#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # This notebook is part of the `kikuchipy` documentation https://kikuchipy.org. # Links to the documentation won't work from the notebook. # # Reference frames # # ## Sample-detector geometry # # The figure below shows the [sample reference frame](#detector-sample-geometry) # and the [detector reference frame](#detector-coordinates) used in kikuchipy, all # of which are right handed. In short, the sample reference frame is the one used # by EDAX TSL, RD-TD-ND, while the pattern center is defined as in the Bruker # software. # # In **(a)** (lower left), a schematic of the microscope chamber shows the # definition of the sample reference frame, RD-TD-ND. The # $x_{euler}-y_{euler}-z_{euler}$ crystal reference frame used by Bruker is shown # for reference. An EBSD pattern on the detector screen is viewed from *behind* # the screen *towards* the sample. The inset **(b)** shows the detector and sample # normals viewed from above, and the azimuthal angle $\omega$ which is defined as # the sample tilt angle round the RD axis. **(c)** shows how the EBSD map appears # within the data collection software, with the sample reference frame and the # scanning reference frame, $x_{scan}-y_{scan}-z_{scan}$, attached. Note the # $180^{\circ}$ rotation of the map about ND. **(d)** shows the relationship # between the sample reference frame and the detector reference frame, # $x_{detector}-y_{detector}-z_{detector}$, with the projection center # highlighted. The detector tilt $\theta$ and sample tilt $\sigma$, in this case # $10^{\circ}$ and $70^{\circ}$, respectively, are also shown. # # The above figure shows the EBSD pattern in the # [sample reference frame figure](#detector-sample-geometry) (a) as viewed from # behind the screen towards the sample (left), with the detector reference frame # the same as in (d) with its origin (0, 0) in the upper left pixel. The detector # pixels' gnomonic coordinates can be described with a calibrated projection # center (PC) (right), with the gnomonic reference frame origin (0, 0) in ($PC_x, # PC_y$). The circles indicate the angular distance from the PC in steps of # $10^{\circ}$. # ## The EBSD detector # # All relevant parameters for the sample-detector geometry are stored in an # [kikuchipy.detectors.EBSDDetector](../reference.rst#kikuchipy.detectors.EBSDDetector) # instance. Let's first import necessary libraries and a small Nickel EBSD test # data set # In[ ]: # Exchange inline for notebook or qt5 (from pyqt) for interactive plotting get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import kikuchipy as kp s = kp.data.nickel_ebsd_small() # Use kp.load("data.h5") to load your own data s # Then we can define a detector with the same parameters as the one used to # acquire the small Nickel data set # In[ ]: detector = kp.detectors.EBSDDetector( shape=s.axes_manager.signal_shape[::-1], pc=[0.421, 0.779, 0.505], convention="tsl", px_size=70, # microns binning=8, tilt=0, sample_tilt=70 ) detector # In[ ]: detector.pc_tsl() # The projection/pattern center (PC) is stored internally in the Bruker # convention: # - PCx is measured from the left border of the detector in fractions of detector # width. # - PCy is measured from the top border of the detector in fractions of detector # height. # - PCz is the distance from the detector scintillator to the sample divided by # pattern height. # # Above, the PC was passed in the EDAX TSL convention. Passing the PC in the # Bruker, Oxford, or EMsoft v4 or v5 convention is also supported. Likewise, the # PC can be returned in all conventions via # [EBSDDetector.pc_emsoft()](../reference.rst#kikuchipy.detectors.EBSDDetector.pc_emsoft) # and similar. Conversions between conventions are implemented as described in # Jackson et al. (2019). The # unbinned pixel size $\delta$, binning factor $b$ and number of pixel rows $s_y$ # and columns $s_x$ are needed to convert a PC between the EMsoft and Bruker # conventions: # # - EDAX TSL or Oxford to Bruker # # $$ # [PC_x, PC_y, PC_z] = [x^*, 1 - y^*, z^*]. # $$ # # - EMsoft to Bruker, with $v = -1$ for EMsoft v5 and $+1$ for v4 # # $$ # [PC_x, PC_y, PC_z] = \left[ # \frac{1}{2} + v\frac{x_{pc}}{s_x b}, # \frac{1}{2} - \frac{y_{pc}}{s_y b}, # \frac{L}{s_y \delta b} # \right]. # $$ # # The detector can be plotted to show whether the average PC is placed as # expected using # [EBSDDetector.plot()](../reference.rst#kikuchipy.detectors.EBSDDetector.plot) (see # its docstring for a complete explanation of its parameters) # In[ ]: detector.plot(pattern=s.inav[0, 0].data) # This will produce a figure similar to the left panel in the # [detector coordinates figure](#detector-coordinates) above, without the arrows # and colored labels. # # Multiple PCs with a 1D or 2D navigation shape can be passed to the `pc` # parameter upon initialization, or can be set directly. This gives the detector # a navigation shape (not to be confused with the detector shape) and a navigation # dimension (maximum of two) # In[ ]: detector.pc = np.ones([3, 4, 3]) * [0.421, 0.779, 0.505] detector.navigation_shape # In[ ]: detector.navigation_dimension # In[ ]: detector.pc = detector.pc[0, 0] detector.navigation_shape #
# # Note # # The offset and scale of HyperSpy’s `axes_manager` is fixed for a signal, # meaning that we cannot let the PC vary with scan position if we want to # calibrate the EBSD detector via the `axes_manager`. The need for a varying # PC was the main motivation behind the `EBSDDetector` class. # #
# The right panel in the [detector coordinates figure](#detector-coordinates) # above shows the detector plotted in the gnomonic projection using # [EBSDDetector.plot()](../reference.rst#kikuchipy.detectors.EBSDDetector.plot). We # assign 2D gnomonic coordinates ($x_g, y_g$) in a gnomonic projection plane # parallel to the detector screen to a 3D point ($x_d, y_d, z_d$) in the detector # frame as # # $$ # x_g = \frac{x_d}{z_d}, \qquad y_g = \frac{y_d}{z_d}. # $$ # # The detector bounds and pixel scale in this projection, per navigation point, # are stored with the detector # In[ ]: detector.bounds # In[ ]: detector.gnomonic_bounds # In[ ]: detector.x_range # In[ ]: detector.r_max # Largest radial distance to PC # ## Projection center calibration # The gnomonic projection (pattern) center (PC) of an EBSD detector can be # estimated by the "moving-screen" technique # Hjelen et al.. The technique relies # on the assumption that the beam normal, shown in the # [top figure (d)](#detector-sample-geometry) above, is normal to the detector # screen as well as the incoming electron beam, and will therefore intersect the # screen at a position independent of the detector distance (DD). To find this # position, we need two EBSD patterns acquired with a stationary beam but with a # known difference $\Delta z$ in DD, say 5 mm. # # First, the goal is to find the pattern position which does not shift between the # two camera positions, ($PC_x$, $PC_y$). This point can be estimated in fractions # of screen width and height, respectively, by selecting the same pattern features # in both patterns. The two points of each pattern feature can then be used to # form a straight line, and two or more such lines should intersect at ($PC_x$, # $PC_y$). # # Second, the DD ($PC_z$) can be estimated from the same points. After finding # the distances $L_{in}$ and $L_{out}$ between two points (features) in both # patterns (in = operating position, out = 5 mm from operating position), the DD # can be found from the relation # # $$ # \mathrm{DD} = \frac{\Delta z}{L_{out}/L_{in} - 1}, # $$ # # where DD is given in the same unit as the known camera distance difference. If # also the detector pixel size $\delta$ is known (e.g. 46 mm / 508 px), $PC_z$ can # be given in the fraction of the detector screen height # # $$ # PC_z = \frac{\mathrm{DD}}{N_r \delta b}, # $$ # # where $N_r$ is the number of detector rows and $b$ is the binning factor. # # Let's find an estimate of the PC from two single crystal Silicon EBSD patterns, # which are included