#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[ ]: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from solcore import material from solcore.constants import electron_mass from solcore.quantum_mechanics import kp_bands # ## Material parameters # In[ ]: GaAs = material("GaAs")(T=300) InGaAs = material("InGaAs") # In[ ]: InGaAs2 = InGaAs(In=0.15, T=300) masses = kp_bands(InGaAs2, GaAs, graph=False, fit_effective_mass=True, effective_mass_direction="L", return_so=True) # As a test, we solve the problem for an intermediate indium composition # In[ ]: comp = np.linspace(0.01, 0.25, 15) me = [] mhh = [] mlh = [] mso = [] for i in comp: InGaAs2 = InGaAs(In=i, T=300) # Set graph = True to see the fitting of the bands c, hh, lh, so, m_eff_c, m_eff_hh, m_eff_lh, m_eff_so = kp_bands(InGaAs2, GaAs, graph=False, fit_effective_mass=True, effective_mass_direction="L", return_so=True) me.append(m_eff_c / electron_mass) mhh.append(m_eff_hh / electron_mass) mlh.append(m_eff_lh / electron_mass) mso.append(m_eff_so / electron_mass) print('Effective masses for In = {:2.3}%:'.format(i * 100)) print('- m_e = {:1.3f} m0'.format(me[-1])) print('- m_hh = {:1.3f} m0'.format(mhh[-1])) print('- m_lh = {:1.3f} m0'.format(mlh[-1])) print('- m_so = {:1.3f} m0'.format(mso[-1])) print() # In[ ]: plt.plot(comp * 100, me, 'b-o', label='e') plt.plot(comp * 100, mhh, 'r-o', label='hh') plt.plot(comp * 100, mlh, 'g-o', label='lh') plt.plot(comp * 100, mso, 'k-o', label='so') plt.xlabel("Indium content (%)") plt.ylabel("Effective mass (m$_0$)") plt.legend() plt.show() # In[ ]: