3) title_kwargs = dict(fontsize=22, pad=15) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05) im0 = ax[0].imshow(p, cmap="gray") ax[0].set_title("Pattern", **title_kwargs) fig.colorbar(im0, ax=ax[0]) im1 = ax[1].imshow(np.log(kp.pattern.fft_spectrum(p_fft)), cmap="gray") ax[1].set_title("Log of shifted power spectrum of FFT", **title_kwargs) fig.colorbar(im1, ax=ax[1]) im2 = ax[2].imshow(np.fft.fftshift(q), cmap="gray") ax[2].set_title(r"Shifted frequency vectors $q$", **title_kwargs) _ = fig.colorbar(im2, ax=ax[2]) # If we don't want the EBSD patterns to be # [zero-mean normalized](pattern_processing.ipynb#normalize-intensity) before # computing $Q$, we must pass `get_image_quality(normalize=False)`. # # Let's compute the image quality $Q$ and plot it for the entire data set: # In[ ]: iq = s.get_image_quality(normalize=True) # Default # In[ ]: plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.imshow(iq, cmap="gray") plt.colorbar(label=r"Image quality, $Q$", pad=0.01) _ = plt.axis("off") # If we want to use this map to navigate around in when plotting patterns, we can # easily do that as explained in the # [visualizing patterns](visualizing_patterns.rst) guide. # ## Average dot product # # The average dot product, or normalized cross-correlation when centering each # pattern's intensity about zero and normalizing the intensities to a standard # deviation $\sigma$ of 1 (which is the default behaviour), between each pattern # and their four nearest neighbours, can be obtained for an # [EBSD](reference.rst#kikuchipy.signals.EBSD) signal with # [get_average_neighbour_dot_product_map()](reference.rst#kikuchipy.signals.EBSD.get_average_neighbour_dot_product_map) # In[ ]: adp = s.get_average_neighbour_dot_product_map() # In[ ]: plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.imshow(adp, cmap="gray") plt.colorbar(label="Average dot product", pad=0.01) _ = plt.axis("off") # The map displays how similar each pattern is to its neighbours. Grain # boundaries, and some scratches on the sample, can be clearly seen as pixels with # a lower value, signifying that they are more dissimilar to their neighbouring # pixels, as the ones within grains where the neighbour pixel similarity is high. # # The map above was created by averaging the dot product matrix per map point, # created by calculating the dot product between each pattern and their four # nearest neighbours, which can be seen in the black spots (uneven sample surface) # in the left grains # In[ ]: w1 = kp.filters.Window() _ = w1.plot() # We could instead average with e.g. the eight nearest neighbours # In[ ]: w2 = kp.filters.Window(window="rectangular", shape=(3, 3)) _ = w2.plot() # In[ ]: adp2 = s.get_average_neighbour_dot_product_map(window=w2) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.imshow(adp2, cmap="gray") plt.colorbar(label="Average dot product", pad=0.01) _ = plt.axis("off") # Note that the window coefficients must be integers. # # We can also control whether pattern intensities should be centered about zero # and/or whether they should be normalized prior to calculating the dot products # by passing `zero_mean=False` and/or `normalize=False`. These are `True` by # default. The data type of the output map, 32-bit floating point by default, # can be set by passing e.g. `dtype_out=np.float64`. # # We can obtain the dot product matrices per map point, that is the matrices # before they are averaged, with # [get_neighbour_dot_product_matrices()](reference.rst#kikuchipy.signals.EBSD.get_neighbour_dot_product_matrices). # Let's see similar a pattern on a grain boundary in map point (x, y) = (50, 19) # is to all its nearest neighbour in a (5, 5) window centered on that point # In[ ]: w3 = kp.filters.Window("rectangular", shape=(5, 5)) dp_matrices = s.get_neighbour_dot_product_matrices(window=w3) # In[ ]: x, y = (50, 19) s_dp_matrices = hs.signals.Signal2D(dp_matrices) s_dp_matrices.inav[x, y].plot() # We can see that the pattern is more similar to the patterns up to the right, # while it is quite dissimilar to the patterns to the lower left. Let's visualize # this more clearly, as is done e.g. in Fig. 1 by # Brewick et al. (2019) # In[ ]: y_n, x_n = w3.n_neighbours s2 = s.inav[x - x_n:x + x_n + 1, y - y_n:y + y_n + 1].deepcopy() s2.rescale_intensity(percentiles=(0.5, 99.5)) # Stretch the contrast a bit s3 = s2 * s_dp_matrices.inav[x, y].T # Signals must have same navigation shape # In[ ]: _ = hs.plot.plot_images( images=s3, per_row=5, label=None, suptitle=None, axes_decor=None, colorbar=None, vmin=int(s3.data.min()), vmax=int(s3.data.max()), padding=dict(wspace=0, hspace=-0.05), fig=plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) ) # Finally, we can pass this dot product matrix directly to # [get_average_neighbour_dot_product_map()](reference.rst#kikuchipy.signals.EBSD.get_average_neighbour_dot_product_map) # via the `dp_matrices` parameter to obtain the average dot product map from these # matrices # In[ ]: adp3 = s.get_average_neighbour_dot_product_map(dp_matrices=dp_matrices) # Let's plot this and highlight the location of the pattern on the grain boundary # above with a red circle # In[ ]: plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.imshow(adp3, cmap="gray") plt.colorbar(label="Average dot product", pad=0.01) plt.scatter(x=x, y=y, marker="o", c="r", s=50) _ = plt.axis("off")