in the [kikuchipy.data](../reference.rst#data) module # In[ ]: s_in = kp.data.silicon_ebsd_moving_screen_in(allow_download=True) s_in.remove_static_background() s_in.remove_dynamic_background() s_out5mm = kp.data.silicon_ebsd_moving_screen_out5mm(allow_download=True) s_out5mm.remove_static_background() s_out5mm.remove_dynamic_background() # As a first approximation, we can find the detector pixel positions of the same # features in both patterns by plotting them and noting the upper right # coordianates provided by Matplotlib when plotting with an interactive backend # (e.g. qt5 or notebook) and hovering over image pixels # In[ ]: fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(20, 10)) ax[0].imshow(s_in.data, cmap="gray") _ = ax[1].imshow(s_out5mm.data, cmap="gray") # For this example we choose the positions of three zone axes. The PC calibration # is performed by creating an instance of the # [PCCalibrationMovingScreen](../reference.rst#kikuchipy.detectors.PCCalibrationMovingScreen) # class # In[ ]: cal = kp.detectors.PCCalibrationMovingScreen( pattern_in=s_in.data, pattern_out=s_out5mm.data, points_in=[(109, 131), (390, 139), (246, 232)], points_out=[(77, 146), (424, 156), (246, 269)], delta_z=5, px_size=None, # Default convention="tsl", # Default ) cal # We see that ($PC_x$, $PC_y$) = (0.5123, 0.8606), while DD = 21.7 mm. To get # $PC_z$ in fractions of detector height, we have to provide the detector pixel # size $\delta$ upon initialization, or set it directly and recalculate the PC # In[ ]: cal.px_size = 46 / 508 # mm/px cal # We can visualize the estimation by using the (opinionated) convenience method # [PCCalibrationMovingScreen.plot()](../reference.rst#kikuchipy.detectors.PCCalibrationMovingScreen.plot) # In[ ]: cal.plot() # As expected, the three lines in the right figure meet at a more or less the same # position. We can replot the three images and zoom in on the PC to see how close # they are to each other. We will use two standard deviations of all $PC_x$ # estimates as the axis limits (scaled with pattern shape) # In[ ]: # PCy defined from top to bottom, otherwise "tsl", defined from bottom to top cal.convention = "bruker" pcx, pcy, _ = cal.pc two_std = 2 * np.std(cal.pcx_all, axis=0) fig, ax = cal.plot(return_fig_ax=True) ax[2].set_xlim([cal.ncols * (pcx - two_std), cal.ncols * (pcx + two_std)]) _ = ax[2].set_ylim([cal.nrows * ( pcy - two_std), cal.nrows * (pcy + two_std)]) # Finally, we can use this PC estimate along with the orientation of the Si # crystal, as determined by Hough indexing with a commercial software, to see how # good the estimate is, by performing a # [geometrical EBSD simulation](geometrical_ebsd_simulations.ipynb) of positions of # Kikuchi band centres and zone axes from the five $\{hkl\}$ families $\{111\}$, # $\{200\}$, $\{220\}$, $\{222\}$, and $\{311\}$ # In[ ]: from diffsims.crystallography import ReciprocalLatticePoint from orix import crystal_map, quaternion # Create simulation generator from a detector and crystal phase and orientation detector = kp.detectors.EBSDDetector( shape=cal.shape, pc=cal.pc, sample_tilt=70, convention=cal.convention ) phase = crystal_map.Phase(space_group=227) r = quaternion.Rotation.from_euler(np.deg2rad([133.3, 88.7, 177.8])) simgen = kp.generators.EBSDSimulationGenerator( detector=detector, phase=phase, rotations=r ) simgen.navigation_shape = s_in.axes_manager.navigation_shape # Specify which plane families for which to simulate bands and zone axes rlp = ReciprocalLatticePoint( phase=phase, hkl=[[1, 1, 1], [2, 0, 0], [2, 2, 0], [2, 2, 2], [3, 1, 1]] ).symmetrise() # Symmetrise to get all symmetrically equivalent planes simgeo = simgen.geometrical_simulation(rlp) #del s_in.metadata.Markers # Uncomment this if we want to re-add markers s_in.add_marker( marker=simgeo.as_markers(), plot_marker=False, permanent=True ) s_in.plot(navigator=None, colorbar=False, axes_off=True, title="") # The PC is not perfect, but the estimate might be good enough for a further PC # and/or orientation refinement.