from reaktoro import * import numpy as np from tqdm.notebook import tqdm import os # Import components of bokeh library from import show, output_notebook from bokeh.layouts import column from bokeh.plotting import figure from bokeh.models import Range1d, ColumnDataSource from bokeh.layouts import gridplot second = 1 minute = 60 hour = 60 * minute day = 24 * hour week = 7 * day year = 365 * day # Discretization parameters xl = 0.0 # x-coordinate of the left boundary xr = 100.0 # x-coordinate of the right boundary ncells = 100 # number of cells in the discretization nsteps = 1000 # number of steps in the reactive transport simulation dx = (xr - xl) / ncells # length of the mesh cells (in units of m) dt = 0.1*day # time step # Physical parameters D = 0 # diffusion coefficient (in units of m2/s) v = 3e-5 # fluid pore velocity (in units of m/s) T = 60.0 + 273.15 # temperature (in units of K) P = 200 * 1.01325 * 1e5 # pressure (in units of Pa) phi = 0.1 # the porosity xcells = np.linspace(xl, xr, ncells + 1) # interval [xl, xr] split into ncells dirichlet = False # parameter that determines whether Dirichlet BC must be used CFL = v * dt / dx print("CFL = ", CFL) assert CFL <= 1.0, f"Make sure that CFL = {CFL} is less that 1.0" output_quantities = """ pH speciesMolality(H+) speciesMolality(HS-) speciesMolality(S2--) speciesMolality(CO3--) speciesMolality(HSO4-) speciesMolality(H2S(aq)) speciesMolality(Fe++) speciesMolality(Pyrite) speciesMolality(Hematite) """.split() column_quantities = """ pH Hcation HSanion S2anion CO3anion HSO4anion H2Saq Fe2cation pyrite hematite """.split() columns = ['step', 'x'] + column_quantities import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) folder_results = 'results-rt-scavenging-with-hematite' def make_results_folders(): os.system('mkdir -p ' + folder_results) def define_chemical_system(): # Construct the chemical system with its phases and species db = Database('supcrt07.xml') # Set PHREEQC parameters to the model dhModel = DebyeHuckelParams() dhModel.setPHREEQC() # Define the editor editor = ChemicalEditor(db) # Select species of the of the aqueous phase by providing the list of elements editor.addAqueousPhaseWithElements("C Ca Cl Fe H K Mg Na O S").\ setChemicalModelDebyeHuckel(dhModel) # Select mineral phases editor.addMineralPhase('Pyrite') editor.addMineralPhase('Hematite') editor.addMineralPhase('Quartz') # Define chemical system system = ChemicalSystem(editor) return system def define_initial_condition(system): problem_ic = EquilibriumInverseProblem(system) problem_ic.setTemperature(T) problem_ic.setPressure(P) problem_ic.add("H2O", 58.0, "kg") problem_ic.add("Cl-", 1122.3e-3, "kg") problem_ic.add("Na+", 624.08e-3, "kg") problem_ic.add("SO4--", 157.18e-3, "kg") problem_ic.add("Mg++", 74.820e-3, "kg") problem_ic.add("Ca++", 23.838e-3, "kg") problem_ic.add("K+", 23.142e-3, "kg") problem_ic.add("HCO3-", 8.236e-3, "kg") problem_ic.add("O2(aq)", 58e-12, "kg") problem_ic.add("Pyrite", 0.0, "mol") problem_ic.add("Hematite", 0.5, "mol") # 10 % of all minerals problem_ic.add("Quartz", 0.5 * 9, "mol") # 90 % of all minerals problem_ic.pH(8.951, "HCl", "NaOH") # Calculate the equilibrium states for the initial conditions state_ic = equilibrate(problem_ic) state_ic.scalePhaseVolume('Aqueous', phi, 'm3') # 10% of porosity state_ic.scaleVolume(1.0, 'm3') # Fetch teh value of the ph in the initial chemical state props = evaluate_pH = ChemicalProperty.pH(system) pH = evaluate_pH(props) print("ph(IC) = ", pH.val) return state_ic def define_boundary_condition(system): # Define the boundary condition of the reactive transport modeling problem problem_bc = EquilibriumInverseProblem(system) problem_bc.setTemperature(T) problem_bc.setPressure(P) problem_bc.add("H2O", 58.0, "kg") problem_bc.add("Cl-", 1122.3e-3, "kg") problem_bc.add("Na+", 624.08e-3, "kg") problem_bc.add("SO4--", 157.18e-3, "kg") problem_bc.add("Mg++", 74.820e-3, "kg") problem_bc.add("Ca++", 23.838e-3, "kg") problem_bc.add("K+", 23.142e-3, "kg") problem_bc.add("HCO3-", 8.236e-3, "kg") problem_bc.add("O2(aq)", 58e-12, "kg") problem_bc.add("Pyrite", 0.0, "mol") problem_bc.add("Hematite", 