#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[ ]: from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np # In[ ]: from solcore.absorption_calculator import calculate_ellipsometry from solcore.structure import Structure from solcore.data_analysis_tools.ellipsometry_analysis import EllipsometryData from solcore.graphing.Custom_Colours import colours from solcore.absorption_calculator.cppm import Custom_CPPB as cppb from solcore.absorption_calculator.dielectric_constant_models import Oscillator # In[ ]: E_eV = np.linspace(0.7, 4.2, 1000) # Load in ellipsomery data from file... # In[ ]: Exp_Data = EllipsometryData("../data/ge_ellipsometry_data.dat") Exp_Angles = Exp_Data.angles # Load in some experimental Ge n-k to compare fit with this... # In[ ]: Ge_nk_Exp = np.loadtxt("../data/Ge_nk.csv", delimiter=",", unpack=False) # Smooth the data with spline fitting... # In[ ]: n_spline = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(x=Ge_nk_Exp[::5, 0], y=Ge_nk_Exp[::5, 1], k=3)(E_eV) k_spline = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(x=Ge_nk_Exp[::5, 2], y=Ge_nk_Exp[::5, 3], k=3)(E_eV) # Step 1 :: n and k modelling...
# First model the Ge02 layer with the Sellmeier model # Define Oscillator Structure # In[ ]: GeO2 = Structure([ Oscillator(oscillator_type="Sellmeier", material_parameters=None, A1=0.80686642, L1=0.68972606E-1, A2=0.71815848, L2=0.15396605, A3=0.85416831, L3=0.11841931E2) ]) # In[ ]: GeO2_nk = cppb().nk_calc(oscillator_structure=GeO2, energy_array=E_eV) # Step 2 :: use this modelled n and k to calculate the ellipsometry data...
# Define a structure for the optical stack... # In[ ]: stack = Structure([ [4.4, 1240 / E_eV, GeO2_nk["n"], GeO2_nk["k"]], # Layer 1 :: GeO2 native oxide layer [350000, 1240 / E_eV, n_spline, k_spline] # Layer 2/ Substrate :: Bulk Ge ]) # Calculate Ellipsometry data... # In[ ]: Out = calculate_ellipsometry(stack, 1240 / E_eV, angle=Exp_Angles) # Define functions for the quick conversion of data
# We show this with the angle = 79ยบ, which is the third one (i = 2) # In[ ]: i = 2 # In[ ]: rho = lambda psi, delta: np.tan(psi) * np.exp(1j * delta) eps = lambda r, theta: np.sin(theta) ** 2 * (1 + np.tan(theta) ** 2 * ((1 - r) / (1 + r)) ** 2) # Experimental data... # In[ ]: Exp_rho = rho(np.radians(Exp_Data.data[Exp_Angles[i]][1]), np.radians((Exp_Data.data[Exp_Angles[i]][3]))) Exp_eps = eps(Exp_rho, np.radians(Exp_Angles[i])) # Modelled data... # In[ ]: Mod_rho = rho(np.radians(Out["psi"][:, i]), np.radians(Out["Delta"][:, i])) Mod_eps = eps(Mod_rho, np.radians(Exp_Angles[i])) # Step 3 :: Data Plotting... # In[ ]: fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax1b = ax1.twinx() ax1.set_xlim([400, 1500]) ax1.plot(Exp_Data.data[Exp_Angles[i]][0] * 1000, Exp_eps.real, lw=2, marker="o", ls='none', color=colours("Orange Red"), label="$\epsilon_1 (\lambda)$ :: $ %3.1f^{\circ}$" % Exp_Angles[i]) ax1b.plot(Exp_Data.data[Exp_Angles[i]][0] * 1000, abs(Exp_eps.imag), lw=2, marker="s", ls='none', color=colours("Dodger Blue"), label="$\epsilon_2 (\lambda)$ :: $ %3.1f^{\circ}$" % Exp_Angles[i]) ax1.plot(1240 / E_eV, Mod_eps.real, label="Model $\epsilon_1 (\lambda)$ :: $ %3.1f^{\circ}$" % Exp_Angles[i], color=colours("Maroon")) ax1b.plot(1240 / E_eV, abs(Mod_eps.imag), label="Model $\epsilon_2 (\lambda)$ :: $ %3.1f^{\circ}$" % Exp_Angles[i], color=colours("Navy")) ax1.set_xlabel("Wavelength (nm)") ax1.set_ylabel('$\epsilon_1 (\lambda)$') ax1b.set_ylabel('$\epsilon_2 (\lambda)$') ax1.text(0.05, 0.9, '(b)', transform=ax1.transAxes, fontsize=12) ax1.legend(loc="lower left") ax1b.legend(loc="upper right") plt.show()