#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# In[1]:
from IPython.display import HTML
hide_me = ''
# A Marker identifies a location on a map. By default, a marker uses a standard image.
# Markers can display custom images using the icon parameter.
# Table of Contents
# * [Create a map with a marker](#marker1)
# * [Marker animation](#marker2)
# * [Custom icons](#marker3)
# * [Custom colors](#marker4)
# * [Custom icon from URL](#marker5)
# * [Creating a MarkerCluster](#marker6)
# In[2]:
import os
import random
from IPython.display import HTML, display
import pandas as pd
# Create a Map with a Marker
# In[3]:
API_KEY = os.environ['MAPS_API_KEY']
from pymaps import Map
from pymaps.marker import Marker, MarkerCluster
# In[4]:
fernando_de_noronha = (-3.8576, -32.4297)
m = Map(api_key=API_KEY, zoom=13)
title = 'Fernando de Noronha' # hover the mouse over the marker to show the title
Marker(fernando_de_noronha, title=title).add_to(m)
# * Lets add more markers...
# In[5]:
cities = {"rome": (41.9028, 12.4964),
'paris' : (48.8566, 2.3522),
'madrid' : (40.4168, -3.7038),
'berlin' : (52.5200, 13.4050),
'amsterdan' : (52.3702, 4.8952),
'london' : (51.509865, -0.118092)}
# In[6]:
map = Map([-18.99, -44.04], api_key=API_KEY, zoom=6, show_pegman=False, disable_default_ui=True)
for n, values in enumerate(cities.items(), 1):
city_name, latlgn = values
title = city_name.title()
Marker(latlgn, title=title, label=n).add_to(map)
# ## Marker animation
# In[7]:
for marker in map.children['marker']:
if marker.title == 'London':
marker.label = ''
# ## Built-in custom icons
# In[8]:
from pymaps.icon import *
from pymaps.utils import random_latlng
# There are **8 customs** icons and **19 color sets** that you can use to customize your markers
# ### Custom Icons
# In[9]:
m = Map(api_key=API_KEY)
lat = 0
lng = -80
for n, shape in enumerate(SHAPES):
color = list(COLORS.keys())[n]
icon = Icon(shape, color=color, size=2)
Marker([lat, lng], icon=icon, title=shape).add_to(m)
lng += 20
# ## Built-in custom colors
# In[10]:
m = Map(api_key=API_KEY, style='grayscale')
lat = -30
lng = 0
for n, color in enumerate(COLORS.keys()):
if n > 0 and n % 5 == 0:
lat += 20
lng -= 100
icon = Icon('dot', color=color, size=2)
Marker([lat, lng], icon=icon, title=color).add_to(m)
lng += 20
# ### Customize everything !
# In[11]:
m = Map(api_key=API_KEY, zoom=1, style='silver')
for shape in SHAPES:
size = random.randint(1, 3)
color=random.choice([c for c in COLORS])
icon = Icon(shape, color=color, size=size)
coordinates = random_latlng()
Marker(coordinates, icon=icon, title=shape + ' - ' + color).add_to(m)
# ## Custom icon from URL
# * Markers's icons also can be customized from any image URL
# In[12]:
gb_icon = 'https://www.workaway.info/gfx/flags/flag_great_britain.png'
for marker in map.children['marker']:
if marker.title == 'London':
marker.icon = gb_icon
marker.label = ''
# # MarkerCluster
# In[13]:
cities['buenos_aires'] = (-34.6037, -58.3816)
cities['brasilia'] = (-15.7942, -47.8822)
cities['santiago'] = (-33.4489, -70.6693)
# In[14]:
map = Map(api_key=API_KEY, show_pegman=False, disable_default_ui=True)
cluster = MarkerCluster()
for n, values in enumerate(cities.items(), 1):
city_name, latlgn = values
title = city_name.title()
Marker(latlgn, title=title, label=n).add_to(cluster)