0.0, "mol") problem_bc.add("HS-", 0.0196504, "mol") problem_bc.add("H2S(aq)", 0.167794, "mol") problem_bc.pH(5.726, "HCl", "NaOH") # Calculate the equilibrium states for the boundary conditions state_bc = equilibrate(problem_bc) # Scale the boundary condition state to 1 m3 state_bc.scaleVolume(1.0, 'm3') # Fetch ph of the evaluated chemical state props = evaluate_pH = ChemicalProperty.pH(system) pH = evaluate_pH(props) print("ph(BC) = ", pH.val) return state_bc def partition_indices(system): nelems = system.numElements() ifluid_species = system.indicesFluidSpecies() isolid_species = system.indicesSolidSpecies() return nelems, ifluid_species, isolid_species def partition_elements_in_mesh_cell(ncells, nelems, state_ic, state_bc): # The concentrations of each element in each mesh cell (in the current time step) b = np.zeros((ncells, nelems)) # Initialize the concentrations (mol/m3) of the elements in each mesh cell b[:] = state_ic.elementAmounts() # The concentrations (mol/m3) of each element in the fluid partition, in each mesh cell bfluid = np.zeros((ncells, nelems)) # The concentrations (mol/m3) of each element in the solid partition, in each mesh cell bsolid = np.zeros((ncells, nelems)) # Initialize the concentrations (mol/m3) of each element on the boundary b_bc = state_bc.elementAmounts() return b, bfluid, bsolid, b_bc def transport(states, bfluid, bsolid, b, b_bc, nelems, ifluid_species, isolid_species): # Collect the amounts of elements from fluid and solid partitions for icell in range(ncells): bfluid[icell] = states[icell].elementAmountsInSpecies(ifluid_species) bsolid[icell] = states[icell].elementAmountsInSpecies(isolid_species) # Get the porosity of the boundary cell bc_cell = 0 phi_bc = states[bc_cell].properties().fluidVolume().val / states[bc_cell].properties().volume().val # Transport each element in the fluid phase for j in range(nelems): transport_fullimplicit(bfluid[:, j], dt, dx, v, D, phi_bc * b_bc[j]) # Update the amounts of elements in both fluid and solid partitions b[:] = bsolid + bfluid return bfluid, bsolid, b def transport_fullimplicit(u, dt, dx, v, D, ul): # Number of DOFs n = len(u) alpha = D * dt / dx ** 2 beta = v * dt / dx # Upwind finite volume scheme a = np.full(n, -beta - alpha) b = np.full(n, 1 + beta + 2 * alpha) c = np.full(n, -alpha) # Set the boundary condition on the left cell if dirichlet: # Use Dirichlet BC boundary conditions b[0] = 1.0 c[0] = 0.0 u[0] = ul else: # Flux boundary conditions (implicit scheme for the advection) # Left boundary b[0] = 1 + alpha + beta c[0] = -alpha # stays the same as it is defined -alpha u[0] += beta * ul # = dt/dx * v * g, flux that we prescribe is equal v * ul # Right boundary is free a[-1] = - beta b[-1] = 1 + beta # Solve a tridiagonal matrix equation thomas(a, b, c, u) def thomas(a, b, c, d): n = len(d) c[0] /= b[0] for i in range(1, n - 1): c[i] /= b[i] - a[i] * c[i - 1] d[0] /= b[0] for i in range(1, n): d[i] = (d[i] - a[i] * d[i - 1]) / (b[i] - a[i] * c[i - 1]) x = d for i in reversed(range(0, n - 1)): x[i] -= c[i] * x[i + 1] return x def reactive_chemistry(solver, states, b): # Equilibrating all cells with the updated element amounts for icell in range(ncells): solver.solve(states[icell], T, P, b[icell]) return states def outputstate_df(step, system, states): # Define the instance of ChemicalQuantity class quantity = ChemicalQuantity(system) # Create the list with empty values to populate with chemical properties values = [None] * len(columns) for state, x in zip(states, xcells): # Populate values with number of reactive transport step and spacial coordinates values[0] = step values[1] = x # Update the quantity.update(state) for quantity_name, i in zip(output_quantities, range(2, len(states))): values[i] = quantity.value(quantity_name) df.loc[len(df)] = values make_results_folders() system = define_chemical_system() state_ic = define_initial_condition(system) state_bc = define_boundary_condition(system) nelems, ifluid_species, isolid_species = partition_indices(system) b, bfluid, bsolid, b_bc = partition_elements_in_mesh_cell(ncells, nelems, state_ic, state_bc) states = [state_ic.clone() for _ in range(ncells + 1)] solver = EquilibriumSolver(system) step = 0 # the current step number t = 0.0 # the current time (in seconds) # Output the initial state of the reactive transport calculation outputstate_df(step, system, states) with tqdm(total=nsteps, desc="Reactive transport simulations") as pbar: while step < nsteps: # Perform transport calculations bfluid, bsolid, b = transport(states, bfluid, bsolid, b, b_bc, nelems, ifluid_species, isolid_species) # Perform reactive chemical calculations states = reactive_chemistry(solver, states, b) # Increment time step and number of time steps t += dt step += 1 # Output the current state of the reactive transport calculation outputstate_df(step, system, states) # Update a progress bar pbar.update(1) df df.to_csv(folder_results + '/rt.scavenging-with-hematite.csv', index=False) def titlestr(t): t = t / minute # Convert from seconds to minutes h = int(t) / 60 # The number of hours m = int(t) % 60 # The number of remaining minutes return 'Time: %2dh %2dm' % (h, m) def plot_figures_ph(steps): plots = [] for i in steps: print("On pH figure at time step: {}".format(i)) t = i * dt source = ColumnDataSource(df[df['step'] == i]) p = figure(plot_width=600, plot_height=250) p.line(x='x', y='pH', color='teal', line_width=2, legend_label='pH', source=source) p.x_range = Range1d(xl - 1, xr - 1) p.y_range = Range1d(5.0, 10.0) p.xaxis.axis_label = 'Distance [m]' p.yaxis.axis_label = 'pH' p.legend.location = 'center_right' p.title.text = titlestr(t) plots.append([p]) grid = gridplot(plots) show(grid) def plot_figures_minerals(steps): plots = [] for i in steps: print("On pyrite-hematite-siderite figure at time step: {}".format(i)) t = i * dt source = ColumnDataSource(df[df['step'] == i]) p = figure(plot_width=600, plot_height=250) p.line(x='x', y='pyrite', color='blue', line_width=2, legend_label='Pyrite', muted_color='blue', muted_alpha=0.2, source=source) p.line(x='x', y='hematite', color='orange', line_width=2, legend_label='Hematite', muted_color='orange', muted_alpha=0.2, source=source) p.x_range = Range1d(xl - 1, xr - 1) p.y_range = Range1d(-1e-3, 0.012) p.xaxis.axis_label = 'Distance [m]' p.yaxis.axis_label = 'Concentration [mol/m3]' p.legend.location = 'top_right' p.title.text = titlestr(t) p.legend.click_policy = 'mute' plots.append([p]) grid = gridplot(plots) show(grid) def plot_figures_pyrite(steps): plots = [] for i in steps: print("On pyrite figure at time step: {}".format(i)) t = i * dt source = ColumnDataSource(df[df['step'] == i]) p = figure(plot_width=600, plot_height=250) p.line(x='x', y='pyrite', color='blue', line_width=2, legend_label='Pyrite', muted_color='blue', muted_alpha=0.2, source=source) p.x_range = Range1d(xl - 1, xr + 1) p.xaxis.axis_label = 'Distance [m]' p.yaxis.axis_label = 'Concentration [mol/m3]' p.legend.location = 'top_right' p.title.text = titlestr(t) p.legend.click_policy = 'mute' plots.append([p]) grid = gridplot(plots) show(grid) def plot_figures_hematite(steps): plots = [] for i in steps: print("On hematite figure at time step: {}".format(i)) t = i * dt source = ColumnDataSource(df[df['step'] == i]) p = figure(plot_width=600, plot_height=250) p.line(x='x', y='hematite', color='orange', line_width=2, legend_label='Hematite', muted_color='orange', muted_alpha=0.2, source=source) p.x_range = Range1d(xl - 1, xr + 1) p.xaxis.axis_label = 'Distance [m]' p.yaxis.axis_label = 'Concentration [mol/m3]' p.legend.location = 'top_right' p.title.text = titlestr(t) p.legend.click_policy = 'mute' plots.append([p]) grid = gridplot(plots) show(grid) def plot_figures_aqueous_species(steps): plots = [] for i in steps: print("On aqueous species figure at time step: {}".format(i)) source = ColumnDataSource(df[df['step'] == i]) t = dt * i p = figure(plot_width=600, plot_height=300, y_axis_type = 'log',) p.line(x='x', y='HSanion', color='darkcyan', line_width=2, legend_label='HS-', source=source) p.line(x='x', y='S2anion', color='darkorange', line_width=2, legend_label='S2--', source=source) p.line(x='x', y='CO3anion', color='seagreen', line_width=2, legend_label='CO3--', source=source) p.line(x='x', y='HSO4anion', color='indianred', line_width=2, legend_label='HSO4-', source=source) p.line(x='x', y='H2Saq', color='gray', line_width=2, legend_label='H2S(aq)', source=source) p.line(x='x', y='Hcation', color='darkviolet', line_width=2, legend_label='H+', source=source) p.line(x='x', y='Fe2cation', color='darkblue', line_width=2, legend_label='Fe++', source=source) p.x_range = Range1d(xl - 1, xr - 1) p.y_range = Range1d(1e-16, 1e-2) p.xaxis.axis_label = 'Distance [m]' p.yaxis.axis_label = 'Concentration [molal]' p.legend.location = 'top_right' p.title.text = titlestr(t) p.legend.click_policy = 'mute' plots.append([p]) grid = gridplot(plots) show(grid) selected_steps_to_plot = [120, 480, 960] assert all(step <= nsteps for step in selected_steps_to_plot), f"Make sure that selected steps are less than " \ f"total amount of steps {nsteps}" output_notebook() plot_figures_ph(selected_steps_to_plot) plot_figures_minerals(selected_steps_to_plot) plot_figures_aqueous_species(selected_steps_to_plot) step = 25 def modify_doc(doc): # Initialize the data by the initial chemical state source = ColumnDataSource(df[df['step'] == 0]) # Auxiliary function that returns a string for the title of a figure in the format Time: #h##m def titlestr(t): t = t / minute # Convert from seconds to minutes h = int(t) / 60 # The number of hours m = int(t) % 60 # The number of remaining minutes return 'Time: %2dh %2dm' % (h, m) # Plot for ph p1 = figure(plot_width=500, plot_height=250) p1.line(x='x', y='pH', color='teal', line_width=2, legend_label='pH', source=source) p1.x_range = Range1d(xl - 1, xr - 1) p1.y_range = Range1d(5.0, 10.0) p1.xaxis.axis_label = 'Distance [m]' p1.yaxis.axis_label = 'pH' p1.legend.location = 'center_right' p1.title.text = titlestr(0 * dt) # Plot for calcite and dolomite p2 = figure(plot_width=500, plot_height=250) p2.line(x='x', y='pyrite', color='blue', line_width=2, legend_label='Pyrite', muted_color='blue', muted_alpha=0.2, source=source) p2.line(x='x', y='hematite', color='orange', line_width=2, legend_label='Hematite', muted_color='orange', muted_alpha=0.2, source=source) p2.x_range = Range1d(xl - 1, xr - 1) p2.y_range = Range1d(-1e-3, 0.012) p2.xaxis.axis_label = 'Distance [m]' p2.yaxis.axis_label = 'Concentrations [mol/m3]' p2.legend.location = 'top_right' p2.title.text = titlestr(0 * dt) p2.legend.click_policy = 'mute' p3 = figure(plot_width=500, plot_height=250, y_axis_type='log') p3.line(x='x', y='HSanion', color='darkcyan', line_width=2, legend_label='HS-', source=source) p3.line(x='x', y='S2anion', color='darkorange', line_width=2, legend_label='S2--', source=source) p3.line(x='x', y='CO3anion', color='seagreen', line_width=2, legend_label='CO3--', source=source) p3.line(x='x', y='HSO4anion', color='indianred', line_width=2, legend_label='HSO4-', source=source) p3.line(x='x', y='H2Saq', color='gray', line_width=2, legend_label='H2S(aq)', source=source) p3.line(x='x', y='Hcation', color='darkviolet', line_width=2, legend_label='H+', source=source) p3.line(x='x', y='Fe2cation', color='darkblue', line_width=2, legend_label='Fe++', source=source) p3.x_range = Range1d(xl - 1, xr - 1) p3.y_range = Range1d(1e-16, 1e-2) p3.xaxis.axis_label = 'Distance [m]' p3.yaxis.axis_label = 'Concentration [molal]' p3.legend.location = 'top_right' p3.title.text = titlestr(0 * dt) p3.legend.click_policy = 'mute' layout = column(p1, p2, p3) # Function that return the data dictionary with provided index of the file def update(): if['step'][0] + 1 <= nsteps: step_number =['step'][0] + step else: step_number = 0 new_source = ColumnDataSource(df[df['step'] == step_number]) new_data = dict(index=np.linspace(0, ncells, ncells + 1, dtype=int),['step'],['x'],['pH'],['pyrite'],['hematite'],['HSanion'],['S2anion'],['CO3anion'],['HSO4anion'],['H2Saq'],['Hcation'],['Fe2cation']) p1.title.text = titlestr(step_number * dt) p2.title.text = titlestr(step_number * dt) p3.title.text = titlestr(step_number * dt), rollover=ncells+1) doc.add_periodic_callback(update, 500) doc.add_root(layout) output_notebook() show(modify_doc, notebook_url="http://localhost:8888")